News from the IOB

Project meeting for “DevH2forEAF” in Udine

Our col­le­agues Lil­ly Schul­te and Cars­ten Gon­dorf visi­ted our pro­ject part­ner Pit­ti­ni in the nor­t­hern Ita­li­an city of Udi­ne from Octo­ber 1st to 2nd, 2024 for the next pro­ject mee­ting of the RFCS-fun­ded pro­ject “DevH2forEAF”. The pro­ject is inves­ti­ga­ting the pos­si­ble use of hydro­gen-powered bur­ners in elec­tric arc fur­naces (EAF).

This pro­ject mee­ting focu­sed on the upco­ming indus­tri­al tri­als at Pit­ti­ni. In the­se tri­als, one of the 3 MW bur­ners in the EAF will be repla­ced by the bur­ner deve­lo­ped in this pro­ject, which is capa­ble of using natu­ral gas and hydro­gen as well as mix­tures of both fuel gases. For the use of hydro­gen as a fuel gas, some preli­mi­na­ry work had to be car­ri­ed out by the pro­ject part­ner Nip­pon Gases, from appr­ovals to the expan­si­on of a hydro­gen feed line from a mobi­le hydro­gen trai­ler to the bur­ner. Over the next few months, the bur­ner deve­lo­ped will be tes­ted in nor­mal fur­nace ope­ra­ti­on with dif­fe­rent fuel com­po­si­ti­ons. The influen­ces on fur­nace ope­ra­ti­on will then be exami­ned by us as IOB, among others.

The upco­ming bur­ner tri­als at Pit­ti­ni were taken as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring all pro­ject part­ners tog­e­ther on site and dis­cuss the pro­gress of the ongo­ing pro­ject. Each pro­ject part­ner sum­ma­ri­zed the cur­rent work, which main­ly rela­ted to the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of the indus­tri­al tri­als, be it the final instal­la­ti­on of the bur­ner or the hydro­gen safe­ty line. The focus of the IOB was on preli­mi­na­ry tests for the plan­ned indus­tri­al tri­als. As a preli­mi­na­ry test, a sca­led-down ver­si­on of the bur­ner (to 50 kW) was instal­led and tes­ted in the IOB’s pilot EAF in July. The results show no nega­ti­ve effect on fur­nace ope­ra­ti­on and allow the indus­tri­al tri­als to be car­ri­ed out.

After the dis­cus­sion of the cur­rent results, a tour of the plant was a must. Here, all the pre­vious­ly pre­sen­ted pre­pa­ra­ti­ons for the ope­ra­ting tests could be view­ed. The EAF, the cen­tral part of the steel plant, was par­ti­cu­lar­ly impres­si­ve. Here, seve­ral hundred tons of scrap are mel­ted into raw iron every hour and fed direct­ly to the adja­cent con­ti­nuous cas­ting line.

At a con­clu­ding social din­ner, the pro­ject part­ners were able to get to know each other bet­ter over excel­lent food and deli­cious wine and also dis­cuss inte­res­t­ing topics out­side of the project.