News from the IOB

The IOB at the Humber Cluster in England

From Octo­ber 6 to 9, 2024, our col­le­ague Katha­ri­na Roth­höft took part in the net­work mee­ting of the “Hum­ber Indus­tri­al Clus­ter” in Eng­land. The event, orga­ni­zed by the CDI (Clus­ter Decar­bo­niza­ti­on of Indus­try), ser­ved to fami­lia­ri­ze Ger­man net­work part­ners with Bri­tish approa­ches to decarbonization.

As part of the EE4Ing2 pro­ject, Katha­ri­na took part in the event in the Hum­ber regi­on. The trip ser­ved to inten­si­fy the net­work and eva­lua­te the trans­fera­bi­li­ty of the stra­te­gies appli­ed in Eng­land to Ger­ma­ny. Various pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and com­pa­ny visits were orga­ni­zed as part of the event.

On the first day of arri­val, a short round of intro­duc­tions took place in the evening. The fol­lo­wing mor­ning, the bus took us to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hull, whe­re lec­tures and panel dis­cus­sions took place. The Hum­ber Indus­tri­al Clus­ter was pre­sen­ted as part of a work­shop. This high­ligh­ted both the strengths and chal­lenges of the regi­on faced by local com­pa­nies and insti­tu­ti­ons. In addi­ti­on, fur­ther rese­arch pro­jects of the uni­ver­si­ty were pre­sen­ted in the lec­tures. This was fol­lo­wed by panel dis­cus­sions on the topics of “Use of hydro­gen” and “Off­shore wind ener­gy”. Lunch was fol­lo­wed by a tour of the Sal­tend Che­mi­cals Park and a visit to Sie­mens Game­sa, whe­re blades for wind tur­bi­nes are pro­du­ced. The day ended with a joint dinner.

Fur­ther com­pa­ny visits were car­ri­ed out on the second day. As part of the event, a fur­ther panel dis­cus­sion was held at CATCH on the topic of inte­gra­ted ener­gy sys­tems, the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on of spe­cia­list per­son­nel and the poli­ti­cal frame­work for Net Zero in the UK. This was fol­lo­wed by a visit to the Phil­lips 66 oil refi­nery, which is curr­ent­ly buil­ding a car­bon cap­tu­re plant to cap­tu­re CO2 emis­si­ons. On the last day, the pro­gram included a visit to the for­mer DRAX coal-fired power plant, which uses wood chips to gene­ra­te elec­tri­ci­ty. DRAX was the lar­gest coal-fired power sta­ti­on in Eng­land with an out­put of around 4 GW and, fol­lo­wing con­ver­si­on, is now the lar­gest bio­mass power sta­ti­on in the world (around 2.6 GW instal­led elec­tri­cal output).

The trip pro­vi­ded valuable insights into decar­bo­niza­ti­on stra­te­gies in Eng­land and show­ed which approa­ches could poten­ti­al­ly also be appli­ed in Ger­ma­ny. We would like to thank the CDI for orga­ni­zing the event and “future hum­ber” for their sup­port. We look for­ward to incor­po­ra­ting the know­ledge gai­ned into our pro­jects at the IOB. We would also like to thank Olly Bur­dett for pro­vi­ding the photos.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found here: