News from the IOB

11th European Combustion Meeting and IFRF Workshop — The IOB in Rouen

The Euro­pean Com­bus­ti­on Mee­ting and the IFRF Work­shop were held at the Uni­ver­si­té de Rouen Nor­man­die (France) on April 25–28, 2023. The IOB was repre­sen­ted at both events by Elsa Bus­son, Nico­las Din­sing, Lin­da Gies­ler, Mari­us Phil­ipp, Lukas San­kow­ski and Nico Schmitz.

On April 25, a work­shop of the IFRF (Inter­na­tio­nal Fla­me Rese­arch Foun­da­ti­on) with the topic “From Lab sca­le to indus­tri­al com­bus­ti­on: chal­lenges for the sca­le up of expe­ri­men­tal and simu­la­ti­on approa­ches” took place. The­re, Dr.-Ing. Nico Schmitz, group lea­der at IOB and mem­ber of the sci­en­ti­fic & orga­ni­zing com­mit­tee of the work­shop, pre­sen­ted spe­ci­fic chal­lenges in the steel indus­try as an expert during a panel dis­cus­sion. Fol­lo­wing the work­shop, the 11th Euro­pean Com­bus­ti­on Mee­ting (ECM) was held from April 26–28 with 650 par­ti­ci­pan­ts. The ECM ser­ves as a forum for know­ledge trans­fer in the field of com­bus­ti­on and rela­ted sci­en­ti­fic and tech­no­lo­gi­cal disci­pli­nes bet­ween rese­ar­chers, stu­dents and pro­fes­sio­nals with the aim of pro­mo­ting com­bus­ti­on rese­arch in Europe.



Over three days, five key­note lec­tures and five pos­ter ses­si­ons (450 pos­ters) high­ligh­ted and dis­cus­sed various aspects of com­bus­ti­on. Some examp­les of the topics of this year’s con­fe­rence are com­bus­ti­on reac­tion kine­tics, lami­nar and tur­bu­lent fla­mes, (pol­lutant) emis­si­ons, oxy­fuel com­bus­ti­on and new trends in com­bus­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy. Our col­le­agues pre­sen­ted the fol­lo­wing posters:

  • Gies­ler, L.; Schmitz, N.; Pfei­fer, H.; Cre­sci, E.; Wün­ning, J. G.: „Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on of pri­ma­ry com­bus­ti­on in mul­tis­ta­ge fla­me­l­ess oxi­da­ti­on”, 11th Euro­pean Com­bus­ti­on Mee­ting, 26.–28. April 2023, Rouen, France
  • Bus­son, E.; Mühl­bach, M.; Schmitz, N.; Wün­ning, J. G.; Pfei­fer, H.: „An expe­ri­men­tal stu­dy on the fle­xi­ble use of hydro­gen as fuel in radi­ant tubes for steel anne­al­ing lines”, 11th Euro­pean Com­bus­ti­on Mee­ting, 26.–28. April 2023, Rouen, France
  • Phil­ipp, M.; Schmitz, N.; Pfei­fer, H.: „Deve­lo­p­ment of a low-emis­si­on com­bus­ti­on con­cept for hydro­gen in mul­ti-fuel-bur­ners“, 11th Euro­pean Com­bus­ti­on Mee­ting, 26.–28. April 2023, Rouen, France
  • San­kow­ski, L.; Wün­ning, Ch.; Schmitz, N.; Pfei­fer, H.: „Expe­ri­men­tal inves­ti­ga­ti­ons of a pro­to­ty­pe high-velo­ci­ty bur­ner in fla­me and fla­me­l­ess ope­ra­ti­on for dif­fe­rent H2-admix­tures to natu­ral gas”, 11th Euro­pean Com­bus­ti­on Mee­ting, 26.–28. April 2023, Rouen, France

In addi­ti­on to the the­ma­ti­cal­ly very inte­res­t­ing con­fe­rence, a varied social pro­gram was offe­red. The high­lights were the Wel­co­me Recep­ti­on at the Rouen City Hall, a cock­tail evening at the Musée des beaux arts, a gui­ded tour through the old town of Rouen and the con­fe­rence din­ner at the Hal­le aux toi­les. We would like to thank the IFRF and the French sec­tion of the Com­bus­ti­on Insti­tu­te for the gre­at organization!