Electric Arc Furnace Technology

Cour­se during the win­ter semes­ter in Ger­man language.

The pre­sent dates for the lec­tu­re and exer­cise should be visi­ble in RWTHon­line, or rather the lear­ning plat­form RWTH­mood­le.


Intro­duc­tion (Histo­ry and signi­fi­can­ce of elec­tric steel pro­duc­tion), Elec­tri­cal fun­da­men­tals (AC/DC arc fur­nace), Plant engi­nee­ring (steel mill lay­out, fur­nace lining, mecha­ni­cal equip­ment, fur­naces and peri­phe­ral equip­ment, elec­tri­cal equip­ment, exhaust gas clea­ning, heat reco­very, trends/furnace con­cepts), Lining (refrac­to­ry, water-coo­led com­pon­ents), Ener­gy and input mate­ri­als (elec­tri­cal ener­gy, fuels, scrap, DRI, etc. alloys, slag for­mers), Pro­cess engi­nee­ring (metall­ur­gy in elec­tric arc fur­naces, secon­da­ry metall­ur­gy, ener­gy and mate­ri­al balan­ces), Auto­ma­ti­on and pro­cess con­trol (pro­cess models, pro­duc­tion plan­ning), Envi­ron­men­tal aspects (by-pro­ducts and resi­du­al mate­ri­als, CO2 emis­si­ons), Eco­no­mic aspects


The script is available as a down­load in the RWTH­mood­le for all stu­dents, who regis­tered for the cour­se. In addi­ti­on to this, it is acqui­ra­ble as a prin­ted ver­si­on at the secretary’s office of the department.