News from the IOB

Update on the BioH2Ref project: How cow manure is turned into green hydrogen

In the “BioH2Ref” pro­ject, fun­ded by the Ger­man Fede­ral Minis­try for Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Action (BMWK), we col­la­bo­ra­te with BtX ener­gy GmbH and the Schleu­pen fami­ly on their Lef­kes­hof farm in Kre­feld to trans­form ani­mal excre­ment, in the form of manu­re and slur­ry, into high-puri­ty hydro­gen, which can be used in hydro­gen buses for public trans­por­ta­ti­on. The fami­ly-run farm not only enga­ges in dairy far­ming with 250 cows but also ope­ra­tes a bio­gas plant built in 2001. After 20 years, the feed-in tariff sup­port under the “Ger­man Rene­wa­ble Ener­gy Sources Act” (Ger­man: Erneu­er­ba­re-Ener­gien-Gesetz (EEG)) expi­red. As an alter­na­ti­ve use for the bio­gas, hydro­gen pro­duc­tion is being explored.

Through steam reforming, a pro­ven pro­cess, we pro­du­ce hydro­gen from bio­gas. The hydro­gen is trans­por­ted from the pilot plant via a pipe­line to the hydro­gen fil­ling sta­ti­on, which is also loca­ted on the Lef­kes­hof, whe­re it is com­pres­sed to up to 350 bar. This allows the pro­du­ced hydro­gen to be fil­led on-site into bund­les, trai­lers, or various types of vehic­les. A few weeks ago, a film crew from visi­ted Lef­kes­hof to shoot a short expl­ana­to­ry video about the flag­ship pro­ject on behalf of the pro­ject spon­sor PtJ for the BMWK. The video, fea­turing our col­le­ague Chris­to­pher Wün­ning, explains the pilot plant’s func­tion­a­li­ty and the project’s eco­no­mic poten­ti­als. The video is now available on the BMWK’s “Ener­gie­for­schung” You­Tube chan­nel: Was­ser­stoff vom Bau­ern­hof: Aus Kuh­mist nach­hal­ti­ge Ener­gie erzeu­gen (Ger­man lan­guage, Eng­lish sub­tit­les available).

Open House Day during the “Week of Hydrogen”

On June 18th, the “BioH2Ref” pro­ject was pre­sen­ted as part of the nati­on­wi­de “Week of Hydro­gen 2024” (Ger­man: Woche des Was­ser­stoffs) event series. Andre­as Rim­kus, the SPD’s Hydro­gen Com­mis­sio­ner, kicked off the open house day with an inspi­ring key­note lec­tu­re. Tog­e­ther with our pro­ject part­ners from BtX ener­gy GmbH and the Schleu­pen fami­ly, the farm and the pilot plant were show­ca­sed. High­lights of the event included the impres­si­ve hydro­gen trac­tor from EOX Trac­tors and a hydro­gen bus. Visi­tors had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sit behind the wheel of the hydro­gen trac­tor and take it for a spin. Ther­eby the com­ple­te jour­ney from cow to tank was demonstrated.

Hydro­gen bus and trac­tor at the hydro­gen fil­ling sta­ti­on at Lefkeshof

We would like to thank all guests and orga­ni­zers for the gre­at event and are proud that we were able to demons­tra­te the enorm­ous poten­ti­al of sus­tainable ener­gy gene­ra­ti­on with this rese­arch project.

Fur­ther news artic­les and infor­ma­ti­on on the BioH2Ref project: