List of publications – Dr.-Ing. Thomas Echterhof

Publications in journals, books and conference proceedings

DiGio­van­ni, C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Pro­gress Toward Bio­car­bon Uti­liza­ti­on in Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Steel­ma­king: Cur­rent Sta­tus and Future Pro­s­pects, Jour­nal of Sus­tainable Metall­ur­gy, 10 (2024), 2047–2067 [open access]

Rei­ni­cke, A.; Eng­brecht, T.-N.; Schüt­ten­sack, L.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Appli­ca­ti­on of an Arti­fi­ci­al Neu­ral Net­work for Effi­ci­ent Com­pu­ta­ti­on of Che­mi­cal Acti­vi­ties within an EAF Pro­cess Model, Metals, 14 (2024), 736 [open access]

Nach­an­kar, S.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Mode­ling the kine­tic beha­vi­or of Nitro­gen Pick­up in an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace, 13th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence – EEC 2024, 03.–07. June 2024, Essen, Germany

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Shar­ma, A.; Els­ab­agh, S.; Omri, R.; Brhel, J.; Joki­nen, M.; Ciril­li, F.; De Vito, A.; Chia­rot­ti, U.; Pasi­ni, D.; Moro­li, V.; Vol­z­o­ne, F.; Frit­tel­la, P.; Senes, C.; di Cec­ca, C.: Opti­mi­zing scrap mix and melt ‑down ope­ra­ti­on in the EAF – the Mul­ti­Sen­sE­AF pro­ject, 13th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence – EEC 2024, 03.–07. June 2024, Essen, Germany

Eick­hoff, M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, T.: SAF and OSBF Mode­ling – Sta­te of the Art and Open Rese­arch Ques­ti­ons, 13th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence – EEC 2024, 03.–07. June 2024, Essen, Germany

Kai­ser, F.; Rei­chel, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Impact of fur­nace retro­fit­ting solu­ti­ons in elec­tric steel­ma­king on envi­ron­men­tal eva­lua­ti­on, 13th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence – EEC 2024, 03.–07. June 2024, Essen, Germany

Schüt­ten­sack, L.; Rei­ni­cke, A.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Appli­ca­ti­on of hydro­gen ope­ra­ted bur­ners in the elec­tric arc fur­nace, IOP Con­fe­rence Series: Mate­ri­als Sci­ence and Engi­nee­ring, 1309 (2024), 5th Euro­pean Aca­de­mic Sym­po­si­um on EAF Steel­ma­king, 05/06/2023 — 07/06/2023, Oulu, Fin­land, 012011 [open access]

Kai­ser, F.; Rei­chel, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Mier, D.; Unamu­no, I.; Pfei­fer, H.: Decre­asing the envi­ron­men­tal impact of the elec­tric steel making pro­cess through imple­men­ta­ti­on of fur­nace retro­fit­ting solu­ti­ons, IOP Con­fe­rence Series: Mate­ri­als Sci­ence and Engi­nee­ring, 1309 (2024), 5th Euro­pean Aca­de­mic Sym­po­si­um on EAF Steel­ma­king, 05/06/2023 — 07/06/2023, Oulu, Fin­land, 012009 [open access]

Mäkelä, I.; Visu­ri, V.-V.; Aula, M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Cou­pled dyna­mic mode­ling of scrap mel­ting and gas pha­se reac­tions in the elec­tric arc fur­nace pro­cess, IOP Con­fe­rence Series: Mate­ri­als Sci­ence and Engi­nee­ring, 1309 (2024), 5th Euro­pean Aca­de­mic Sym­po­si­um on EAF Steel­ma­king, 05/06/2023 — 07/06/2023, Oulu, Fin­land, 012005 [open access]

Schmitz, N., San­kow­ski, L., Bus­son, E., Ech­ter­hof, T., Pfei­fer, H.: NOx Emis­si­on Limits in a Fuel-Fle­xi­ble and Defos­si­li­zed Indus­try — Quo Vadis?, Ener­gies, 16 (2023), 5663 [open access]

Mom­bel­li, D.; Qua­drio, M.; Mapel­li, C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Fer­nan­dez Apa­ri­cio, L.; Sor­ger, C.; Gries­sa­cher, T.; Muders­bach, D.; Schü­ler, S.: Influence of the Recir­cu­la­ti­on of Various by-pro­ducts Gene­ra­ted through Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Rou­te on EAF Slag Qua­li­ty, ISIJ Inter­na­tio­nal, 62 (2022), Nr 12, 2610–2621 [open access]

Kieu­sh, L.; Rie­ger, J.; Schenk, J.; Bron­di, C.; Rovel­li, D.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Ciril­li, F.; Tha­ler, C.; Jae­ger, N.; Snaet, D.; Peters, K.; Col­la, V.: A Com­pre­hen­si­ve Review of Secon­da­ry Car­bon Bio-Car­ri­ers for Appli­ca­ti­on in Metall­ur­gi­cal Pro­ces­ses: Uti­liza­ti­on of Tor­re­fied Bio­mass in Steel Pro­duc­tion, Metals, 12 (2022), Nr. 12, 2005 [open access]

Gon­dorf, C.; Gro­nen, L.; Will­ms, T.; Mild, L.; Alger­mis­sen, D.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Fib­re rein­forced agglo­me­ra­tes for the reu­se of by-pro­ducts and resi­dues in iron and steel­ma­king, 6th Euro­pean Con­fe­rence on Clean Tech­no­lo­gies in the Steel Indus­try (CLEAN TECH), 17.–21. Octo­ber 2022, Aachen, Germany

Gon­dorf, C.; Gro­nen, L.; Will­ms, T.; Mild, L.; Alger­mis­sen, D.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Agglo­me­ra­ting self-redu­cing fib­re rein­forced stamp press bricks out of by-pro­ducts and resi­dues from metall­ur­gi­cal pro­ces­ses, 11th EUROPEAN SLAG CONFERENCE, 04.–07. Octo­ber 2022, Aachen, Germany

Gro­nen, L.; Gon­dorf, C.; Will­ms, T.; Mild, L.; Alger­mis­sen, D.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H. : Sus­tainable metal (Fe) reco­very using stamp press bricks made of dusts and slud­ges from iron and steel making pro­ces­ses, GeoMinKöln 2022, 11.–13. Sep­tem­ber 2022, Köln, Germany

Pau­na, H.; Aula, M.; Will­ms, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Hut­tu­la, M.; Fabri­ti­us, T.: Opti­cal emis­si­on spec­tro­sco­py as a method to impro­ve the pro­cess auto­ma­ti­on of elec­tric arc fur­naces and lad­le fur­naces, IFAC-Paper­sOn­Line, 55 (2022), Nr. 2, S. 78–83 [open access]

Abdel­ra­him, A.; Aula, M.; Ilja­na, M.; Will­ms, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Stein­lech­ner, S.; Mom­bel­li, D.; Mapel­li, C.; Omran, M.; Preiss, S.; Fabri­ti­us, T.: Sui­ta­bi­li­ty of Self-Redu­cing and Slag-Forming Bri­quet­tes for Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Use Based on Labo­ra­to­ry Tests, steel rese­arch inter­na­tio­nal, 93 (2022), Nr. 2, 2100472 [open access]

Rei­mann, A.; Hay, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Kir­schen, M.; Pfei­fer, H.: Appli­ca­ti­on and Eva­lua­ti­on of Mathe­ma­ti­cal Models for Pre­dic­tion of the Elec­tric Ener­gy Demand Using Plant Data of Five Indus­tri­al-Size EAFs, Metals, 11 (2021), Nr. 8, 1348 [open access]

Schu­bert, C.; Büsch­ge­ns, D.; Eick­hoff, M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Deve­lo­p­ment of a Fast Mode­ling Approach for the Pre­dic­tion of Scrap Pre­hea­ting in Con­ti­nuous­ly Char­ged Metall­ur­gi­cal Recy­cling Pro­ces­ses, Metals, 11 (2021), Nr. 8, 1280 [open access]

Schmitz, N.; San­kow­ski, L.; Kai­ser, F.; Schwot­zer, C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Towards CO2-neu­tral pro­cess heat gene­ra­ti­on for con­ti­nuous rehea­ting fur­naces in steel hot rol­ling mills – A case stu­dy, Ener­gy, 224 (2021), 120155

Hay, T.; Visu­ri, V.; Aula, M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: A Review of Mathe­ma­ti­cal Pro­cess Models for the Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Pro­cess, steel rese­arch inter­na­tio­nal, 92 (2021), Nr. 3, 2000395 [open access]

Kir­schen, M.; Hay, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Pro­cess Impro­ve­ments for Direct Redu­ced Iron Mel­ting in the Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace with Empha­sis on Slag Ope­ra­ti­on, Pro­ces­ses, 9 (2021), 402 [open access]

Ech­ter­hof, T.: Review on the use of alter­na­ti­ve car­bon sources in EAF steel­ma­king, Metals, 11 (2021), Nr. 2, 222 [open access]

Hay, T.; Her­nan­dez, J.; Roberts, S.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Cal­cu­la­ti­on of View Fac­tors in Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Pro­cess Mode­ling, steel rese­arch inter­na­tio­nal, , 92 (2021), Nr. 2, 2000341 [open access]

Will­ms, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Stein­lech­ner, S.; Aula, M.; Abdel­ra­him, A.; Fabri­ti­us, T.; Mom­bel­li, D.; Mapel­li, C.; Preiss, S.: Inves­ti­ga­ti­on on the Che­mi­cal and Ther­mal Beha­vi­or of Recy­cling Agglo­me­ra­tes from EAF by-Pro­ducts, Appli­ed Sci­en­ces, 10 (2020), 8309 [open access]

Pau­na, H., Will­ms, T., Aula, M., Ech­ter­hof, T.; Hut­tu­la, M.; Fabri­ti­us, T.: Elec­tric Arc Length-Vol­ta­ge and Con­duc­ti­vi­ty Cha­rac­te­ristics in a Pilot-Sca­le AC Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace, Metall­ur­gi­cal and Mate­ri­als Tran­sac­tions B, 51 (2020), S. 1646–1655 [open access]

Hay, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Visu­ri, V.-V.: Deve­lo­p­ment of an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Simu­la­tor Based on a Com­pre­hen­si­ve Dyna­mic Pro­cess Model, Pro­ces­ses, 7 (2019), Nr. 11, 852 [open access]

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Schwot­zer, C.; Pfei­fer, H.: Hybrid Hea­ting – Ergeb­nis­se des Inno­va­ti­ons­fo­rums und Aus­blick, 2. Aache­ner Ofen­bau- und Ther­mo­pro­zess-Kol­lo­qui­um, 10.–11. Okto­ber 2019, Aachen, pp. 203–210

Schmitz, N.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Poten­tia­le für eine CO2-neu­tra­le Pro­zess­wär­me­er­zeu­gung für Wär­me- und Glühö­fen in Stahl-Walz­wer­ken, 2. Aache­ner Ofen­bau- und Ther­mo­pro­zess-Kol­lo­qui­um, 10.–11. Okto­ber 2019, Aachen, pp. 227–238

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Will­ms, T.; Preiß, S.; Aula, M.; Abdel­ra­him, A.; Fabri­ti­us, T.; Mom­bel­li, D.; Mapel­li, C.; Stein­lech­ner, S.; Unamu­no, I.: Fabri­ca­ti­on of Agglo­me­ra­tes from Secon­da­ry Raw Mate­ri­als Rein­forced with Paper Fibres by Stamp Pres­sing Pro­cess, Appli­ed Sci­en­ces, 9 (2019), Nr. 19, 3946 [open access]

Pau­na, H. T.; Will­ms, T.; Aula, M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Hut­tu­la, M.; Fabri­ti­us, T.: Pilot-sca­le AC elec­tric arc fur­nace plas­ma cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on, Plas­ma Rese­arch Express, 1 (2019), 035007 [open access]

Hay, T.; Rei­mann, A.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Impro­ving the Mode­ling of Slag and Steel Bath Che­mis­try in an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Pro­cess Model, Metall­ur­gi­cal and Mate­ri­als Tran­sac­tions B, 50 (2019), Nr. 5, pp. 2377–2388

Rei­mann, A.; Hay, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Simu­la­ti­on of the Heat Trans­fer Within the Lad­le Fur­nace, Pro­cee­dings of the 8th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Mode­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of Metall­ur­gi­cal Pro­ces­ses in Steel­ma­king (STEELSIM 2019), 13.–15. August 2019, Toron­to, Ont., Canada

Roberts​, S.; Echterhof​​, T.; Pfeifer​, H.: Eva­lua­ting Methods of Appro­xi­mat­ing Arcs Within CFD Models, Pro­cee­dings of the 8th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Mode­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of Metall­ur­gi­cal Pro­ces­ses in Steel­ma­king (STEELSIM 2019), 13.–15. August 2019, Toron­to, Ont., Canada

Hay, T.; Rei­mann, A.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Key­note: Dyna­mic EAF Pro­cess Model — Ther­mo­che­mis­try and Fur­ther Deve­lo­p­ment, Pro­cee­dings of the 8th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Mode­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of Metall­ur­gi­cal Pro­ces­ses in Steel­ma­king (STEELSIM 2019), 13.–15. August 2019, Toron­to, Ont., Canada

Rojas Sán­chez, M. T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Mul­ti­va­ria­te sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis of the scrap com­po­si­ti­on in Elec­tric Steel­ma­king, ESTAD 2019 – Euro­pean Steel Tech­no­lo­gy and Appli­ca­ti­on Days, 24.–28.06.2019, Düsseldorf

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Will­ms, T.; Preiß, S.; Omran, M; Fabri­ti­us, T.; Mom­bel­li, D.; Mapel­li, C.; Stein­lech­ner, S.; Unamu­no, I.; Schü­ler, S.; Muders­bach, D.; Gries­sa­cher, T.: Deve­lo­ping a new pro­cess to agglo­me­ra­te secon­da­ry raw mate­ri­al fines for recy­cling in the elec­tric arc fur­nace – the Fines2EAF pro­ject, La Metall­ur­gia Ita­lia­na, 111 (2019), Nr. 5, pp. 31–40

Pfei­fer, H.; Schwot­zer, C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Hybrid beheiz­te Öfen als Bei­trag zur Ener­gie­wen­de, PROZESSWÄRME, 2 (2019), Nr. 4, pp. 67–77

Mar­cos, M.; Bian­co, L.; Ciril­li, F.; Rei­chel, T.; Bar­ac­chi­ni, G.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Rekers­drees, T.; Mira­bi­le, D.; Gries­sa­cher, T.; Som­mer­au­er, H.: Biochar for a sus­tainable EAF steel pro­duc­tion (GREENEAF2), EUR29517, Publi­ca­ti­ons Office of the Euro­pean Uni­on, (2019), Luxem­bourg [open access]

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Will­ms, T.; Preiß, S.; Omran, M; Fabri­ti­us, T.; Mom­bel­li, D.; Mapel­li, C.; Stein­lech­ner, S.; Unamu­no, I.; Schü­ler, S.; Muders­bach, D.; Gries­sa­cher, T.: Deve­lo­ping a new pro­cess to agglo­me­ra­te secon­da­ry raw mate­ri­al fines for recy­cling in the elec­tric arc fur­nace – the Fines2EAF pro­ject, CLEAN TECH 4 — The 4th Euro­pean Con­fe­rence on Clean Tech­no­lo­gies in the Steel Indus­try, 28.–29. Novem­ber 2018, Ber­ga­mo, Italien

