News from the IOB

Open session at the Agri Idea Sprout 2024

On August 29, 2024, our col­le­ague Chris­to­pher Wün­ning visi­ted the Agri Idea Sprout 2024 in Len­ge­rich near Müns­ter. As part of the BioH2Ref pro­ject, which deals with the pro­duc­tion of hydro­gen from resi­dues, an open ses­si­on was held to intro­du­ce the pro­duc­tion and use of hydro­gen in agriculture. 

The event began with a wel­co­me and pitch round in which each topic was brief­ly intro­du­ced. The open ses­si­ons then took place. Chris­to­pher Wün­ning gave a short pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the BioH2Ref pro­ject. He was sup­port­ed by Dr. Lucas Hüer from ECOS, who is working on simi­lar topics. The poten­ti­al of hydro­gen in agri­cul­tu­re was then dis­cus­sed in more detail, with a par­ti­cu­lar focus on the pro­duc­tion of hydro­gen from resi­du­al mate­ri­als and its direct appli­ca­ti­on in agri­cul­tu­ral machi­nery. Steam reforming was also explai­ned in more detail. After a lunch break, fur­ther open ses­si­ons took place.

Various agri­cul­tu­ral and social topics were dis­cus­sed throug­hout the event. The event took place on a his­to­ric farm, whe­re the­re was also the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make new acquain­tances and estab­lish cont­acts. The idea of the pro­ject met with broad appr­oval from the participants.

We would like to thank the orga­ni­zers of Agri Idea Sprout 2024 for the gre­at event and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent our pro­ject. We look for­ward to incor­po­ra­ting the know­ledge gai­ned into the BioH2Ref pro­ject and fur­ther expan­ding our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the participants.

Fur­ther news artic­les and infor­ma­ti­on on the BioH2Ref project: