News from the IOB

HyInHeat project meeting in the Basque city of Donostia-San Sebastián

The Gene­ral Assem­bly Mee­ting of the Euro­pean HyIn­Heat pro­ject took place in Donos­tia-San Sebas­tián on 7 and 8 Novem­ber 2023. Tog­e­ther with the broad-based con­sor­ti­um from indus­try and sci­ence, the Depart­ment for Indus­tri­al Fur­naces and Heat Engi­nee­ring (IOB) is working on the decar­bo­niza­ti­on of the steel and alu­mi­ni­um indus­try through the use of hydro­gen. For the first time sin­ce the kick-off mee­ting in Aachen at the begin­ning of the year, the con­sor­ti­um met in the Bas­que Coun­try in nor­t­hern Spain to dis­cuss the project’s pro­gress. IOB was repre­sen­ted by our col­le­agues Tho­mas Ech­ter­hof, Nico Schmitz, Lukas San­kow­ski, Alex Gar­cia Ver­ga­ra, Andrés Ramí­rez Sán­chez and Johan­nes Losacker.

In the con­gress cent­re of the Eus­ka­di­ko Par­ke Tekno­lo­gi­koa tech­no­lo­gy park, the new pro­ject part­ner Arce­lor­Mit­tal Ola­ber­ria was first wel­co­med. IOB as pro­ject coor­di­na­tor and the orga­ni­zers Tecna­lia and Ceit then led through the project’s work packa­ges in seve­ral pre­sen­ta­ti­on ses­si­ons. The first work packa­ge – pro­cess ana­ly­sis and retro­fit­ting requi­re­ments – was alre­a­dy com­ple­ted in pro­ject month nine and sub­mit­ted to the EU in the form of reports. Con­se­quent­ly, it for­med a focal point in the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons of the project’s pro­gress. IOB con­tri­bu­ted in the are­as of life cycle assess­ment and mate­ri­al flow ana­ly­sis as well as preli­mi­na­ry work on new mea­su­re­ment tech­no­lo­gies and nitro­gen oxi­de emis­si­on limits. In this con­text, the first peer-review­ed paper of the pro­ject “NOx Emis­si­on Limits in a Fuel-Fle­xi­ble and Defos­si­li­zed Indus­try — Quo Vadis” was pre­sen­ted, in which new, neces­sa­ry defi­ni­ti­ons for the assess­ment of NOx emis­si­ons are pre­sen­ted. In addi­ti­on, work on the topic of ther­mal radia­ti­on model­ling in nume­ri­cal simu­la­ti­ons was presented.

The fol­lo­wing pre­sen­ta­ti­ons focus­sed on the work packa­ges alre­a­dy under­way to modi­fy the equip­ment and pro­ces­ses, the design of safe infra­struc­tu­re for the use of hydro­gen and the instru­men­ta­ti­on and algo­rith­ms for mea­su­re­ment and con­trol. During the breaks, the­re was the oppor­tu­ni­ty for per­so­nal dia­lo­gue with the pro­ject part­ners, in which ques­ti­ons and fur­ther ide­as were dis­cus­sed in more detail. Once the offi­ci­al pro­gram­me of the first day had ended, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts moved on to the evening pro­gram­me, which began with a gui­ded tour of the his­to­ric cent­re of San Sebas­ti­an. Divi­ded into smal­ler groups, the guests were intro­du­ced to the spe­cial fea­tures of the Bas­que lan­guage, archi­tec­tu­re and cui­sine befo­re local dis­hes were ser­ved over dinner.

Once the pro­gress of the pro­ject had been cover­ed in terms of con­tent, admi­nis­tra­ti­ve issues and public rela­ti­ons work were dis­cus­sed on the fol­lo­wing day. In addi­ti­on, the EU-fun­ded H2Glass pro­ject, which is the coun­ter­part to HyIn­Heat in the glass indus­try, was pre­sen­ted. The pro­ject coor­di­na­tors pro­vi­ded an over­view in order to iden­ti­fy over­laps and poten­ti­al syn­er­gies. The after­noon was fil­led with exten­si­ve tours through the labo­ra­to­ries of the orga­nisers Tecna­lia and Ceit, whe­re the equip­ment for hydro­gen pro­duc­tion and detail­ed metall­ur­gi­cal tests could be inspected.

While half of the IOB team tra­ve­led home the next day, col­le­agues from the com­bus­ti­on group took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to visit the steel­works of part­ner Arce­lor­mit­tal in near­by Gijon. The­re they visi­ted the test rigs for direct and indi­rect hea­ting using radi­ant hea­ting tubes in order to coor­di­na­te the pro­ce­du­re for the nume­ri­cal simu­la­ti­ons of the test rigs.

We would like to thank our pro­ject part­ners Tecna­lia, Ceit and Arce­lor­mit­tal for their hos­pi­ta­li­ty and for orga­ni­s­ing the visit.