Will­ms, T.; Meroua­ni, K.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace – an alter­na­ti­ve to the Cupo­la fur­nace for mine­ral wool pro­duc­tion, 4th Inter­na­tio­nal Glass Fiber Sym­po­si­um, 29. – 31. Octo­ber 2018, Aachen, S. 100–103

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Hay, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: A Dyna­mic EAF Pro­cess Model – Sta­te of deve­lo­p­ment and out­look, 22nd IAS Steel Con­fe­rence and EXPO IAS 2018, 23.–25. Okto­ber 2018, Rosa­rio, Argentinien

Fun­ke, A.; Demus, T.; Will­ms, T.; Schen­ke, L.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Nie­bel, A.; Pfei­fer, H.; Dah­men, N.: Appli­ca­ti­on of fast pyro­ly­sis char in an elec­tric arc fur­nace, Fuel Pro­ces­sing Tech­no­lo­gy, 174 (2018), 1 June 2018, pp. 61–68

Mei­er, T.; Gan­dt, K.; Hay, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Pro­cess Mode­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of the Radia­ti­on in the Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace, steel rese­arch inter­na­tio­nal, (2018), 1700487 [post­print]

Mei­er, T.; Hassan­nia Kolag­ar, A.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Pro­cess Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of an EAF and its Dedus­ting Sys­tem, Cher­nye Metal­ly, (2018), Nr. 2, pp. 18–24

Di Dona­to, A.; De San­tis, M.; Kleimt, B.; Köch­ner, H.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Gan­dt, K.; Pier­ret, J.-C.; Heintz, I.; Björk­vall, J.; Sand­berg, E.; Fri­cke-Bege­mann, C.: Valo­ri­sa­ti­on and dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of EAF tech­no­lo­gy (VALEAF), EUR28580, Publi­ca­ti­ons Office of the Euro­pean Uni­on, (2017), Luxem­bourg [open access]

Mei­er, T.; Gan­dt, K.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Mode­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of the Off-gas in an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace, Metall­ur­gi­cal and Mate­ri­als Tran­sac­tions B, 48 (2017), Nr. 6, pp. 3329–3344 [post­print]

Mei­er, T.; Hay, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.; Rekers­drees, T.; Schlin­ge, L.; Els­ab­agh, S.; Schlie­pha­ke, H.: Pro­cess Mode­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of Biochar Usa­ge in an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace as a Sub­sti­tu­te for Fos­sil Coal, steel rese­arch inter­na­tio­nal, 88 (2017), Nr. 9, 1600458 [post­print]

Mei­er, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Inves­ti­ga­ting the Use of Bio­mass and Oxy­gen in Elec­tric Steel­ma­king by Simu­la­ti­ons Based on a Dyna­mic Pro­cess Model, 2nd ISIJ-VDEh-Jern­kon­to­ret Joint Sym­po­si­um, 12.–13. Juni 2017, Stock­holm, Schwe­den, pp. 81–93

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Mei­er, T.; Schu­bert, C.; Pfei­fer, H.: Pro­zess­mo­del­le für Wär­me­be­hand­lungs- und Schmelz­öfen, 1. Aache­ner Ofen­bau- und Ther­mopro­cess Kol­lo­qui­um, 11.–12. Mai 2017, Aachen, pp. 331–347

Mei­er, T.; Hassan­nia Kolag­ar, A.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Dyna­mic Pro­cess Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace and its Dedus­ting Sys­tem, stahl und eisen, 137 (2017), Nr. 5, pp. 53–60

Kir­schen, M.; Zettl, K.-M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfeifer,H.: Models for EAF ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, Steel Times Inter­na­tio­nal, (2017), April, pp. 44–46

Aula, M.; Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Hut­tu­la, M.; Pfei­fer, H.; Fabri­ti­us, T.: On-line Ana­ly­sis of Cr2O3 Con­tent of the Slag in Pilot Sca­le EAF by Mea­su­ring Opti­cal Emis­si­on Spec­trum of Elec­tric Arc, ISIJ Inter­na­tio­nal, 57 (2017), Nr. 3, pp. 478–486 [open access]

Schul­ten, M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Metall­ur­gie, in: Quicker, P.; Weber, K. (Hrsg.): Bio­koh­le — Her­stel­lung, Eigen­schaf­ten und Ver­wen­dung von Bio­mas­se­kar­bo­ni­sa­ten, Sprin­ger Vie­w­eg, Wies­ba­den, 2016, pp. 254–276

Will­ms, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Skin­ner, B.: Elec­tric arc fur­nace mine­ral wool mel­ting, 3rd Inter­na­tio­nal Glass Fiber Sym­po­si­um, 17.–19. Okto­ber 2016, Aachen

Kleimt, B.; Köch­ner, H.; Di Dona­to, A.; De San­tis, M.; Fri­cke-Bege­mann, C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Gan­dt, K.; Sand­berg, E.; Heintz, I.; Björk­vall, J.; Pier­ret, J.-C.: Dis­se­mi­na­ting results of RFCS sup­port­ed rese­arch pro­jects on EAF tech­no­lo­gy, La Metall­ur­gia Ita­lia­na, 108 (2016), Nr. 9, pp. 49–57

