Farewell After 26 Years

An era comes to an end: Professor Herbert Pfeifer leaves the department after 26 years

After an impres­si­ve 26-year ten­ure, Her­bert Pfei­fer has reti­red at the end of March 2024 as hol­der of the Chair of High Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Tech­no­lo­gy and Head of the Depart­ment of Indus­tri­al Fur­naces and Heat Engi­nee­ring. Sin­ce taking up his post in April 1998, Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer has signi­fi­cant­ly shaped the insti­tu­te and deve­lo­ped it into a major play­er in high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re tech­no­lo­gy. His reti­re­ment marks the end of an era for the IOB.

Befo­re taking over the chair in 1998, Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer had an aca­de­mic and indus­tri­al care­er. His care­er began with a degree in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring in Sie­gen. After com­ple­ting his stu­dies, he con­tin­ued his aca­de­mic care­er the­re, among other things, working as a seni­or engi­neer, obtai­ning his doc­to­ra­te in 1984 and his habi­li­ta­ti­on in 1991. During his time as a sci­en­tist, he work­ed on topics such as the ener­ge­tic mode­ling of steel cas­ting lad­les, mass and ener­gy balan­ces of com­plex pro­ces­ses and the use of plas­ma tech­no­lo­gy in metall­ur­gy. In the pro­cess, he estab­lished clo­se cont­acts with the steel industry.

In 1989, Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer moved from the uni­ver­si­ty to indus­try and initi­al­ly began his care­er at Krupp Stahl AG, working on topics inclu­ding strip cas­ting. Among other things, he was invol­ved in the deve­lo­p­ment of various mel­ting and cas­ting pro­ces­ses in steel­works in Sie­gen and Kre­feld. He then moved to Thys­sen­Krupp Niros­ta GmbH. The qua­li­ty assu­rance of cold-rol­led stain­less steel flat pro­ducts was one of his are­as of respon­si­bi­li­ty at Thys­sen­Krupp Niros­ta. In 1997, he was award­ed the title of “Asso­cia­te Professor”.

The call for appli­ca­ti­ons to fill the Chair of High Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Tech­no­lo­gy at RWTH Aachen Uni­ver­si­ty then offe­red him the oppor­tu­ni­ty to return to the uni­ver­si­ty. Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer sei­zed this oppor­tu­ni­ty and pre­vai­led over his com­pe­ti­tors in the appoint­ment pro­cess. In April 1998, he was appoin­ted uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sor and head of the Depart­ment of Indus­tri­al Fur­naces and Heat Engineering.

Taking over the depart­ment initi­al­ly pro­ved dif­fi­cult. Staff and equip­ment were prac­ti­cal­ly non-exis­tent, which meant that fun­da­men­tal deve­lo­p­ment work had to be car­ri­ed out first. He deve­lo­ped the insti­tu­te from eight employees, main­ly in the tech­ni­cal and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve are­as, to a team of 45 employees, 33 of whom work in the sci­en­ti­fic field. In addi­ti­on to the tra­di­tio­nal topics of indus­tri­al fur­nace con­s­truc­tion, com­bus­ti­on and heat trans­fer tech­no­lo­gy, Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer also estab­lished elec­tric arc fur­nace tech­no­lo­gy and the flow of metall­ur­gi­cal melts as rese­arch are­as at the IOB. More recent­ly, low-CO2 pro­cess heat and rene­wa­ble ener­gies as well as elec­tric heat have been added as rese­arch topics. This remar­kab­le deve­lo­p­ment of the insti­tu­te is lar­ge­ly due to Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer, who­se visi­on and com­mit­ment not only enab­led the expan­si­on of the team, but also crea­ted an atmo­sphe­re of trust and coope­ra­ti­on. Under his lea­der­ship, the insti­tu­te has beco­me a place whe­re inno­va­ti­ve ide­as are born and a strong team spi­rit is lived.

Throug­hout this time, Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer has always pla­ced par­ti­cu­lar empha­sis on excel­lent tea­ching and has always regard­ed this as a top prio­ri­ty. This has made a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on to repea­ted­ly attrac­ting out­stan­ding stu­dents to the depart­ment and retai­ning them at the depart­ment; many have beco­me rese­arch asso­cia­tes and later com­ple­ted a doc­to­ra­te. Among other things, ele­ven Otto Jun­ker Pri­zes for out­stan­ding aca­de­mic achie­ve­ments were award­ed to stu­dents who com­ple­ted their the­ses at the depart­ment. His tea­ching focu­sed on the fun­da­men­tals of heat trans­fer, flu­id mecha­nics and ther­mo­dy­na­mics. In the “High Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Tech­no­lo­gy” spe­cia­liza­ti­on, he taught the basic prin­ci­ples of indus­tri­al fur­nace tech­no­lo­gy as well as the cal­cu­la­ti­on and design of indus­tri­al fur­naces. The­se topics were sup­ple­men­ted by cour­ses on simu­la­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy, pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy and arc fur­nace tech­no­lo­gy in the various degree cour­ses at the facul­ty and beyond.

In addi­ti­on to rese­arch and tea­ching, Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer was also acti­ve on uni­ver­si­ty com­mit­tees, for exam­p­le as a facul­ties spo­kesper­son and long-stan­ding chair­man of the exami­na­ti­on board for the Master’s degree cour­se in Indus­tri­al Engi­nee­ring. He was also invol­ved in the For­schungs­ge­mein­schaft Indus­trie­ofen­bau e.V. (FOGI) and is still Chair­man and Head of the Sci­en­ti­fic Advi­so­ry Board of the rese­arch insti­tu­te OWI Sci­ence for Fuels gGmbH. The events estab­lished during his time at the depart­ment, such as the Aachen Oven Con­s­truc­tion and Ther­mal Pro­cess Col­lo­qui­um and the Hybrid Hea­ting Net­work, also ser­ved to main­tain cont­acts. In addi­ti­on, Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer found the time to actively par­ti­ci­pa­te in fur­ther trai­ning events for indus­try, such as the semi­nar “Indus­tri­al Fur­nace Tech­no­lo­gy — Fun­da­men­tals and Appli­ca­ti­ons of Natu­ral Gas and Hydro­gen Use” orga­ni­zed by the VDEh Steel Insti­tu­te. He is also (co-)editor of seve­ral stan­dard works, such as the Prac­ti­cal Hand­book of Ther­mal Pro­cess Tech­no­lo­gy and the Hand­book of Indus­tri­al Hea­ting Technology.

All of this has led to the depart­metn now being reco­gni­zed throug­hout Euro­pe as a lea­ding uni­ver­si­ty insti­tu­te in the field of indus­tri­al fur­nace con­s­truc­tion and rela­ted topics with a cur­rent focus on trans­for­ma­ti­on pro­ces­ses on the way to decar­bo­ni­zed pro­cess heat at the end of Pro­fes­sor Pfeifer’s term of ser­vice. Pro­fes­sor Pfei­fer lea­ves his suc­ces­sor a very well-posi­tio­ned insti­tu­te and big shoes to fill.