News from the IOB

The IOB at the 31st German Flame Day

On 27 and 28 Sep­tem­ber 2023, the 31st Ger­man Fla­me Day for Sus­tainable Com­bus­ti­on took place in Ber­lin. The IOB was repre­sen­ted by Prof. Her­bert Pfei­fer tog­e­ther with Lin­da Gies­ler, Mari­us Phil­ipp and Lukas Sankowski.

Alre­a­dy the day befo­re, many par­ti­ci­pan­ts of the Fla­me Day came tog­e­ther for the Ear­ly Rese­ar­cher Event at the Ver­suchs- und Lehr­an­stalt für Braue­rei. After lec­tures and dis­cus­sions, par­ti­ci­pan­ts met up with fami­li­ar faces bet­ween beer and pret­zels, and the evening ended in a rela­xed atmosphere.

On the 27 Sep­tem­ber, Dr. Joa­chim G. Wün­ning from WS Wär­me­pro­zess­tech­nik GmbH kicked off the Fla­me Day after the wel­co­me address with a key­note speech on “The role of com­bus­ti­on in a world of rene­wa­ble ener­gies”. This was fol­lo­wed by two con­fe­rence days with a total of 87 lec­tures and 43 pos­ters, with a spe­cial focus on sus­tainable com­bus­ti­on con­cepts. The wide-ran­ging con­fe­rence pro­gram­me lin­ked basic rese­arch with appli­ca­ti­on. With over 250 par­ti­ci­pan­ts, the Fla­me Day was very well attended.

Our col­le­agues pre­sen­ted the cur­rent sta­te of their rese­arch on the lec­tu­re topics of pro­cess com­bus­ti­on and sus­tainable ener­gy sources in the fol­lo­wing tech­ni­cal lec­tures:
Gies­ler, Lin­da; Schmitz, Nico; Pfei­fer, Her­bert; Cre­sci, Enri­co; Wün­ning, Joa­chim G.: „Nume­ri­sche und expe­ri­men­tel­le Unter­su­chun­gen zur Cha­rak­te­ri­sie­rung der pri­mä­ren Ver­bren­nung bei der mehr­stu­fi­gen flamm­lo­sen Oxi­da­ti­on“
Phil­ipp, Mari­us; Schmitz, Nico; Pfei­fer, Her­bert: „Ent­wick­lung eines emis­si­ons­ar­men Ver­bren­nungs­kon­zep­tes für Was­ser­stoff in Mehr­stoff­bren­nern“
San­kow­ski, Lukas; Wün­ning, Chris­to­pher; Kai­ser, Han­nah; Schmitz, Nico; Pfei­fer, Her­bert: „Expe­ri­men­tel­le Unter­su­chun­gen zur Ver­bren­nung von Was­ser­stoff und Was­ser­stoff-Erd­gas-Gemi­schen in einem vor­in­dus­tri­el­len Hoch­ge­schwin­dig­keits­bren­ner im Flam­men- und flamm­lo­sen Betrieb“

On the second evening, all par­ti­ci­pan­ts met for a boat trip with din­ner tog­e­ther on the Wann­see. We would like to thank all the orga­nisers of the 31st Ger­man Flam­men­tag for Sus­tainable Com­bus­ti­on for the excel­lent con­fe­rence and the gre­at sup­port­ing programme!