Kolag­ar, A. H.; Mei­er, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Mode­ling of the Off-Gas Coo­ling Sys­tem for an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace and Eva­lua­ti­on of the Heat Reco­very Poten­ti­al, Che­mie Inge­nieur Tech­nik, 88 (2016), Nr. 10, pp. 1463–1473

Demus, T.; Rei­chel, T.; Schul­ten, M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Incre­asing the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of steel pro­duc­tion in the elec­tric arc fur­nace by sub­sti­tu­ting fos­sil coal with biochar agglo­me­ra­tes, Iron­ma­king & Steel­ma­king, 43 (2016), Nr. 8, pp. 564–570 [post­print]

Gan­dt, K.; Mei­er, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Heat reco­very from EAF off-gas for steam gene­ra­ti­on: ana­ly­ti­cal exer­gy stu­dy of a sam­ple EAF batch, Iron­ma­king & Steel­ma­king, 43 (2016), Nr. 8, pp. 581–587 [post­print]

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Demus, T.; Schlin­ge, L.; Schlie­pha­ke, H.; Pfei­fer, H.: Use of palm ker­nel shells as a sub­sti­tu­te for char­ge coal in a 140 t DC Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace, SCANMET V — 5th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Pro­cess Deve­lo­p­ment in Iron and Steel­ma­king, 12.–15. Juni 2016, Lulea, Sweden

Heintz, I.; Sand­berg, E.; Björk­vall, J.; Kleimt, B.; Köch­ner, H.; Di Dona­to, A.; De San­tis, M.; Frit­tel­la, P.; Fri­cke-Bege­mann, C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Gan­dt, K.; Pier­ret, J.-C.: R&D on EAF after 15 years of RFCS sup­port­ed pro­jects, SCANMET V — 5th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Pro­cess Deve­lo­p­ment in Iron and Steel­ma­king, 12.–15. Juni 2016, Lulea, Sweden

Mei­er, T.; Hassan­nia Kolag­ar, A.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Pro­cess mode­ling and simu­la­ti­on of an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace for com­pre­hen­si­ve cal­cu­la­ti­on of ener­gy and mass trans­fers in com­bi­na­ti­on with a model of the dedus­ting sys­tem, 11th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence & Expo, 25.–27. Mai 2016, Vene­dig, Italien

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Demus, T.; Pfei­fer, H.; Schlin­ge, L.; Schlie­pha­ke, H.: Inves­ti­ga­ti­on of palm ker­nel shells as a sub­sti­tu­te for fos­sil car­bons in a 140 t DC Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace, 11th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence & Expo, 25.–27. Mai 2016, Vene­dig, Italien

Kir­schen, M.; Zettl, K.-M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Ana­ly­sis of bench­mark models for EAF ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy with appli­ca­ti­on to pro­cess impro­ve­ments by EAF gas pur­ging, 11th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence & Expo, 25.–27. Mai 2016, Vene­dig, Italien

Kleimt, B.; Köch­ner, H.; Di Dona­to, A.; De San­tis, M.; Fri­cke-Bege­mann, C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Gan­dt, K.; Sand­berg, E.; Heintz, I.; Björk­vall, J.; Pier­ret, J.-C.: Dis­se­mi­na­ting results of RFCS sup­port­ed rese­arch pro­jects on EAF tech­no­lo­gy, 11th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence & Expo, 25.–27. Mai 2016, Vene­dig, Italien

Will­ms, T.; Kal­de, A.; Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Indus­tri­el­ler Ein­satz von Bio­mas­se in der Elek­tro­stahl­er­zeu­gung, DGMK-Fach­be­reichs­ta­gung: Kon­ver­si­on von Bio­mas­sen und Koh­len, 9.–11. Mai 2016, Roten­burg a.d. Ful­da, DGMK-Tagungs­be­richt 2016–2, pp. 95–102

Mei­er, T.; Logar, V.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Škrjanc, I.; Pfei­fer, H.: Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of the Mel­ting Pro­cess in Elec­tric Arc Fur­naces — Influence of Nume­ri­cal Solu­ti­on Methods, steel rese­arch inter­na­tio­nal, 87 (2016), Nr. 5, pp. 581–588 [post­print]

Gru­ber, J. C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Inves­ti­ga­ti­on on the Influence of the Arc Regi­on on Heat and Mass Trans­port in an EAF Free­board using Nume­ri­cal Mode­ling, steel rese­arch inter­na­tio­nal, 87 (2016), Nr. 1, pp. 15–28 [post­print]

Abel, R.; Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Rei­chel, T.; Dett­mer, B.; Schlie­pha­ke, H.; Alger­mis­sen, D.; Dris­sen, P.; Muders­bach, D.: Ent­wick­lung eines Agglo­me­rat­steins aus Gieß­pfan­nen­schla­cke und Bio­koh­le zum Ein­satz in Elek­tro­licht­bo­gen­ofen zur Ein­spa­rung von CO2 und Pri­mär­kalk, Report des FEhS-Insti­tuts, 22 (2015), Nr. 2, pp. 10 – 16

