News from the IOB

KEDi Roadshow in Oberhausen

Last week, our col­le­ague Jan Menz­ler pre­sen­ted the IGF pro­ject ‘Cou­pled pro­cess chain model­ling’ as part of the road­show of the Kom­pe­tenz­zen­trum Ener­gie­ef­fi­zi­enz durch Digi­ta­li­sie­rung (KEDi) in Ober­hau­sen. The focus of the net­wor­king event was on effi­ci­en­cy poten­ti­al in ther­mo­dy­na­mic indus­tri­al processes.

After a wel­co­me cof­fee, the event began with a pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the KEDi by its over­all pro­ject mana­ger Dr Andrea Gau­sel­mann. This was fol­lo­wed by four short key­note speeches.

First, Natal­ja Klei­ner from MDZ Klima.Neutral.Digital repor­ted on the topic ‘From stumb­ling block to suc­cess — digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on and sus­taina­bi­li­ty in SMEs’. This was fol­lo­wed by the key­note speech from NRW.Energy4Climate, repre­sen­ted by pro­ject mana­ger Jill Zaluszkie­wicz, which focus­sed on cli­ma­te-neu­tral pro­cess heat.

Fol­lo­wing a joint cof­fee break, Jan gave a pre­sen­ta­ti­on titled ‘Cou­pled pro­cess chain model­ling — Auto­ma­ted lin­king of hete­ro­ge­neous simu­la­ti­on models’. As part of the pro­ject, which has alre­a­dy been com­ple­ted, a soft­ware plat­form was desi­gned with which various pro­cess models from metal pro­duc­tion and pro­ces­sing can be lin­ked and exe­cu­ted. With the help of this approach, it should be pos­si­ble to quick­ly iden­ti­fy pro­cess steps who­se opti­mi­sa­ti­on can lead to effec­ti­ve ener­gy savings or qua­li­ty impro­ve­ments. A fol­low-up pro­ject in coope­ra­ti­on with other RWTH insti­tu­tes is alre­a­dy being planned.

In the last key­note speech, Dr Gui­do Mitt­ler, Head of Pro­cess Tech­no­lo­gy at Diro­stahl GmbH, pre­sen­ted AI-sup­port­ed capa­ci­ty plan­ning in heat treatment.The pre­sen­ta­ti­ons were each con­cluded with an open dis­cus­sion round in which ques­ti­ons could be asked.

The key­note spee­ches also pro­vi­ded a good basis for dis­cus­sion at the sub­se­quent net­wor­king lunch, whe­re all par­ti­ci­pan­ts had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make new cont­acts in an open and fri­end­ly atmo­sphe­re and exch­an­ge more infor­ma­ti­on about the topics and aspects presented.An accom­pany­ing exhi­bi­ti­on also took place at the same time, whe­re com­pa­nies and rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons were able to pre­sent them­sel­ves at small exhi­bi­ti­on stands.



In the after­noon, an excur­si­on to thys­sen­krupp Steel Euro­pe in Duis­burg was offe­red as part of the KEDi Roadshow.

We would like to express our sin­ce­re thanks for the invi­ta­ti­on to the KEDi Road­show and look for­ward to having the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent topics at such a net­wor­king event again in the future.