On 28th and 29th March 2023, the 75th annual meeting of the DECHEMA (Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.) High Temperature Technology Section took place at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The IOB was represented at the annual meeting by Elsa Busson, Kathrina Theisen, Linda Giesler, Franziska Ott, Lukas Sankowski and Moritz Eickhoff.
The aim of the section meeting is the intensive exchange between industry, research institutions and universities on various topics relevant to the section and the latest applications and scientific findings from industry and research. In the 18 lectures and five posters, the entire thematic breadth of the specialist areas was covered: from experimental results and theoretical approaches to the implementation of equipment and the development of new overall processes.
Our colleagues were able to present the following topics at the annual meeting:
Sankowski, L.; Wünning, Ch.; Schmitz, N.; Pfeifer, H.: „Einfluss von Wasserstoff auf die NOx-Emissionen eines vorindustriellen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbrenners im Flammen- und flammlosen Betrieb [Influence of hydrogen on the NOx emissions of a pre-industrial high-speed burner in flame and flameless operation]“, 75th Annual Meeting of the DECHEMA High Temperature Technology Section, 28.–29. March 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany
Ott, F.; Schmitz, N.; Pfeifer, H.: „Untersuchung der Strahlungsübertragung bei Oxyfuel Verbrennung von Wasserstoff und Wasserstoff-Erdgas Gemischen in der Behälterglasindustrie [Investigation of radiation transfer during oxyfuel combustion of hydrogen and hydrogen-natural gas mixtures in the container glass industry]“, 75th Annual Meeting of the DECHEMA High Temperature Technology Section, 28.–29. March 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany
Busson, E.; Mühlbach, M.; Schmitz, N.; Wünning, J.G.; Pfeifer, H.: „Entwicklung eines brennstoffflexiblen Rekuperatorbrenners mit niedrigen NOx-Emissionen für den Einsatz in Glüh- und Feuerbeschichtungsanlagen [Development of a fuel-flexible self-recuperative burner with low NOx emissions for use in annealing and hot-dip coating lines]“, 75th Annual Meeting of the DECHEMA High Temperature Technology Section, 28.–29. March 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany
Theisen, K.; Eickhoff, M.; Pfeifer, H.: „Physikalische Modellierung einer Behälterglaswanne im Rahmen des „ZeroCO2-Glas“-Projektes [Physical modelling of a container glass tank as part of the “ZeroCO2-Glas” project]“, 75th Annual Meeting of the DECHEMA High Temperature Technology Section, 28.–29. March 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany
Giesler, L.; Schmitz, N.; Pfeifer, H.; Cresci, E.; Wünning, J. G.: „Untersuchungen zum Düsendurchmesser bei der vorgemischen, unterstöchiometrischen Verbrennung als Teil der mehrstufigen flammlosen Oxidation [Investigations on the nozzle diameter in premixed, fuel-rich combustion as part of multi-stage flameless oxidation]“, 75th Annual Meeting of the DECHEMA High Temperature Technology Section, 28.–29. March 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany
Eickhoff, M.; Haas, T.; Pfeifer, H.: „Vergleich der Entgasungseffizienzen verschiedener Gaseinbringsysteme für metallurgische Schmelzen [Comparison of the degassing efficiencies of different gas injection systems for metallurgical melts]“, 75th Annual Meeting of the DECHEMA High Temperature Technology Section, 28.–29. March 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany
Overall, there was a clear focus on the use of hydrogen as a fuel in thermoprocessing technology, to which the IOB contributed three of the seven thematic presentations.
The organisers offered a varied supporting programme. The highlights were the get-together on Monday evening in the Hoepfner Burghof and the final excursion to MiRO, the mineral oil refinery Oberrhein, in Karlsruhe.
We would like to thank the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for the great organisation of the annual meeting!