News from the IOB

The IOB at the CFD Conference in Trondheim

The 15th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Indus­tri­al Appli­ca­ti­ons of Com­pu­ta­tio­nal Flu­id Dyna­mics (CFD) was held in Trond­heim, Nor­way, from the 10th to the 13th of June, 2024. About 120 par­ti­ci­pan­ts from all over the world met to dis­cuss the latest deve­lo­p­ments and CFD methods. Our col­le­agues Moritz Die­wald, Moritz Eick­hoff, Fran­zis­ka Ott and Kath­ri­na Thei­sen pre­sen­ted their work at the con­fe­rence, which was recei­ved with gre­at enthu­si­asm and led to inte­res­t­ing discussions.

The con­fe­rence offe­red an exten­si­ve pro­gram with over 60 pre­sen­ta­ti­ons on topics such as Prag­ma­tic model­ling, Metall­ur­gi­cal appli­ca­ti­ons, Reac­ti­ve flows, Bubbly flow, Nume­rics and methods, Par­tic­le flows, Flui­di­zed beds, Arti­fi­ci­al Intel­li­gence in CFD and Non-New­to­ni­an flows. This demons­tra­ted the cross-indus­try importance of CFD for pro­cess and pro­duct development.

The fol­lo­wing topics were pre­sen­ted by our col­le­agues at the conference:

  • Com­pa­ri­son of dime­thyl ether and natu­ral gas com­bus­ti­on in a swirl-sta­bi­li­zed indus­tri­al bur­ner using CFD simu­la­ti­ons
    Moritz Die­wald, Nico Schmitz
  • Nume­ri­cal mode­ling of the sub­mer­ged arc fur­nace
    Moritz Eick­hoff
  • CFD Simu­la­ti­on of Natu­ral Gas and Hydro­gen Oxy­fuel Com­bus­ti­on: Com­pa­ri­son of kine­tic mecha­nisms, com­bus­ti­on mecha­nisms and WSGG radia­ti­on models
    Fran­zis­ka Ott, Nico Schmitz
  • CFD Simu­la­ti­on of Melt Flow in a Pilot Con­tai­ner Glass Fur­nace: Inves­ti­ga­ti­on of the Influence of the Ratio of Elec­tri­cal Power to Bur­ner Power on the Melt Flow
    Kath­ri­na Thei­sen, Moritz Eickhoff

Our col­le­agues used the after­noon after the con­fe­rence to go for a short hike in Bymar­ka, which is loca­ted west of Trond­heim, in bright suns­hi­ne. Pas­sing the Thei­sen­dam­men, the walk took them to the Våt­takam­men view­point, from whe­re they had a won­derful view of the city and the fjord of the same name. The hiking boots stay­ed dry, of course.

We would like to thank the orga­ni­zers and spon­sors of the 15th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Indus­tri­al Appli­ca­ti­ons of CFD for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent our cur­rent rese­arch and for pro­vi­ding a plat­form for net­wor­king with peo­p­le who have simi­lar rese­arch inte­rests and challenges.