On May 04, 2023, a delegation from the University of Alberta (Canada) visited the Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering. This delegation was led by Professor André McDonald, Associate Vice President and Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Together with his colleagues Mostafa Yakout, Ehsan Hashemi, Maria Ophelia Jarligo and two PhD students, Mohammad Aatif Qazi und Nashit Jalal, Prof. Pfeifer took them on a tour of the technical centers of the IOB.
The Advanced Heat Transfer and Surface Technologies (AHTST) Laboratory, which is also led by Prof. McDonald, has research topics that are related to the IOB, especially in the area of heat transfer modelling. The focus of the AHTST, however, is primarily on surface technology. Hydrogen is also a major topic in Alberta and also keeps the delegation from Canada busy. The investigations into the hydrogen embrittlement of steel samples already carried out in the annealing simulator at the IOB were a particular topic of discussion, since environmental barrier coatings are also a subject of research for the Canadians. The visit was part of a larger visit of this delegation to RWTH Aachen University as well as to Forschungszentrum Jülich. The mutual interest in the current topics was very high, so that this will not remain with the one visit. We are looking forward to deepening the discussions held!