Kick-off meeting for ‘FLOXonia’ in Renningen

Kick-off meeting for ‘FLOXonia’ in Renningen

On 3 Decem­ber 2024, the kick-off mee­ting for the FLOXo­nia pro­ject took place at WS Wär­me­pro­zess­tech­nik GmbH in Renn­in­gen. The event was atten­ded by our col­le­agues Lin­da Gies­ler, Nico Schmitz and Chris­to­pher Wün­ning. Ralph Eden­ho­fer from Pro­ject...
KEDi Roadshow in Oberhausen

KEDi Roadshow in Oberhausen

Last week, our col­le­ague Jan Menz­ler pre­sen­ted the IGF pro­ject ‘Cou­pled pro­cess chain model­ling’ as part of the road­show of the Kom­pe­tenz­zen­trum Ener­gie­ef­fi­zi­enz durch Digi­ta­li­sie­rung (KEDi) in Ober­hau­sen. The focus of the net­wor­king event...
10th ExHFT on Rhodes

10th ExHFT on Rhodes

The 10th Con­fe­rence on Expe­ri­men­tal Heat Trans­fer, Flu­id Mecha­nics and Ther­mo­dy­na­mics (ExHFT) took place on the Greek island of Rho­des from 26 to 30 August 2024. The Insti­tu­te of Indus­tri­al Fur­nace and Heat Engi­nee­ring was repre­sen­ted the­re with...