Mei­er, T.; Kolag­ar, A.H.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Gas pha­se mode­ling and simu­la­ti­on in an elec­tric arc fur­nace pro­cess model for detail­ed off-gas cal­cu­la­ti­ons in the dedus­ting sys­tem, 6th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of Metall­ur­gi­cal Pro­ces­ses in Steel­ma­king (Steel­Sim), 23. — 25. Sep­tem­ber 2015, Bar­do­li­no, Italien

Gru­ber, J. C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Inves­ti­ga­ti­on of the influence of the flow in the elec­tric arc regi­on and free bur­ning arc length on the heat and mass trans­fer in an EAF free­board, 6th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of Metall­ur­gi­cal Pro­ces­ses in Steel­ma­king (Steel­Sim), 23. — 25. Sep­tem­ber 2015, Bar­do­li­no, Italien

Kolag­ar, A.H.; Mei­er, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Appli­ca­ti­on of gene­tic algo­rithm to impro­ve an elec­tric arc fur­nace free­board model based on prac­ti­cal data, Int. J. Engi­nee­ring Sys­tems Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on 7 (2015), No. 4, pp. 244–255

Kal­de, A.; Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Deter­mi­ning the Reac­ti­vi­ty of Biochar-Agglo­me­ra­tes to Replace Fos­sil Coal in Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Steel­ma­king, EUBCE 2015 — 23rd Euro­pean Bio­mass Con­fe­rence and Exhi­bi­ti­on, 01. — 05. Juni 2015, Wien, Österreich

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Demus, T.; Schul­ten, M.; Noel, Y.; Pfei­fer, H.: Sub­sti­tu­ting fos­sil car­bon sources in the elec­tric arc and cupo­la fur­nace with biochar, Euro­pean Steel Envi­ron­ment & Ener­gy Con­gress (ESEC) 2014, 15.–17. Sep­tem­ber 2014, Tees­si­de Uni­ver­si­ty, Midd­les­b­rough, UK

Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Rei­chel, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Ver­wen­dung von bio­ge­nen Kar­bo­ni­sa­ten im Elek­tro­stahl­ver­fah­ren, DGMK-Fach­be­reichs­ta­gung: Kon­ver­si­on von Bio­mas­se, 12.–14. Mai 2014, Roten­burg a. d. Fulda

Mei­er, T.; Hassan­nia Kolag­ar, A.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.; Logar, V.; Skrjanc, I.: Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of the tran­si­ent Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace pro­cess, 1st Euro­pean Steel Tech­no­lo­gy & Appli­ca­ti­on Days (ESTAD) & 31st Jour­nées Sidérur­gi­ques Inter­na­tio­na­les (JSI), 7.–8. April 2014, Paris, Frankreich

Demus, T.; Rei­chel, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Biochar Usa­ge in EAF-Steel­ma­king Poten­ti­al and Fea­si­bi­li­ty, 1st Euro­pean Steel Tech­no­lo­gy & Appli­ca­ti­on Days (ESTAD) & 31st Jour­nées Sidérur­gi­ques Inter­na­tio­na­les (JSI), 7.–8. April 2014, Paris, Frankreich

Rei­chel, T.; Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Incre­asing the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of the steel pro­duc­tion in the elec­tric arc fur­nace by sub­sti­tu­ting fos­sil coal with biochar, 4. Mit­tel­eu­ro­päi­sche Bio­mas­se­kon­fe­renz, 15.–18. Janu­ar 2014, Graz, Österreich

Bian­co, L.; Bar­ac­chi­ni, G.; Ciril­li, F.; Morico­ni, A.; Morico­ni, E.; Mar­cos, M.; Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.; Bei­ler, C.; Gries­sa­cher, T.: Sus­tainable EAF steel pro­duc­tion (GREENEAF), EUR 26208, Publi­ca­ti­ons Office of the Euro­pean Uni­on, Luxem­bourg, 2013 [open access]

Bei­ler, C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Demus, T.: Use of Alter­na­ti­ve Car­bon Car­ri­ers from Rene­wa­ble Sources at EAF Sie­gen, Pro­cee­dings of the ISIJ-VDEh-Jern­kon­to­ret Joint Sym­po­si­um, 15.–16. April 2013, Osa­ka, Japan

Schul­ten, M.; Pena Chip­a­tecua, G.; Quicker, P.; Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Biochar as a sub­sti­tu­te for fos­sil car­bon sources in the cupo­la and elec­tric arc fur­nace, 2nd Nor­dic Biochar Semi­nar, 14.–15. Febru­ar 2013, Hel­sin­ki, Finnland

Bian­co, L.; Bar­ac­chi­ni, G.; Ciril­li, F.; di San­te, L.; Morico­ni, A.; Morico­ni, E.; Ago­rio, M. M.; Pfei­fer, H.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Demus, T.; Jung, H. P.; Bei­ler, C.; Krass­nig, H.-J.: Sus­tainable Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Steel Pro­duc­tion: Gree­nE­AF, BHM Berg- und Hüt­ten­män­ni­sche Monats­hef­te 158 (2013), Nr. 1, pp. 17–23 [post­print]

Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.; Schul­ten, M.; Noel, Y.; Quicker, P.: Inves­ti­ga­ti­ons on the use of bio­ge­nic resi­dues as a sub­sti­tu­te for fos­sil coal in the EAF steel­ma­king pro­cess, 10th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence, 25.–28. Sep­tem­ber 2012, Graz, Österreich

Bian­co, L.; Bar­ac­chi­ni, G.; Ciril­li, F.; di San­te, L.; Morico­ni, A.; Morico­ni, E.; Ago­rio, M. M.; Pfei­fer, H.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Demus, T.; Jung, H. P.; Bei­ler, C.; Krass­nig, H.-J.: Sus­tainable Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Steel Pro­duc­tion: Gree­nE­AF, 10th Euro­pean Elec­tric Steel­ma­king Con­fe­rence, 25.–28. Sep­tem­ber 2012, Graz, Österreich

Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Repla­ce­ment of fos­sil car­bon with bio­ge­nic resi­dues in the elec­tric steel­ma­king Pro­cess, Inter­na­tio­nal Work­shop EAF Per­spec­ti­ves on Auto­ma­ti­on, Mate­ri­als, Ener­gy & Envi­ron­ment, 29.–30. März 2012, Mai­land, Italien

Pfei­fer, H.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Voj, L.; Gru­ber, J.; Jung, H.-P.; Lenz, S.; Bei­ler, C.; Ciril­li, F.; De Miran­da, U.; Vene­ri, N.; Bres­san, E.: Con­trol of nitro­gen oxi­de emis­si­on at the elec­tric arc fur­nace — CONOX, EUR 25078, Rese­arch Fund for Coal and Steel series, Publi­ca­ti­ons Office of the Euro­pean Uni­on, Luxem­bourg, 2012 [open access]

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Nitro­gen Oxi­de For­ma­ti­on in the Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace — Mea­su­re­ment and Mode­ling, Metall­ur­gi­cal and Mate­ri­als Tran­sac­tions B 43 (2012), Nr. 1, pp. 163–172 [post­print]

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Mea­su­re­ment and Con­trol of NOx Emis­si­ons at Two AC Elec­tric Arc Fur­naces, ISIJ Inter­na­tio­nal 51 (2011), Nr. 10, pp. 1631–1636 [open access]

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Gru­ber, J.; Pfei­fer, H.: Mea­su­re­ments and Simu­la­ti­on of NOx For­ma­ti­on in the Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace, 2nd Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence Clean Tech­no­lo­gies in the Steel Indus­try, 26.–28. Sep­tem­ber 2011, Buda­pest, Ungarn

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Stu­dy on biochar usa­ge in the elec­tric arc fur­nace, 2nd Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence Clean Tech­no­lo­gies in the Steel Indus­try, 26.–28. Sep­tem­ber 2011, Buda­pest, Ungarn

Pfei­fer, H.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Risonar­ta, V.Y.; Voj, L.; Jung, H.-P.; Lenz, S.; Bei­ler, C.; Bal­lew­ski, H.-H.; Mees, H.; Kleimt, B.; Pierre, R.; Krass­nig, H.-J.; Ciril­li, F.; De Miran­da, U.; Pus­to­ri­no, M.; Nys­sen, P.; Boren­stein, D.; Oje­da, C.; Abreu, E.; Simon, P.; Van­der­heyden, B.: Impro­ved EAF pro­cess con­trol using online off­gas ana­ly­sis — OFFGAS, EUR 25048, Rese­arch Fund for Coal and Steel series, Publi­ca­ti­ons Office of the Euro­pean Uni­on, Luxem­bourg, 2011 [open access]

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Poten­ti­al of bio­mass usa­ge in elec­tric steel­ma­king, EECRs­teel 2011, 1st Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Ener­gy Effi­ci­en­cy and CO2 Reduc­tion in the Steel Indus­try, 27. Juni — 1. Juli 2011, Düsseldorf

Risonar­ta, V. Y.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.; Jung, H. P.; Bei­ler, C.; Lenz, S.; Kir­schen, M.: Hig­her cost and resour­ce effi­ci­en­ci­es through a deve­lo­p­ment of the empi­ri­cal model of chro­mi­um con­cen­tra­ti­ons, Steel­Sim 2011, 4th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of Metall­ur­gi­cal Pro­ces­ses in Steel­ma­king, 27. Juni — 1. Juli 2011, Düsseldorf

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.; Risonar­ta, V. Y.; Bei­ler, C.; Lenz, S.; Jung, H. P.: Decar­bu­riza­ti­on con­trol during stain­less steel making in an EAF, Steel­Sim 2011, 4th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of Metall­ur­gi­cal Pro­ces­ses in Steel­ma­king, 27. Juni — 1. Juli 2011, Düsseldorf

Risonar­ta, V. Y.; Kir­schen, M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Jung, H. P.; Lenz, S.; Bei­ler, C.; Pfei­fer, H.: Hig­her cost and resour­ce effi­ci­en­ci­es during stain­less steel­ma­king in an EAF, Stahl & Eisen 131 (2011), Nr. 6–7, pp. S63-S72

