News from the IOB

REVaMP final meeting in Brussels

On Febru­ary 14, the review mee­ting and final mee­ting for our REVaMP pro­ject took place in Brussels. Tog­e­ther with the 14 pro­ject part­ners, the IOB, repre­sen­ted by Felix Kai­ser and Tim Rei­chel, pre­sen­ted the most important results and ans­we­red ques­ti­ons from the reviewers.

The the­ma­tic back­ground to the pro­ject: The Euro­pean manu­fac­tu­ring indus­try con­su­mes lar­ge amounts of ener­gy and resour­ces every year. In metal pro­duc­tion, the recy­cling of scrap metal from old pro­ducts is eco­lo­gi­cal­ly and eco­no­mic­al­ly advan­ta­ge­ous. The use of recy­cled mate­ri­als as feedstock redu­ces the con­sump­ti­on of resour­ces and signi­fi­cant­ly lowers ener­gy con­sump­ti­on and CO2 emissions.

Howe­ver, metal-pro­du­cing com­pa­nies today are con­fron­ted with incre­asing fluc­tua­tions in secon­da­ry raw mate­ri­als and ener­gy sources. As part of REVaMP, various solu­ti­ons for retro­fit­ting plants have been deve­lo­ped: scrap ana­ly­sis sen­sors for impro­ved inline ana­ly­sis of scrap metal, opti­mal sel­ec­tion of input mate­ri­als for mate­ri­al and ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, scrap pre­hea­ting sys­tems to impro­ve ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy during mel­ting and model-based soft­ware tools for opti­mal pro­cess moni­to­ring and control.

As part of the pro­ject, the IOB is respon­si­ble for the eco­lo­gi­cal eva­lua­ti­on of the con­ver­si­on mea­su­res. To this end, exten­si­ve mate­ri­al flow ana­ly­ses and life cycle assess­ments were crea­ted in order to eva­lua­te the various use cases and their pro­ces­ses. In his pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Felix Kai­ser pre­sen­ted the metho­do­lo­gi­cal approa­ches, explai­ned the indi­vi­du­al pro­cess models and show­ed in the over­view of results which savings poten­ti­al can be achie­ved through the mea­su­res deve­lo­ped in the project.

The REVaMP pro­ject was clas­si­fied as suc­cessful by the experts; all work packa­ges were com­ple­ted. The pro­ject is the­r­e­fo­re con­side­red com­ple­te and also pro­vi­ded many inte­res­t­ing fin­dings and points of refe­rence. The mee­ting took place in Brussels at the pre­mi­ses of the Cata­lan dele­ga­ti­on. Bet­ween the indi­vi­du­al pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and dis­cus­sions, the indi­vi­du­al pro­ject part­ners were able to exch­an­ge ide­as, review the past pro­ject years and talk about new rese­arch ide­as. We would like to thank them for the gre­at coope­ra­ti­on and look for­ward to fur­ther exci­ting projects.