News from the IOB

The IOB at the EE4InG2 Synchronization Workshop

On July 19, 2024, our col­le­agues Katha­ri­na Roth­höft, Domi­nik Büsch­ge­ns and Felix Kai­ser took part in the syn­chro­niza­ti­on work­shop of the EE4InG2 pro­ject at the BMWK in Bonn. The bian­nu­al work­shops pro­vi­de a plat­form for exch­an­ge bet­ween the pro­ject part­ners, the Fede­ral Minis­try for Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Pro­tec­tion (BMWK), the Pro­ject Manage­ment Jülich (PTJ) and the rese­ar­chers to dis­cuss the pro­gress of the project. 

The work­shop began with a com­pre­hen­si­ve review of the project’s various work packa­ges, which cover dif­fe­rent topics and rese­arch focu­ses. Eight mem­bers of the pro­ject gave short pre­sen­ta­ti­ons on the cur­rent sta­tus of their work. Each pre­sen­ta­ti­on was fol­lo­wed by in-depth dis­cus­sions in which ques­ti­ons were cla­ri­fied and valuable comm­ents were made.
Katha­ri­na Roth­höft gave two pre­sen­ta­ti­ons on the cur­rent sta­tus of the IOB’s work. In the first pre­sen­ta­ti­on, she intro­du­ced the tech­no­lo­gy port­fo­lio, a com­pre­hen­si­ve over­view docu­ment in which various tech­no­lo­gies are cate­go­ri­zed and sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly clas­si­fied. She explai­ned how the­se clas­si­fi­ca­ti­ons are made and the cri­te­ria on which the sel­ec­tion and ana­ly­sis of the tech­no­lo­gies are based. The second pre­sen­ta­ti­on dealt with tech­no­lo­gy ana­ly­ses, in which a sel­ec­ted tech­no­lo­gy is exami­ned in more detail.
In addi­ti­on to the IOB, ETA Solu­ti­ons and IREES GmbH are also invol­ved in the pro­ject as key part­ners. Their con­tri­bu­ti­ons and the clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween the part­ners and rese­ar­chers hel­ped to advan­ce the pro­ject goals. Over­all, the work­shop was pro­duc­ti­ve and suc­cessful. The EE4InG2 pro­ject is on sche­du­le and recei­ved posi­ti­ve feed­back from all participants.

We would like to thank the BMWK for orga­ni­zing the work­shop and look for­ward to incor­po­ra­ting the know­ledge gai­ned into our fur­ther rese­arch work and con­ti­nuing to inten­si­fy our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the pro­ject partners.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the project: