News from the IOB

General assembly HyInHeat

From the 10th to the 13th of June our col­leges Chris­ti­an Wup­per­mann, Tho­mas Ech­ter­hof, Felix Kai­ser, Johan­nes Losa­cker, Alex Gar­cia, Nico Schmitz, Lukas San­kow­ski and Andrés Ramí­rez Sán­chez meet for the Gene­ral assem­bly of HyIn­Heat In Stock­holm orga­ni­zed by the col­leges from Swe­rim, SSAB and Lin­de. Our visit was struc­tu­red over three days, begin­ning with an enri­ching tour of KTH Roy­al Insti­tu­te of Technology’s in the Depart­ment of Mate­ri­als Sci­ence and Engineering.The second day fea­tured the HyIn­Heat gene­ral assem­bly, pro­vi­ding a plat­form for exchan­ging inno­va­ti­ve ide­as with visits to the Swe­rim labo­ra­to­ries. The final day cul­mi­na­ted with an impres­si­ve demons­tra­ti­on of hydro­gen and oxy­fuel com­bus­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy at Linde. 

After a brief trip from Aachen to Stock­holm, our team visi­ted the KTH Roy­al Insti­tu­te of Technology’s Depart­ment of Mate­ri­als Sci­ence and Engi­nee­ring, whe­re Pro­fes­sor Pär Jöns­son and his col­le­agues pro­vi­ded a tour of their advan­ced faci­li­ties. We dis­cus­sed key topics such as clean steel, pow­der metall­ur­gy, and pro­cess metall­ur­gy. Then, we explo­red oppor­tu­ni­ties for PhD cour­ses and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve visits. This visit has ope­ned the door to pro­mi­sing con­nec­tions and poten­ti­al joint pro­jects, fos­te­ring syn­er­gies that could signi­fi­cant­ly advan­ce par­al­lel fields of research.

On the second day of the visit, our col­le­agues had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to enga­ge with all the indus­tri­al part­ners invol­ved in the HyIn­Heat pro­ject. During this time, in-depth dis­cus­sions were con­duc­ted on the over­all results from the com­ple­ted Work Packa­ges 1, 2, and 8, allo­wing for a com­pre­hen­si­ve review of the project’s pro­gress and achie­ve­ments. Fol­lo­wing the­se dis­cus­sions, we were given an exclu­si­ve tour of the faci­li­ties at Swe­rim in Stock­holm. This tour pro­vi­ded valuable insights into the labo­ra­to­ries focu­sed on hydro­gen sto­rage and trans­port, wel­ding, and ato­miza­ti­on pro­ces­ses within the steel industry.

The day cul­mi­na­ted in a memo­rable joint din­ner aboard a magni­fi­cent boat dating back to 1906. This his­to­ric ves­sel pro­vi­ded a char­ming and uni­que set­ting for all par­ti­ci­pan­ts to net­work, share expe­ri­en­ces, and fos­ter stron­ger pro­fes­sio­nal rela­ti­onships in a rela­xed and ele­gant atmosphere.

The final day began with an insightful visit to Linde’s cut­ting-edge faci­li­ties in Stock­holm. We made a lab tour, fea­turing seve­ral fur­naces and a dyna­mic demons­tra­ti­on of hydro­gen com­bus­ti­on and Low Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Oxy­fuel (LTOF) tech­no­lo­gy. Addi­tio­nal­ly, we explo­red Linde’s exten­si­ve port­fo­lio, inclu­ding their inno­va­ti­ve flow train sys­tems and burners.

After this inten­si­ve and infor­ma­ti­ve tour, we gathe­red for the con­clu­ding ses­si­on of our mee­ting. Here, we finis­hed with the dis­cus­sions on the remai­ning work packa­ges and for­mu­la­ted the final con­clu­si­ons, paving the way for upco­ming tasks and decis­i­ons. This final day encap­su­la­ted the essence of our visit, cha­rac­te­ri­zed by valuable demons­tra­ti­ons and pro­duc­ti­ve dis­cus­sions and dri­ving for­ward inno­va­ti­on in our fields.