News from the IOB

Participation in the ESTEP Annual Event 2024 in Linz

From Octo­ber 29 to 31, 2024, our col­le­agues Chris­ti­an Wup­per­mann, Nico Schmitz and Tho­mas Ech­ter­hof took part in the ESTEP Annu­al Event 2024 in Linz, Aus­tria. The con­fe­rence was held under the mot­to “H2 for Green Steel meets A Cir­cu­lar Eco­no­my dri­ven by the Euro­pean Steel” and offe­red num­e­rous exci­ting presentations.

The con­fe­rence, orga­ni­zed by the Euro­pean Steel Tech­no­lo­gy Plat­form (ESTEP), took place with over 140 par­ti­ci­pan­ts at the host voest­al­pi­ne Stahl in Linz, Aus­tria. The con­fe­rence began at noon on Octo­ber 29 with wel­co­me and ope­ning spee­ches and a ses­si­on on the pro­duc­tion of green steel using hydro­gen and a ses­si­on on intel­li­gent, effi­ci­ent and cir­cu­lar resour­ce manage­ment. The first day of the con­fe­rence con­cluded with a cele­bra­ti­on of ESTEP’s 20th anniversary.

The second day of the con­fe­rence began with a wel­co­ming speech by Her­bert Eiben­stei­ner, CEO of voest­al­pi­ne, fol­lo­wed by a panel dis­cus­sion on the cur­rent situa­ti­on and trans­for­ma­ti­on of the steel indus­try in Euro­pe. The fol­lo­wing tech­ni­cal pre­sen­ta­ti­ons were divi­ded into ses­si­ons on resour­ce effi­ci­en­cy and indus­tri­al sym­bio­sis as well as the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my in the Euro­pean steel sec­tor. This second day ended with a city tour of Linz and the con­fe­rence din­ner in the old town of Linz.

The third and final day of the con­fe­rence included a spe­cial ses­si­on on the use of hydro­gen in pro­cess heat gene­ra­ti­on, orga­ni­zed as part of the EU HyIn­Heat pro­ject. The ses­si­on was mode­ra­ted by Tho­mas Ech­ter­hof and Nico Schmitz pre­sen­ted the HyIn­Heat pro­ject and repre­sen­ted it in the panel dis­cus­sion. A total of eight EU pro­jects were repre­sen­ted and took part in the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the demons­tra­tors in the pro­jects as well as a lively dis­cus­sion on cross-pro­ject topics such as the defi­ni­ti­on of KPIs, the use of digi­tal tools and NOx emis­si­ons and emis­si­on limits.

In the regu­lar ses­si­on fol­lo­wing the spe­cial ses­si­on, Chris­ti­an Wup­per­mann pre­sen­ted the results of the FlexHeat2Anneal pro­ject entit­led “Fuel fle­xi­ble self-recup­er­a­ti­ve bur­ners for radi­ant tube hea­ting systems”.

Our thanks go to the Euro­pean Steel Tech­no­lo­gy Plat­form (ESTEP) for orga­ni­zing the who­le event and for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent so many EU pro­jects deal­ing with hydro­gen in pro­cess heat gene­ra­ti­on to such an inte­res­ted audience!