The 25th and 26th of April our colleagues Katharina Rothhöft, Moritz Eickhoff, Christian Schwotzer, Andrés Ramírez Sánchez and professor Herbert Pfeifer joined the AMAP colloquium in Aachen which was organized by Advanced Metals and Processes research cluster. This association of companies and institutes represents research focus on aluminium at RWTH Aachen University with partners from the entrie aluminium value chain, including research, industry, suppliers and associations.The main focus is stated on material development, production technology, modelling, simulation and metallurgical processes. At this event, our colleagues Christian and Moritz gave a presentation on the decarbonization of aluminium industry and modelling of aluminium processes, respectively, which lead to a very interesting discussion throughout this event.
Figure 1: Academic and industrial partners belonging to AMAP Forum
During these two days fo the event, research and industry entities from the aluminium sector met in order to discuss current challenges and trends in this industry. Initially, after an introduction from the AMAP chairman, the event started with a very interesting topics of decarbonization, regulation and trends on the aluminium market presented by Aluminium Deutschland, Aluminium Duffel and Boston Consulting Group successively. Then, a subsequent panel discussion about the topics shown in the aforementioned presentation was done.
After a short brake, the aluminium and melt treatment session started. In this part, the partners from Toyota, Foseco, Weiqiao, IME explained different techniques, challenges, results and analysis applied to molten aluminium. In order to finish the first day, it began the sustainability session in which our colleague Christian Schwotzer presented his study about decarbonization of aluminium remelting processes focused on a technoeconomic overview on fuel transition and flexibilization.
During the second day, presentations regarding production technology were shown. First of all, the research institute IBF presented a project on aluminium sheet forming in the automotive industry, followed by a case study on measurements in surface roughness and oil film thickness by AMEPA Gmbh. Then the GI and Nemak explained respectively the implementation of additive manufacturing of inserts and industrial cases on melt cleanliness.
After a short brake the digitalization and modelling part started with presentations from IBF and Magma. Also, our colleague Moritz Eickhoff talked about physical and numerical simulation of aluminium melting using water bubbles. Then, In order to finish this meeting, a quiz regarding aluminium was done.