News from the IOB

Successful test campaign in the IOB’s electric arc furnace

Our col­le­agues Lil­ly Schul­te and Cars­ten Gon­dorf, as part of the pro­ject DevH2forEAF — Deve­lo­ping and enab­ling H2 bur­ner uti­liza­ti­on to pro­du­ce liquid steel in EAF — fun­ded by the Rese­arch Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), car­ri­ed out a test cam­paign at the department’s elec­tric arc fur­nace (EAF) in Kohl­scheid in the week from 15th to 19th July 2024.

Fol­lo­wing the bur­ner tests in open envi­ron­ment alre­a­dy car­ri­ed out in Novem­ber 2022 to test the usa­ge of hydro­gen as a fuel in the EAF bur­ner, a one-week test cam­paign has now taken place. The aim was to prepa­re and ana­ly­ze a dif­fe­rent fuel com­po­si­ti­on each day.

In order to be able to use the EAF for the tests after a long wai­ting peri­od, some pre­pa­ra­ti­ons had to be made in advan­ce: Due to initi­al dif­fi­cul­ties, the tests could only be car­ri­ed out with a fuel com­po­si­ti­on of 100% hydro­gen. The aim of the test cam­paign was to cla­ri­fy the influence of a hydro­gen bur­ner in the EAF on the mol­ten steel, sin­ce the steel can­not meet the industry’s qua­li­ty stan­dards if the hydro­gen con­tent is too high.

As part of the DevH2forEAF pro­ject, a bur­ner for the EAF has been deve­lo­ped that can run on hydro­gen as well as natu­ral gas. After some initi­al dif­fi­cul­ties, the tests were car­ri­ed out exclu­si­ve­ly with a fuel com­po­si­ti­on of 100% hydro­gen. The aim of the series of tests was to cla­ri­fy the influence of a hydro­gen bur­ner in the elec­tric arc fur­nace on the mol­ten steel, sin­ce the steel can­not meet the industry’s qua­li­ty stan­dards if the hydro­gen con­tent is too high.

Figu­re left: Elec­tric arc fur­nace, top right: Instal­la­ti­on of the bur­ner in the elec­tric arc fur­nace,
bot­tom right: View of the elec­tro­de and arc in the furnace

As the pro­ject pro­gres­ses, the forth­co­ming steel ana­ly­ses and sepa­ra­te ana­ly­ses to deter­mi­ne hydro­gen pick-up will pro­vi­de important insights that will enable the use of hydro­gen bur­ners in the LBO on an indus­tri­al scale.

On Thurs­day, the pro­ject part­ners from the SMS Group, inclu­ding Jür­gen Oden­thal from SMS Mön­chen­glad­bach and Jaco­po Gre­guol­do and Fabio Vec­chiet from SMS Ita­ly, were able to see the EAF for them­sel­ves and were very enthu­si­a­stic about the suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of the tests on the elec­tric arc furnace.

More news artic­les and infor­ma­ti­on about the elec­tric arc furnace: