In the “BioH2Ref” project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), we collaborate with BtX energy GmbH and the Schleupen family on their Lefkeshof farm in Krefeld to transform animal excrement, in the form of manure and slurry, into high-purity hydrogen, which can be used in hydrogen buses for public transportation. The family-run farm not only engages in dairy farming with 250 cows but also operates a biogas plant built in 2001. After 20 years, the feed-in tariff support under the “German Renewable Energy Sources Act” (German: Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG)) expired. As an alternative use for the biogas, hydrogen production is being explored.
Through steam reforming, a proven process, we produce hydrogen from biogas. The hydrogen is transported from the pilot plant via a pipeline to the hydrogen filling station, which is also located on the Lefkeshof, where it is compressed to up to 350 bar. This allows the produced hydrogen to be filled on-site into bundles, trailers, or various types of vehicles. A few weeks ago, a film crew from visited Lefkeshof to shoot a short explanatory video about the flagship project on behalf of the project sponsor PtJ for the BMWK. The video, featuring our colleague Christopher Wünning, explains the pilot plant’s functionality and the project’s economic potentials. The video is now available on the BMWK’s “Energieforschung” YouTube channel: Wasserstoff vom Bauernhof: Aus Kuhmist nachhaltige Energie erzeugen (German language, English subtitles available).
Open House Day during the “Week of Hydrogen”
On June 18th, the “BioH2Ref” project was presented as part of the nationwide “Week of Hydrogen 2024” (German: Woche des Wasserstoffs) event series. Andreas Rimkus, the SPD’s Hydrogen Commissioner, kicked off the open house day with an inspiring keynote lecture. Together with our project partners from BtX energy GmbH and the Schleupen family, the farm and the pilot plant were showcased. Highlights of the event included the impressive hydrogen tractor from EOX Tractors and a hydrogen bus. Visitors had the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of the hydrogen tractor and take it for a spin. Thereby the complete journey from cow to tank was demonstrated.
Hydrogen bus and tractor at the hydrogen filling station at Lefkeshof
We would like to thank all guests and organizers for the great event and are proud that we were able to demonstrate the enormous potential of sustainable energy generation with this research project.
Further news articles and information on the BioH2Ref project:
- Practical Conference on Hydrogen from Biomass and Biogas in Krefeld
- “Wasserstoff aus Biogas”, WDR-Lokalzeit aus Düsseldorf von Helge Drafz, erschienen am 23.02.2024; verfügbar bis 23.02.2026.
- Wie Gülle, Sonnenlicht und Algen gegen den Mangel an grünem Wasserstoff helfen, Handelsblatt-Artikel von Nell Rubröder, erschienen am 11.03.2024