
Participation in the ESTEP Annual Event 2024 in Linz

Participation in the ESTEP Annual Event 2024 in Linz

From Octo­ber 29 to 31, 2024, our col­le­agues Chris­ti­an Wup­per­mann, Nico Schmitz and Tho­mas Ech­ter­hof took part in the ESTEP Annu­al Event 2024 in Linz, Aus­tria. The con­fe­rence was held under the mot­to “H2 for Green Steel meets A Cir­cu­lar Eco­no­my dri­ven by the Euro­pean Steel” and offe­red num­e­rous exci­ting pre­sen­ta­ti­ons. The con­fe­rence, orga­ni­zed by the Euro­pean Steel Tech­no­lo­gy Plat­form (ESTEP),…

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Otto Junker Prize 2024: Award for Moritz Diewald

Otto Junker Prize 2024: Award for Moritz Diewald

Moritz Die­wald was award­ed the pres­ti­gious Otto Jun­ker Pri­ze 2024 for his suc­cessful Master’s the­sis. This award is pre­sen­ted annu­al­ly to out­stan­ding gra­dua­tes of the Facul­ty of Elec­tri­cal Engi­nee­ring and Infor­ma­ti­on Tech­no­lo­gy and the Mate­ri­als Sci­ence and Engi­nee­ring Group in the Facul­ty of Geo­re­sour­ces and Mate­ri­als Engi­nee­ring at RWTH Aachen Uni­ver­si­ty. The Otto Jun­ker Foun­da­ti­on, foun­ded in…

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Successful participation in LaVision’s PIV seminars

Successful participation in LaVision’s PIV seminars

Our col­le­agues Eileen Tram­pe and Kath­ri­na Thei­sen took part in two LaVi­si­on semi­nars in Göt­tin­gen from Novem­ber 18 to 22. The semi­nars offe­red the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deepen their know­ledge of the opti­cal flow mea­su­re­ment tech­ni­que Par­tic­le Image Velo­ci­me­try (PIV). The DaVis PIV semi­nar took place from Novem­ber 18 to 20 and pro­vi­ded a com­pre­hen­si­ve intro­duc­tion to two-dimen­sio­nal and, in some cases,…

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Kick-off meeting for ‘FLOXonia’ in Renningen

Kick-off meeting for ‘FLOXonia’ in Renningen

On 3 Decem­ber 2024, the kick-off mee­ting for the FLOXo­nia pro­ject took place at WS Wär­me­pro­zess­tech­nik GmbH in Renn­in­gen. The event was atten­ded by our col­le­agues Lin­da Gies­ler, Nico Schmitz and Chris­to­pher Wün­ning. Ralph Eden­ho­fer from Pro­ject Manage­ment Jülich (PtJ) was also pre­sent to empha­sise the importance of the pro­ject. The pro­ject, which invol­ves WS Wär­me­pro­zess­tech­nik GmbH and the…

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The IOB at the Galvanizers Association Meeting in Cincinnati

The IOB at the Galvanizers Association Meeting in Cincinnati

From Octo­ber 20 to 23, 2024, our col­le­ague Elsa atten­ded the Gal­va­ni­zers Asso­cia­ti­on Mee­ting in Cin­cin­na­ti, USA. The con­fe­rence offe­red inte­res­t­ing insights into the latest deve­lo­p­ments and chal­lenges in the gal­va­ni­zing indus­try. To make the most of the trip, Elsa had alre­a­dy spent a few days in Chi­ca­go before­hand. This allo­wed her to get to know the city’s impres­si­ve archi­tec­tu­re and cultural…

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The IOB at the Heavy Duty Congress 2024

The IOB at the Heavy Duty Congress 2024

On 24 Sep­tem­ber 2024, our col­le­ague Chris­to­pher Wün­ning took part in the Hea­vy Duty Con­gress 2024 in Duis­burg, which was orga­ni­zed and hos­ted by the Cen­ter for Fuel Cell Tech­no­lo­gy (ZBT). As part of the event, Wün­ning pre­sen­ted the BioH2Ref pro­ject, which deals with the decen­tra­li­zed pro­duc­tion of hydro­gen from resi­du­al mate­ri­als. The key deve­lo­p­ments in the field of mobi­li­ty with hydro­gen were…

