News from the IOB

The IOB at the UIE-2024 conference in Nice

From Octo­ber 8 to 11, 2024, our col­le­agues Juli­us Wil­ker and Domi­nik Büsch­ge­ns took part in the UIE-2024 con­fe­rence Nice. The con­fe­rence focu­sed on the elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of indus­tri­al hea­ting and manu­fac­tu­ring processes.

After arri­ving in Nice, they regis­tered for the con­fe­rence and got to know each other over a wel­co­me drink. On the fol­lo­wing day of the UIE-2024 con­fe­rence, the two orga­ni­zers Prof. Fran­cois Bay, Dr. Jose Alves, Prof. E. Baa­ke and Prof. K. van Reu­sel ope­ned the con­fe­rence. During the day, various inte­res­t­ing tech­ni­cal pre­sen­ta­ti­ons were given on the decar­bo­niza­ti­on of ther­mal pro­ces­ses and on induc­tion hea­ting. In bet­ween the insightful pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, cof­fee breaks and a lunch break were held, giving par­ti­ci­pan­ts the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make new cont­acts. On the fol­lo­wing day, round­ta­bles were held on rele­vant topics to faci­li­ta­te in-depth dis­cus­sions. The round­ta­bles were dedi­ca­ted to the fol­lo­wing topics: “Decar­bo­niza­ti­on of Indus­tri­al Ther­mal and Manu­fac­tu­ring Pro­ces­ses” and “Smart Pro­ces­ses: Inte­gra­ting AI and Digi­ta­liza­ti­on in Elec­t­ro-Ther­mal Manu­fac­tu­ring”. After seve­ral infor­ma­ti­ve pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, the day came to a fit­ting end with a gala din­ner on the roof ter­race of a hotel. The evening tog­e­ther pro­vi­ded a good oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­ti­nue the inte­res­t­ing dis­cus­sions and topics of the con­fe­rence in a con­vi­vi­al atmo­sphe­re. The last day of the con­fe­rence was dedi­ca­ted to the decar­bo­niza­ti­on of ther­mal pro­ces­ses through elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on. As part of his rese­arch pro­ject OptiEL­Heat, which is part of the Ena­bEL lead tech­no­lo­gy pro­ject, our col­le­ague Juli­us gave a pre­sen­ta­ti­on on “Inves­ti­ga­ti­ons into the heat trans­fer of elec­tric resis­tance hea­ters in con­vec­tion-domi­na­ted ther­mal pro­cess plants”. The con­fe­rence was con­cluded by Prof. Fran­cois Bay, Dr. Jose Alves, Prof. E. Baa­ke and Prof. K. van Reusel.

Our thanks go to Prof. Fran­cois Bay and Dr. Jose Alves for hos­ting the event and Prof. E. Baa­ke for the sci­en­ti­fic sup­port during the days. We look for­ward to the 21st edi­ti­on of the UIE con­fe­rence in Padua in 2026.