News from the IOB

Kick-off meeting for ‘FLOXonia’ in Renningen

On 3 Decem­ber 2024, the kick-off mee­ting for the FLOXo­nia pro­ject took place at WS Wär­me­pro­zess­tech­nik GmbH in Renn­in­gen. The event was atten­ded by our col­le­agues Lin­da Gies­ler, Nico Schmitz and Chris­to­pher Wün­ning. Ralph Eden­ho­fer from Pro­ject Manage­ment Jülich (PtJ) was also pre­sent to empha­sise the importance of the pro­ject. The pro­ject, which invol­ves WS Wär­me­pro­zess­tech­nik GmbH and the Depart­ment for Indus­tri­al Fur­naces and Heat Engi­nee­ring (IOB), is fun­ded by the Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Action (BMWK) as part of the 8th Ener­gy Rese­arch Programme.

The mee­ting began with a series of pre­sen­ta­ti­ons out­lining the objec­ti­ves and pro­gress of the FLOXo­nia pro­ject. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts were given a com­pre­hen­si­ve over­view of the pro­ject for the low-emis­si­on com­bus­ti­on of ammo­nia (NH3) in indus­tri­al fur­naces and the plan­ned steps for the deve­lo­p­ment of a com­bi­ned treatment/combustion system.

Fol­lo­wing the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain an insight into the ammo­nia sup­p­ly and infra­struc­tu­re of WS GmbH during a gui­ded tour of the test halls. A tour of the ammo­nia cra­cker, which is to be used as part of the pro­ject, pro­vi­ded fasci­na­ting insights into the tech­ni­cal rea­li­sa­ti­on and poten­ti­al of this technology.

The dis­cus­sions during the mee­ting were lively and con­s­truc­ti­ve. Tho­se pre­sent exch­an­ged ide­as and high­ligh­ted various approa­ches to opti­mi­sing pro­ces­ses during the cour­se of the pro­ject. It beca­me clear that ever­yo­ne invol­ved is high­ly moti­va­ted to con­tri­bu­te their exper­ti­se and work tog­e­ther on the challenges.

We would like to thank WS GmbH for hos­ting the kick-off mee­ting and Mr Eden­ho­fer for his valuable con­tri­bu­ti­ons. The mee­ting not only laid the foun­da­ti­on for a suc­cessful col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, but also pro­vi­ded important impe­tus for the next steps in the FLOXo­nia pro­ject. We look for­ward to incor­po­ra­ting the know­ledge gai­ned into our work and to working tog­e­ther with all part­ners towards a sus­tainable future.