Lecturer: Schmidt
The lecture “Process water technology and operational water management” is offered each semester in German language as a block event with 3 dates (by arrangement). If you are interested, please contact Ms. Klein (Tel.: +49 (0)241–80 25936 / klein@iob.rwth-aachen.de) or Dr.-Ing. Burkhard Schmidt (Tel.: 0221–36780 310 / burkhard.schmidt@aif.de) at the institute’s secretariat.
“Water is life”, but also an important resource in industrial production, the effective and sustainable use of which is of great importance for process safety, economic efficiency and environmental protection. Exemplary plant areas are the cooling of metallurgical reactors, pickling plants and process baths in surface finishing. The lecture deals with questions of plant and process engineering for water supply, water use, water cycle closure and waste water treatment under consideration of operational practice and current developments.
1. The use of water in the metal industry using the example of steel production and related industries: Cooling, cleaning, lubrication, pickling plants, steam
2. Fundamentals of operational water management: global water management, water legislation, water supply, water use, wastewater treatment, resource efficiency
3. Benefits and characteristics of water use in operational facilities and cycles
4. Water use and treatment at selected process stages and plants:
- Cooling and washing water for pig iron and steel production
- Granulation of slag
- Use of water for hot and cold forming
- Plants for pickling and degreasing of surfaces
- Electroplating surface refinement, electrolysis processes
5. Energy recovery from process water
6. Monitoring of water circuits and process baths
7. Waste water treatment: state of the art, new developments and trends