News from the IOB

Machine Learning and Digital Twins Workshop in Thessaloniki

Our col­le­agues Alex Gar­cia-Ver­ga­ra and Johan­nes Losa­cker took part in the “Trai­ning School on Machi­ne Lear­ning methods for reac­ting flows” and the sub­se­quent work­shop “Digi­tal Twins for the Decar­bo­niza­ti­on of hard-to-aba­te indus­tries” from 9th to 13th Sept­me­ber 2024. As part of the CYPHER Cost Action, around 30 rese­ar­chers from Euro­pean uni­ver­si­ties and rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons met in Thes­sa­lo­ni­ki, Greece, to exch­an­ge ide­as on the topics in lec­tures and hands-on sessions.

CYPHER is a Euro­pean col­la­bo­ra­ti­on focu­sing on the decar­bo­niza­ti­on of ener­gy-inten­si­ve indus­tries through inno­va­ti­ve approa­ches in the fields of com­bus­ti­on, flu­id mecha­nics and data sci­ence. With a net­work of 33 count­ries inclu­ding aca­de­mic experts, indus­tri­al part­ners and poli­cy makers, CYPHER is dedi­ca­ted to the com­bus­ti­on of rene­wa­ble syn­the­tic fuels, high-reso­lu­ti­on simu­la­ti­ons, data-dri­ven models and digi­tal twins to dri­ve sus­tainable indus­tri­al transformation.

In the Trai­ning School lec­tures, the respec­ti­ve experts pre­sen­ted both the basics and the cur­rent sta­te of rese­arch from their work on machi­ne lear­ning. The are­as of appli­ca­ti­on included redu­ced order mode­ling, data com­pres­si­on and the acce­le­ra­ti­on of simu­la­ti­ons in the fields of kine­tic reac­tions, tur­bu­lence-che­mis­try inter­ac­tions and tur­bu­lence mode­ling. The lec­tures were com­ple­men­ted by hands-on ses­si­ons in which par­ti­ci­pan­ts were able to app­ly theo­ry in prac­ti­ce on Jupi­ter notebooks.

In the sub­se­quent work­shop, the group of par­ti­ci­pan­ts was expan­ded to include indus­tri­al part­ners. The role of digi­tal tools and, in par­ti­cu­lar, digi­tal twins in the decar­bo­niza­ti­on of high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re pro­ces­ses was dis­cus­sed in pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and a pos­ter ses­si­on. The focus was on the defi­ni­ti­on of digi­tal twins and how they can be used to sup­port ener­gy-inten­si­ve pro­ces­ses in hard-to-aba­te sec­tors. Our col­le­ague Alex Gar­cia-Ver­ga­ra pre­sen­ted the pro­ject HyIn­Heat — Hydro­gen Tech­no­lo­gies for Decar­bo­niza­ti­on of Indus­tri­al Hea­ting Pro­ces­ses, which demons­tra­tes the use of hydro­gen as a fuel in com­bus­ti­on pro­ces­ses in the steel and alu­mi­ni­um indus­try. As part of the pro­ject, the IOB is deve­lo­ping digi­tal tools in the form of nume­ri­cal models for hydro­gen com­bus­ti­on and ther­mal radia­ti­on. In the same ses­si­on, Shub­ham Shub­ham from the Bar­ce­lo­na Super­com­pu­ting Cen­ter pre­sen­ted the TWINGHY pro­ject — Digi­tal Twins for Green Hydro­gen Tran­si­ti­on in Steel Indus­try — in which IOB is also involved.

The inten­si­ve dai­ly pro­gram was roun­ded off with Joint din­ners and a boat trip along the sea­si­de of Thes­sa­lo­ni­ki. The­re were num­e­rous oppor­tu­ni­ties to exch­an­ge ide­as, make new cont­acts and explo­re the city together.

We would like to thank our col­le­agues from CYPHER for the excel­lent orga­niza­ti­on of the event and look for­ward to future mee­tings in this format!