News from the IOB

Kick-off meeting for ‘FlexHybHeat’ in Riesa

Our col­le­agues Felix Kai­ser, Mit­zi Lipar­do, Far­had Had­da­di and Moritz Eick­hoff met on 10 Sep­tem­ber 2024 tog­e­ther with the Gesell­schaft für indus­tri­el­le Wär­me, Ener­gie- und Pro­zess­tech­nik in Rie­sa at our pro­ject part­ner ESF for the kick-off mee­ting for the BMWK joint pro­ject ‘Flex­Hyb­Heat’. The pro­ject aims to enable high­ly fle­xi­ble and hybrid hea­ting for bil­let reheating.

In coope­ra­ti­on with the Gesell­schaft für indus­tri­el­le Wär­me, Ener­gie- und Pro­zess­tech­nik (GIWEP) and the Elbe-Stahl­werk Fer­al­pi (ESF) in Rie­sa, the go-ahead was given for the ‘Flex­Hyb­Heat’ pro­ject. The pro­ject is sche­du­led to run for three years, until 30 June 2027, with two are­as of work at the IOB: first­ly, the lin­king of plant models of various hea­ting units to form a pro­cess chain model and, second­ly, a life­cy­cle ana­ly­sis of the hea­ting pro­cess. Among other things, the pro­cess chain model enables the map­ping of mul­ti-stage hea­ting pro­ces­ses and the life­cy­cle ana­ly­sis allows a sus­taina­bi­li­ty assess­ment to take place direct­ly in the ongo­ing process.

The ‘Flex­Hyb­Heat’ pro­ject aims to signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce CO2 emis­si­ons from bil­let rehea­ting through increased direct use and new hea­ting tech­no­lo­gies, ther­eby making an important con­tri­bu­ti­on to the decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of the steel indus­try. The reduc­tion in emis­si­ons will be per­ma­nent­ly cal­cu­la­ted using an online life­cy­cle ana­ly­sis at level 2. The pro­cess chain models, CFD simu­la­ti­ons and pro­cess model­ling are an important part of the rese­arch pro­ject concept.

On the evening befo­re the kick-off mee­ting, the IOB and the pro­ject part­ners met for din­ner tog­e­ther in Rie­sa, giving them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know each other bet­ter. The fol­lo­wing day star­ted with a rela­xed round of intro­duc­tions, with other employees from Pro­jekt­trä­ger Jülich (PtJ) and ESF repre­sen­ted. Dari­usz Sosin (Head of Pro­duc­tion) pre­sen­ted the Rie­sa steel site and the company’s stra­tegy for mini­mi­sing emis­si­ons and also took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend the kick-off mee­ting, under­li­ning the importance of the pro­ject for the com­pa­ny. After­wards, Hajo Hoff­mann and Ele­na Lüpsch from the PtJ explai­ned important pro­ject for­ma­li­ties, inclu­ding how inte­rim reports should be writ­ten and how to deal with pro­of of use. Moritz Eick­hoff con­tin­ued with the pro­ject pre­sen­ta­ti­on, whe­re the objec­ti­ves and the cour­se of the pro­ject were dis­cus­sed again. The pro­gress made in the pro­ject by the respec­ti­ve pro­ject part­ners was then presented.

The lunch break was fol­lo­wed by a tour of the Elbe Stahl­werk Fer­al­pi. The­re, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a clo­ser look at the pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses, in par­ti­cu­lar the lif­ting hearth fur­nace and the new bil­let trans­fer line. After Hans­jo­chen Oer­tel from GIWEP signed the coope­ra­ti­on agree­ment that had alre­a­dy been drawn up by RWTH, it remain­ed with ESF for the final signa­tu­re. This was fol­lo­wed by orga­ni­sa­tio­nal agree­ments on file exch­an­ge and regu­lar appoint­ments. The mee­ting ended with a dis­cus­sion on the requi­re­ments for the new hea­ting con­cept. In the after­noon, the IOB col­le­agues took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make their way to Mei­ßen to round off the long jour­ney with a tour of the city.

We would like to thank Elbe Stahl­werk Fer­al­pi for orga­ni­s­ing the kick-off mee­ting, as well as for the warm wel­co­me and the inte­res­t­ing tour of the plant. We hope for a pro­duc­ti­ve start to the ‘Flex­Hyb­Heat’ pro­ject and look for­ward to tack­ling our joint endeavour.