Our colleagues Elsa Busson and Franziska Ott represented the IOB at the 1st Early Stage Combustion Researcher (ESCR) Workshop from September 12 to 13, 2024. The conference, organized at TU Wien, featured two poster sessions as well as presentations on the various career prospects for combustion researchers.
After a welcome event, the first day of the conference began with interesting presentations on career prospects in the industrial sector. Dr. Andrea Pati, thermodynamic engineer at KTM Racing GmbH, as well as Dr. Fabrice Giuliani, head of the engineering office Bay One e.U. and Dr. Robert Pachler, managing director of UNITHERM CEMCON GmbH, explained their own career paths and prospects in their companies. This was followed by a panel discussion in which the speakers exchanged views on the challenges of technical combustion for the generation of process heat and in the energy sector. This was followed by an exciting tour of the technical center and laboratories at TU Wien.
In the first poster session that followed, our colleagues Franziska Ott and Elsa Busson presented their posters. Elsa Busson presented the topic “Fuel Flexibility in Self-Recuperative Burners for Continuous Galvanizing Lines” during the project “FlexHeat2Anneal”. Franziska Ott presented a poster as part of the project “ZeroCO2Glas” presented a poster with the topic ‘Investigation of Natural Gas and Hydro-gen Oxyfuel Combustion using a high-impulse Burner’.
At the end of the first day, a guided tour of Vienna’s city center was offered, which was a lot of fun despite the rainy conditions. The tour was rounded off with a joint dinner.
The second day of the conference began with presentations on the various career prospects in academia. In this area, Dr. Fabian Hampp, Junior Research Group Leader at the University of Stuttgart & DLR, Dr. Sven Eckart, Group Leader at the TU Berkakademie Freiberg and Dr. Markus Bösenhofer, Assistant Professor at the TU Vienna provided exciting insights into career prospects in academia. As on the previous day, the event continued with a panel discussion and a poster session. In the afternoon, the Spittelau waste incineration plant, whose façade was artistically designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser, was visited.
The conference provided a very good opportunity to make new contacts and attend informative presentations. We would like to thank Markus Bösenhofer, Frederica Ferraro and Sven Eckart for organizing the conference and the TU Vienna for hosting the event.
Further information on the projects: