News from the IOB

Prof. Pfeifer at Ipsen “Meet the Heat”

The com­pa­ny Ipsen Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH, Kle­ve, invi­ted to the “Meet the Heat” event on 20 and 21 Sep­tem­ber 2023 as part of the company’s 75th anni­ver­sa­ry. Prof. Pfei­fer and Lukas San­kow­ski from the IOB accept­ed the invitation.

As one of three key­note spea­k­ers, Prof. Pfei­fer pre­sen­ted the topic “Poten­ti­als of elec­tric heat and CO2-neu­tral fuels for ther­mopro­ces­sing tech­no­lo­gies”. He out­lined the curr­ent­ly dis­cus­sed alter­na­ti­ves to fos­sil fuels in ther­mopro­ces­sing indus­try. In addi­ti­on to elec­tri­cal hea­ting of pro­ces­ses, the use of poten­ti­al­ly green fuels such as hydro­gen, ammo­nia or dime­thyl ether as a sub­sti­tu­te for natu­ral gas was also part of the discussion.

At the event, the Ipsen com­pa­ny pre­sen­ted its various vacu­um, atmo­sphe­ric and peri­phe­ral sys­tems for the heat tre­at­ment of metal­lic mate­ri­als, e.g. for case har­dening of gear parts in the auto­mo­ti­ve sec­tor, on a tour through the pro­duc­tion halls. A spe­cial high­light was the “Future Lab”, which had been inau­gu­ra­ted the day befo­re by Mona Neu­bau­er, NRW’s Minis­ter for Eco­no­mic Affairs, Indus­try, Cli­ma­te Action and Ener­gy. In par­ti­cu­lar, the hybrid-powered Atlas Green sea­led quench fur­nace, which is equip­ped with elec­tric hea­ting ele­ments and hydro­gen bur­ners, attrac­ted the atten­ti­on of the appro­xi­m­ate­ly 300 visitors.

Various pre­sen­ta­ti­ons on indus­try expe­ri­en­ces, new deve­lo­p­ments and digi­tal offers of the indi­vi­du­al depart­ments were com­ple­ted by fur­ther key­notes. Pro­ba­b­ly the grea­test impres­si­on was left by the for­mer Dutch astro­naut Dr André Kui­pers with a spe­cial view of the Earth and the topic of sus­taina­bi­li­ty, name­ly from space. The event was con­cluded with a panel dis­cus­sion on the topic of sus­taina­bi­li­ty and ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, in which Prof. Pfei­fer also took part.

The event was roun­ded off by a nice evening pro­gram­me with live music, beer tent and bar­be­cue. We would like to thank the Ipsen com­pa­ny for the gre­at event!