News from the IOB

„FlexLadleHeat“ Kick-Off Meeting

On 2 July 2024, the kick-off mee­ting for the “Flex­L­ad­le­Heat” BMWK joint pro­ject took place in Kehl. The IOB and GHI from RWTH Aachen Uni­ver­si­ty and Badi­sche Stahl-Engi­nee­ring GmbH met at Badi­sche Stahl­wer­ke. The IOB was repre­sen­ted by Prof. Chris­ti­an Wup­per­mann, Nico Schmitz, Nico­las Din­sing and Han­nah Kaiser.

In coope­ra­ti­on with the RWTH Insti­tu­te for Rock Metall­ur­gy (GHI), Badi­sche Stahl­wer­ke (BSW) and Badi­sche Stahl-Engi­nee­ring GmbH (BSE), an effi­ci­ent oxy­fuel com­bus­ti­on sys­tem for pre­hea­ting trans­port lad­les in the steel indus­try is to be deve­lo­ped as part of the joint pro­ject “Flex­L­ad­le­Heat”. The aim is the fle­xi­ble use of hydro­gen and ammo­nia as fuel in elec­t­ro-steel plants in the lad­le indus­try with the aim to redu­ce CO2 emis­si­ons. The deve­lo­p­ment and demons­tra­ti­on of an inno­va­ti­ve lad­le firing sys­tem with a fle­xi­ble bur­ner that can be ope­ra­ted with oxy­gen as an oxi­dizer and any mix­tu­re of hydro­gen, ammo­nia and natu­ral gas is being pur­sued. In addi­ti­on, an opti­mal refrac­to­ry lining con­cept for the lad­le is being deve­lo­ped. In addi­ti­on to a new bur­ner and con­trol tech­no­lo­gy, digi­tal pro­cess models based on nume­ri­cal flow simu­la­ti­ons will be crea­ted. The­se are inten­ded to fur­ther opti­mi­ze the effi­ci­en­cy of the lad­le firing sys­tem. By sub­sti­tu­ting fos­sil fuels with hydro­gen-based fuels, the pro­ject is making a fun­da­men­tal con­tri­bu­ti­on to the com­ple­te defos­si­liza­ti­on of steel pro­duc­tion along the elec­tric steel rou­te. The aim is to trans­fer the project’s tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ments to other units in the steel mill envi­ron­ment after the end of the project.

The IOB’s task in this pro­ject is to deve­lop digi­tal pro­cess models based on nume­ri­cal flow simu­la­ti­ons (CFD) and to car­ry out expe­ri­men­tal inves­ti­ga­ti­ons of the lad­le fur­nace sys­tem to vali­da­te the pro­cess models that have been deve­lo­ped. Nume­ri­cal simu­la­ti­ons are a estab­lished tool in the design and opti­miza­ti­on of ther­mopro­ces­sing sys­tems and enable para­me­ter stu­dies to be car­ri­ed out in a time- and cost-effi­ci­ent man­ner. As such, they can also be used to opti­mi­ze lad­le fur­nace sys­tems and as a basis for the sub­se­quent crea­ti­on of a redu­ced fur­nace model that con­tri­bu­tes to the effi­ci­ent ope­ra­ti­on of the lad­le fur­nace. The scope of sui­ta­ble simu­la­ti­on models ran­ges from the repre­sen­ta­ti­on of actu­al flu­id flow to models for tur­bu­lence, heat trans­fer by con­vec­tion, ther­mal radia­ti­on and che­mi­cal (com­bus­ti­on) reactions.


Kick-Off meeting at Badische Stahlwerke

The pro­ject part­ners and the pro­ject manage­ment orga­niza­ti­on Jülich (PtJ) met at the kick-off mee­ting and joint­ly laun­ched the joint pro­ject. After being wel­co­med by the CEO of Badi­sche Stahl­wer­ke, Andre­as Vol­kert, and Pro­fes­sor Chris­ti­an Wup­per­mann, the pro­ject, the tasks of the indi­vi­du­al pro­ject part­ners and the pro­gress of the pro­ject to date were pre­sen­ted. This was fol­lo­wed by the cere­mo­ni­al sig­ning of the coope­ra­ti­on agree­ment by Pro­fes­sor Chris­ti­an Wup­per­mann, Andre­as Vol­kert and Sebas­ti­an Baum­gart­ner (CEO of Badi­sche Stahl-Engi­nee­ring GmbH). This was fol­lo­wed by a tour of pro­duc­tion and lad­le manu­fac­tu­ring at BSW’s elec­tric steel­works. In the evening, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts met for din­ner and roun­ded off the day together.


Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the pro­ject partners: