Gas analytics

The IOB has a ran­ge of instru­ments and sys­tems for the deter­mi­na­ti­on of pro­cess gas, pro­tec­ti­ve gas and exhaust gas compositions.

Por­ta­ble exhaust gas ana­ly­zer
The IOB uses a tes­to 350-XL as a por­ta­ble exhaust gas ana­ly­zer, espe­ci­al­ly for short-term exhaust gas mea­su­re­ments. The instru­ment can be used to deter­mi­ne the O2, CO, CO2, NO and NO2 con­tent of the exhaust gas as well as the exhaust gas tem­pe­ra­tu­re direct­ly using a Type K ther­mo­cou­ple inte­gra­ted into the mea­su­ring lan­ce. In addi­ti­on, the volu­me flow of the exhaust gas can be deter­mi­ned by a dif­fe­ren­ti­al pres­su­re mea­su­re­ment when an appro­pria­te mea­su­ring pro­be is connected.

Mobi­le gas ana­ly­sis sys­tems
For long-term mea­su­re­ments, the IOB has seve­ral mobi­le gas ana­ly­sis sys­tems, each con­sis­ting of a gas pre­pa­ra­ti­on unit and the actu­al ana­ly­sis unit. Gas ana­ly­sis equip­ment from Rose­mount Ana­ly­ti­cal is used in the sys­tems. The sys­tems are desi­gned both for the mea­su­re­ment of com­bus­ti­on gases and for the mea­su­re­ment of pro­cess gases. Accor­din­gly, the main com­pon­ents of com­bus­ti­on gases O2, CO, CO2, CH4 and H2 can be mea­su­red in the per­cen­ta­ge or ppm ran­ge depen­ding on the sys­tem. The exis­ting ana­ly­zers for NO/NOx, NO2 and SO2 mea­su­re in the ppm range.

FTIR gas spec­tro­me­ter
In con­trast to the other gas ana­ly­sis instru­ments used at the IOB, which can only indi­vi­du­al­ly deter­mi­ne the con­cen­tra­ti­on of one spe­ci­es, the Mul­ti­Gas gas ana­ly­sis instru­ment from MKS Instru­ments based on FTIR gas spec­tro­me­try offers the advan­ta­ge of being able to deter­mi­ne seve­ral gas spe­ci­es simul­ta­neous­ly by eva­lua­ting the mea­su­red absorp­ti­on spectrum.

Dew point mir­ror for trace humi­di­ty measurements

Dew point mir­rors
The IOB has a dew point mir­ror mea­su­ring instru­ment for deter­mi­ning the trace mois­tu­re con­tent of, for exam­p­le, pro­tec­ti­ve gases. The device type S4000 RS of Michell Instru­ments is able to deter­mi­ne the gas humi­di­ty in a mea­su­ring ran­ge from ‑80 to +20°C dew point with an accu­ra­cy of +/- 0.1°C dew point.

Ther­mo-FID PT
The por­ta­ble fla­me ioniza­ti­on detec­tor (FID) of the IOB for the detec­tion of hydro­car­bons (orga­nic car­bon) has a mea­su­ring ran­ge of 0 — 1…500.000 mg org. C/m³ with a detec­tion limit of < 0.1 mg org. C/m³.