The IOB at the AMAP Forum 2024

The IOB at the AMAP Forum 2024

The 25th and 26th of April our col­le­agues Katha­ri­na Roth­höft, Moritz Eick­hoff, Chris­ti­an Schwot­zer, Andrés Ramí­rez Sán­chez and pro­fes­sor Her­bert Pfei­fer joi­n­ed the AMAP col­lo­qui­um in Aachen which was orga­ni­zed by Advan­ced Metals and Pro­ces­ses...
TWINGHY general assembly project meeting in Aachen

TWINGHY general assembly project meeting in Aachen

The Gene­ral Assem­bly (GA) mee­ting of the TWINGHY pro­ject — Digi­tal TWINs for Green HYdro­gen tran­si­ti­on in steel indus­try — took place in Aachen on 21 and 22 Febru­ary 2024. The aim of the pro­ject is to con­vert the rehea­ting fur­nace in the Cel­sa 3...
New Professor for the Department

New Professor for the Department

The Depart­ment for Indus­tri­al Fur­naces and Heat Engi­nee­ring is plea­sed to announ­ce that Chris­ti­an Wup­per­mann has today taken up his posi­ti­on as Head of Depart­ment and hol­der of the Chair of Sus­tainable Ther­mal Pro­cess Technology. During a one-month...
REVaMP final meeting in Brussels

REVaMP final meeting in Brussels

On Febru­ary 14, the review mee­ting and final mee­ting for our REVaMP pro­ject took place in Brussels. Tog­e­ther with the 14 pro­ject part­ners, the IOB, repre­sen­ted by Felix Kai­ser and Tim Rei­chel, pre­sen­ted the most important results and ans­we­red...