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The IOB at the Humber Cluster in England

The IOB at the Humber Cluster in England

From Octo­ber 6 to 9, 2024, our col­le­ague Katha­ri­na Roth­höft took part in the net­work mee­ting of the “Hum­ber Indus­tri­al Clus­ter” in Eng­land. The event, orga­ni­zed by the CDI (Clus­ter Decar­bo­niza­ti­on of Indus­try), ser­ved to fami­lia­ri­ze Ger­man net­work part­ners with Bri­tish approa­ches to decar­bo­niza­ti­on. As part of the EE4Ing2 pro­ject, Katha­ri­na took part in the event in the Hum­ber regi­on. The trip…

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The IOB at the BW Congress in Heidelberg

The IOB at the BW Congress in Heidelberg

On Octo­ber 17, 2024, our col­le­ague Katha­ri­na Roth­höft took part in the Baden-Würt­tem­berg Con­gress on resour­ce effi­ci­en­cy and the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my. As part of the EE4InG2 pro­ject, Katha­ri­na led a forum tog­e­ther with two pro­ject part­ners. The con­gress offe­red com­pa­nies the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent various tech­ni­ques for pro­mo­ting sus­taina­bi­li­ty and to net­work on the deve­lo­p­ment of a circular…

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Project meeting for “DevH2forEAF” in Udine

Project meeting for “DevH2forEAF” in Udine

Our col­le­agues Lil­ly Schul­te and Cars­ten Gon­dorf visi­ted our pro­ject part­ner Pit­ti­ni in the nor­t­hern Ita­li­an city of Udi­ne from Octo­ber 1st to 2nd, 2024 for the next pro­ject mee­ting of the RFCS-fun­ded pro­ject “DevH2forEAF”. The pro­ject is inves­ti­ga­ting the pos­si­ble use of hydro­gen-powered bur­ners in elec­tric arc fur­naces (EAF). This pro­ject mee­ting focu­sed on the upco­ming indus­tri­al tri­als at…

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The IOB at the UIE-2024 conference in Nice

The IOB at the UIE-2024 conference in Nice

From Octo­ber 8 to 11, 2024, our col­le­agues Juli­us Wil­ker and Domi­nik Büsch­ge­ns took part in the UIE-2024 con­fe­rence Nice. The con­fe­rence focu­sed on the elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of indus­tri­al hea­ting and manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses. After arri­ving in Nice, they regis­tered for the con­fe­rence and got to know each other over a wel­co­me drink. On the fol­lo­wing day of the UIE-2024 con­fe­rence, the two organizers…

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The IOB at the EE4InG2 Synchronization Workshop

The IOB at the EE4InG2 Synchronization Workshop

On July 19, 2024, our col­le­agues Katha­ri­na Roth­höft, Domi­nik Büsch­ge­ns and Felix Kai­ser took part in the syn­chro­niza­ti­on work­shop of the EE4InG2 pro­ject at the BMWK in Bonn. The bian­nu­al work­shops pro­vi­de a plat­form for exch­an­ge bet­ween the pro­ject part­ners, the Fede­ral Minis­try for Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Pro­tec­tion (BMWK), the Pro­ject Manage­ment Jülich (PTJ) and the rese­ar­chers to discuss…

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The IOB at the EMMA Network Meeting

The IOB at the EMMA Network Meeting

On July 16 and 17, 2024, our col­le­agues Katha­ri­na Roth­höft and Domi­nik Büsch­ge­ns took part in the inte­rim work­shop of the EMMA net­work in Frank­furt am Main. The event, hos­ted and orga­ni­zed by the Indus­tri­al Asso­cia­ti­on for Mas­si­ve Forming, pro­vi­ded the ide­al plat­form to dis­cuss cur­rent trends and important topics in ther­mo­forming pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy. The EMMA net­work, to which 40 com­pa­nies and…

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