News from the IOB

The IOB at the ESOMAT 2024

From August 26 to 30, 2024, the 13th Euro­pean Sym­po­si­um on Mar­ten­si­tic Trans­for­ma­ti­ons (ESOMAT) took place in Lec­co, Ita­ly. The con­fe­rence focu­sed on mar­ten­si­tic trans­for­ma­ti­on in various metal­lic mate­ri­als and pro­vi­ded a plat­form for the exch­an­ge of cur­rent rese­arch results. The Insti­tu­te for Indus­tri­al Fur­nace Con­s­truc­tion and Heat Engi­nee­ring was repre­sen­ted the­re by our col­le­ague Nico Rademacher. 

Over the cour­se of the con­fe­rence, more than 170 sci­en­ti­fic papers from various fields of rese­arch were pre­sen­ted by invi­ted spea­k­ers and par­ti­ci­pan­ts who had sub­mit­ted their work. A total of 42 pos­ters were also exhi­bi­ted. The focus was on the influence of mar­ten­si­tic trans­for­ma­ti­on on the mate­ri­al pro­per­ties of various alloys such as Ni-Ti-based alloys or TRIP/TWIP steels. Howe­ver, work on mecha­ni­cal mode­ling, heat tre­at­ment or the mate­ri­al design of mar­ten­si­tic mate­ri­als was also presented.

Our col­le­ague Nico Rade­ma­cher took part in a two-hour pos­ter ses­si­on as part of the Heat­Steel pro­ject, which deals with the deve­lo­p­ment of an ener­gy-effi­ci­ent heat tre­at­ment line for thin mar­ten­si­tic pre­cis­i­on strips. He pre­sen­ted a simu­la­ti­on model that shows the influence of mar­ten­si­tic trans­for­ma­ti­on on the defor­ma­ti­on of pre­cis­i­on steel strips. The pos­ter was met with gre­at inte­rest and led to inten­si­ve dis­cus­sions with the par­ti­ci­pan­ts and can be view­ed here.

In addi­ti­on to the sci­en­ti­fic con­tri­bu­ti­ons, the con­fe­rence was roun­ded off by an exten­si­ve social pro­gram for exch­an­ge and net­wor­king. On Mon­day evening, the con­fe­rence was offi­ci­al­ly ope­ned with a cham­pa­gne recep­ti­on. Wed­nes­day offe­red the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part in a gui­ded tour of a his­to­ric vil­la with bota­ni­cal gar­dens. The con­fe­rence din­ner on Thurs­day, inclu­ding a tra­di­tio­nal four-cour­se menu, pro­vi­ded fur­ther space for exch­an­ge in a rela­xed atmosphere.

We would like to thank the orga­ni­zers of ESOMAT 2024 for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent our rese­arch and are deligh­ted with the valuable cont­acts we were able to make during the con­fe­rence. The event was a suc­cessful plat­form for exchan­ging ide­as with inter­na­tio­nal col­le­agues and gai­ning new impe­tus in the field of mar­ten­si­tic transformation.