
The depart­ment offers lec­tures and exer­ci­s­es for the Ger­man lan­guage bache­lor and mas­ter cour­ses of the Divi­si­on of Mate­ri­als Sci­ence and Engi­nee­ring. Unless other­wi­se sta­ted, cour­ses are held in Ger­man.



Transport Phenomena I (Transportphänomene I)

Tea­ching the basics of heat trans­fer through heat con­duc­tion, con­vec­tion and radiation.

▶ RWTHon­line


Transport Phenomena II (Transportphänomene II)

Tea­ching the basics of flu­id mecha­nics and heat trans­fer by forced convection.

▶ RWTHon­line


Simulation Technology (Simulationstechnik)

Tea­ching the basics of pro­gramming (C/C++), nume­ri­cal algo­rith­ms and the nume­ri­cal solu­ti­on of initi­al and boun­da­ry value problems.

▶ RWTHon­line


Applied Thermal Engineering (Angewandte Wärmetechnik)

Fun­da­men­tals of ther­mo­dy­na­mics, heat con­duc­tion and heat trans­fer by con­vec­tion or radia­ti­on for envi­ron­men­tal engineers.

▶ RWTHon­line


Process Characterization (Prozesscharakterisierung)

Acti­ve exe­cu­ti­on and eva­lua­ti­on of various methods of pro­cess characterisation.

▶ RWTHon­line


Methods of Project Management (Methoden der Projektbearbeitung)

We regu­lar­ly offer a num­ber of pro­ject the­sis for stu­dents, who stu­dy ‘B.Sc. Mate­ri­als engi­nee­ring’. The cur­rent topics are published as noti­ces at the insti­tu­te, online and in the RWTH­mood­le lear­ning room belon­ging to the course.

▶ RWTHon­line


Basics of Industrial Furnace Technology (Grundlagen der Industrieofentechnik)

Intro­duc­tion to heat tre­at­ment, com­bus­ti­on cal­cu­la­ti­on and mass/energy balan­cing in and of indus­tri­al furnaces.

▶ RWTHon­line


Calculation and Design of Industrial Furnaces (Berechnung und Auslegung von Industrieöfen)

Advan­ced intro­duc­tion to the cal­cu­la­ti­on of flow and heat trans­fer phe­no­me­na in indus­tri­al fur­naces or heat tre­at­ment plants.

▶ RWTHon­line


Electric Arc Furnace Technology (Lichtbogenofentechnik)

Plant spe­ci­fic intro­duc­tion to arc fur­nace tech­no­lo­gy. Aspects: Plant engi­nee­ring, elec­tri­cal and pro­cess engi­nee­ring, metall­ur­gy, envi­ron­ment and economy.

▶ RWTHon­line


Introduction to the Finite Volume Method (Einführung in die Finite-Volumen-Methode)

As part of the cour­se ‘Gene­ral Sys­tems Engi­nee­ring’ we offer an intro­duc­tion to the basics of nume­ri­cal flow simu­la­ti­on with the fini­te volu­me method.

▶ RWTHon­line


General Process Engineering

In the con­text of this Eng­lish-lan­guage cour­se, the pro­cess chains for the pro­duc­tion of steel, alu­mi­ni­um, cast pro­ducts, glass and cera­mics are ana­ly­sed against the back­ground of cur­rent ques­ti­ons on the resour­ce and ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy of metall­ur­gi­cal pro­ces­ses, among other things by means of mass and ener­gy balan­ces and CO2 emis­si­ons. The IOB holds one of the 7 lec­tu­re parts on the topic of “Hea­ting and Heat Treatment”.

▶ RWTHon­line


Advanced Seminar (Hauptseminararbeit)

We regu­lar­ly offer a series of semi­nar papers as part of this cour­se. The cur­rent topics are published as noti­ces at the insti­tu­te, online and in the RWTH­mood­le lear­ning room belon­ging to the course.

▶ RWTHon­line


Seminar on selected Topics of High Temperature Technology

(Seminar über ausgewählte Kapitel der Hochtemperaturtechnik)

Regu­lar event at which lec­tures are given on cur­rent rese­arch projects.

▶ RWTHon­line


Courses (external lecturers)

Simulation of High Temperature Processes (Simulation von Hochtemperaturprozessen)

Pro­fes­sor Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jür­gen Odenthal

Regu­lar cour­se (sum­mer semes­ter). Advan­ced topics rela­ted to the simu­la­ti­on of high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re pro­ces­ses are cover­ed here.

▶ RWTHon­line


Process Water Technology and Operational Management (Prozesswassertechnik und betriebliche Wasserwirtschaft)

Dr.-Ing. Burk­hard Schmidt

Regu­lar event. Basics of water manage­ment in metall­ur­gi­cal indus­tries are pre­sen­ted here.

▶ RWTHon­line


Solid Process Engineering in the Chemical Industry (Feststoffverfahrenstechnik in der chemischen Industrie)

Pro­fes­sor Dr.-Ing. Frank Klei­ne Jäger

Regu­lar event. The basics of syn­the­sis, solids for­ma­ti­on, solid and liquid sepa­ra­ti­on, dry­ing, solids hand­ling, agglo­me­ra­ti­on and mixing of solids and frac­tion­a­ti­on are pre­sen­ted here.

▶ RWTHon­line


Combustion Technology I (Verbrennung I)

Pro­fes­sor Dr.-Ing. Chris­ti­an Küchen

Regu­lar cour­se (sum­mer semes­ter). Fun­da­men­tals of com­bus­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy are pre­sen­ted here.

▶ RWTHon­line


Combustion Technology II (Verbrennung II)

Pro­fes­sor Dr.-Ing. Chris­ti­an Küchen

Regu­lar cour­se (win­ter semes­ter). Fun­da­men­tals of com­bus­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy are pre­sen­ted here.

▶ RWTHon­line


Other Courses

Industrial Furnace Technology — Fundamentals and Application (Industrieofentechnik — Grundlagen und Anwendung)

Semi­nar (Steel Aca­de­my)

The semi­nar has been offe­red regu­lar­ly sin­ce 2002 under the direc­tion of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Her­bert Pfei­fer tog­e­ther with the Steel Aca­de­my of the Steel Insti­tu­te VDEh.


Energy Efficiency in Industrial Furnace Technology (Energieeffizienz in der Industrieofentechnik)

Semi­nar (Steel Aca­de­my)

The semi­nar is offe­red by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Her­bert Pfei­fer tog­e­ther with the Steel Aca­de­my of the Steel Insti­tu­te VDEh.


Transformation of the steel industry — technology and challenges of CO2-neutral steel production

(Transformation der Stahlindustrie — Technologie und Herausforderungen der CO2-neutralen Stahlherstellung)

Semi­nar pre­sen­ta­ti­on (Steel Aca­de­my)

Regu­lar semi­nar presentations.


Electrical Engineering of Arc Furnaces (Elektrotechnik des Lichtbogenofens)

Semi­nar pre­sen­ta­ti­on (Steel Aca­de­my)

Regu­lar semi­nar presentations.


Seminars of the Research Association of Industrial Furnace Manufactures

(Seminare der Forschungsgemeinschaft Industrieofenbau e.V. (FOGI))

Semi­nar pre­sen­ta­ti­on (FOGI)

Regu­lar semi­nar presentations.