News from the IOB

Project Meeting DissHEAT in Luleå

On March 22 and 23, a mee­ting of the DissHEAT pro­ject was held in Luleå (Swe­den) at Swerim’s rese­arch cen­ter. The­re the five pro­ject part­ners (BFI, CRM, Rina, Swe­rim and IOB) met to dis­cuss the fur­ther work in the DissHEAT dis­se­mi­na­ti­on pro­ject. The IOB was repre­sen­ted at the mee­ting by Dr.-Ing. Tho­mas Ech­ter­hof and Elsa Busson.

The aim of the pro­ject is to pro­vi­de a com­pre­hen­si­ve over­view of suc­cessful and inte­res­t­ing rese­arch pro­jects in the field of rehea­ting fur­naces in the steel indus­try over the last 25 years. Among other things, the results of past and part­ly ongo­ing Euro­pean RFCS and HEU pro­jects will be cri­ti­cal­ly review­ed, clas­si­fied and sub­se­quent­ly high­ligh­ted. The rese­arch results are divi­ded into five main the­ma­tic areas:

  • Hea­ting and bur­ner technology
  • Model­ling and pre­dic­ti­ve con­trol of com­bus­ti­on systems
  • Sen­so­ry con­trol, stan­dards and regulations
  • Fur­nace mate­ri­als and pro­duct quality
  • Heat trans­fer, heat reco­very and economics

During five the­ma­tic web­i­nars in May 2023, the pro­ject results and sel­ec­ted inno­va­tions will be pre­sen­ted by the pro­ject part­ners and experts from indus­try and rese­arch. Dis­cus­sions during the web­i­nars will also pro­vi­de insights into the reasons for suc­cess and fail­ure of past pro­jects, as well as advice on how to pro­ceed. Online semi­nar series in May/June 2023:

  • Hea­ting and bur­ner tech­no­lo­gy, May 2nd, 2023, 2:00–3:30 pm
  • Model­ling and con­trol of com­ple­te fur­naces (Level 2), May 9th, 2023, 2:00–3:30 pm
  • Mate­ri­als in the Fur­nace and Pro­duct Qua­li­ty, May 23rd 2023, 2:00–4:00 pm
  • Heat Trans­fer, Heat Reco­very, Pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, Eco­no­my, May 30th 2023, 2:00–3:30 pm
  • Sen­sors and con­trols (level 1), stan­dards, regu­la­ti­ons, June 1st 2023, 2:00–3:30 pm

Links to the web­i­nars can be found on the DissHEAT web­site. Many thanks to Swe­rim for the invi­ta­ti­on and the plea­sant stay in Luleå.