The 3rd Aachen Hydrogen Colloquium took place on 14 and 15 May — a groundbreaking event organized by the Future Cluster Hydrogen at RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich. Over the course of two days, the colloquium provided an important framework for the exchange of knowledge and ideas between scientists and industrial partners.
The event was received with great enthusiasm and brought together a wide range of stakeholders from different sectors, all with the common goal of advancing the future of hydrogen as a clean energy source. In addition to high-profile speakers from academia and industry, the program offered a wide range of discussions and presentations on current topics and challenges in the field of hydrogen technology.
Prof. Wuppermann from our department was invited to give a presentation highlighting the complex challenges of using hydrogen to decarbonize thermal processes. This discussion emphazised the need for an interdisciplinary approach and close collaboration between research and industry to develop innovative solutions that enable a sustainable energy future.
In addition to the technical discussions, the colloquium also provided an excellent opportunity for networking and identifying potential cooperation opportunities. Representatives from industry had the opportunity to exchange ideas with leading researchers and establish partnerships for future projects.
We would like to thank all participants, speakers and industry partners for their valuable contributions and commitment. Special thanks go to the organizers for the excellent planning and execution of this groundbreaking event.