News from the IOB

The IOB at the EMMA Network Meeting

On July 16 and 17, 2024, our col­le­agues Katha­ri­na Roth­höft and Domi­nik Büsch­ge­ns took part in the inte­rim work­shop of the EMMA net­work in Frank­furt am Main. The event, hos­ted and orga­ni­zed by the Indus­tri­al Asso­cia­ti­on for Mas­si­ve Forming, pro­vi­ded the ide­al plat­form to dis­cuss cur­rent trends and important topics in ther­mo­forming pro­cess technology.

The EMMA net­work, to which 40 com­pa­nies and rese­arch insti­tu­tes belong, exists for one year with the aim of joint­ly deve­lo­ping ide­as for rese­arch pro­po­sals. The focus is on CO2-neu­tral indus­tri­al pro­ces­ses in for­ging. By brin­ging tog­e­ther dif­fe­rent insti­tu­tes, the aim is to sub­mit tar­ge­ted rese­arch pro­po­sals and streng­then the rese­arch network.

Katha­ri­na, who heads the inno­va­ti­on group for ther­mal pro­ces­ses, and Domi­nik took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to iden­ti­fy cur­rent trends and dis­cuss important topics in ther­mal pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy. Domi­nik also pre­sen­ted the IOB’s cur­rent rese­arch prio­ri­ties and projects.

The event began on Mon­day after­noon with a short round of intro­duc­tions and par­ti­ci­pan­ts get­ting to know each other. Updates were pre­sen­ted and a review of pro­gress to date was given. A high­light of the first day was the key­note speech by Mr. Jonas Nichell on the topic of “Cli­ma­te Con­fe­rence Simulation”.
The next day, work­shops were held in smal­ler groups. Here, exis­ting ide­as were deve­lo­ped fur­ther, the cur­rent sta­tus was dis­cus­sed and the next steps were plan­ned. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts enga­ged in inten­si­ve dis­cus­sions and deve­lo­ped new pro­ject ide­as, also in exch­an­ge with other groups. Dr. Hart­wig Stamm­ber­ger from Eaton Indus­tries GmbH then gave a key­note speech on “Direct cur­rent for the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on — DC grids”.

We would like to thank the Indus­trie­ver­band für Mas­siv­um­for­mung for the orga­niza­ti­on and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to exch­an­ge ide­as with other experts. We look for­ward to incor­po­ra­ting the know­ledge gai­ned into our work at the IOB and fur­ther expan­ding our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with our net­work partners.