Bran­den­bur­ger, J.; Schlaut­mann, M.; Plüm, H.-D.; Jung, H.-P.; Bei­ler, C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Risonar­ta, V. Y.: Erhö­hung der Ener­gie- und Res­sour­cen­ef­fi­zi­enz bei der Elek­tro­stahl-Erzeu­gung durch ganz­heit­li­che, qua­li­täts­ge­führ­te Pro­duk­ti­ons­steue­rung, Bericht Nr. 2.31.003, BFI VDEh Betriebs­for­schungs­in­sti­tut, Düs­sel­dorf, 2010 [open access]

Risonar­ta, V. Y.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Jung, H. P.; Bei­ler, C.; Lenz, S.; Kir­schen, M.; Pfei­fer, H.: Appli­ca­ti­on of an Off-Gas Ana­ly­sing Sys­tem to Con­trol Oxi­da­ti­on during Stain­less Steel­ma­king in an EAF, steel rese­arch inter­na­tio­nal 81 (2010), Nr. 9, pp. 778–783 [post­print]

Ech­ter­hof, T.: Gas­feuch­te­mes­sung in der Ther­mo­pro­zess­tech­nik — Ent­wick­lung eines Spu­ren­feuch­te­sen­sors für den Hoch­tem­pe­ra­tur­ein­satz, Dis­ser­ta­ti­on, RWTH Aachen Uni­ver­si­ty, Fakul­tät für Geo­res­sour­cen und Mate­ri­al­tech­nik, 2010

Risonar­ta, V. Y.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Voj, L.; Pfei­fer, H.; Jung, H.-P.; Lenz, S.: Opti­miza­ti­on of the elec­tric arc fur­nace pro­cess at Deut­sche Edel­stahl­wer­ke, Stahl & Eisen 129 (2009), Nr. 11, pp. S55-S64

Neu­mei­er, S.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Böl­ling, R.; Pfei­fer, H.; Simon, U.: Zeo­li­te based trace humi­di­ty sen­sor for high tem­pe­ra­tu­re appli­ca­ti­ons in hydro­gen atmo­sphe­re, Sen­sors and Actua­tors B 134 (2008), pp. 171–174

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Neu­mei­er, S.; Böl­ling, R.; Simon, U.; Pfei­fer, H.: Ent­wick­lung von Metall­oxid-Sen­so­ren für die Über­wa­chung von Gas­at­mo­sphä­ren in Indus­trie­öfen, Gas­wär­me Inter­na­tio­nal 57 (2008), pp. 461–465

Presentations and poster

Ech­ter­hof, T.: Bio­car­bon for EAF: les­sons lear­nt from RFCS Gree­nE­AF pro­jects, Bio­car­bon for the steel and metal indus­try – sta­tus and per­spec­ti­ves, 29. May 2024, Stock­holm, Sweden

Kai­ser, F.; Rei­chel, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Mier, D.; Unamu­no, I.; Pfei­fer, H.: Decre­asing the envi­ron­men­tal impact of the elec­tric steel making pro­cess through imple­men­ta­ti­on of fur­nace retro­fit­ting solu­ti­ons, 5th Euro­pean Aca­de­mic Sym­po­si­um on EAF Steel­ma­king — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland

Schüt­ten­sack, L.; Rei­ni­cke, A.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Appli­ca­ti­on of hydro­gen ope­ra­ted bur­ners in the elec­tric arc fur­nace, 5th Euro­pean Aca­de­mic Sym­po­si­um on EAF Steel­ma­king — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland

Mäkelä, I.; Visu­ri, V.-V.; Aula, M.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Cou­pled dyna­mic model­ling of scrap mel­ting and gas pha­se reac­tions in the EAF pro­cess, 5th Euro­pean Aca­de­mic Sym­po­si­um on EAF Steel­ma­king — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland

Shar­ma, A.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Deter­mi­na­ti­on of the Hot Heel in an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace Us-ing Com­pu­ter Visi­on, 5th Euro­pean Aca­de­mic Sym­po­si­um on EAF Steel­ma­king — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland

Nach­an­kar, S.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: A Review of Ther­mo­dy­na­mic and Kine­tic Models for the be-havi­or of Nitro­gen in an Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace, 5th Euro­pean Aca­de­mic Sym­po­si­um on EAF Steel­ma­king — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland

Schüt­ten­sack, L.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Influence of hydro­gen bur­ners in the elec­tric arc fur­nace, Aachen Hydro­gen Col­lo­qui­um 2023, 18.–19. April 2023, Aachen

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Schmitz, N.; Schwot­zer, C.; Pfei­fer, H.: Hydro­gen use in EAF steel­ma­king and down­stream pro­ces­ses, 2nd ESTEP H2 for Green Steel inter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence: Hydro­gen rou­te for a green steel­ma­king pro­cess and appli­ca­ti­ons, 30.11./01.12.2022, Jouy en Josas, Frankreich

Ech­ter­hof, T.: Recy­cling of EAF steel­ma­king and foundry resi­dues by fib­re rein­forced agglo­me­ra­ti­on, Swe­dish Recy­cling Day 2022, 29. Sep­tem­ber 2022, online

Ech­ter­hof, T.: Opti­ons to increase the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of EAF steel­ma­king, Sus­tainable Steel Stra­te­gies Sum­mit 2022, 20.–21. Sep­tem­ber 2022, online

Hay, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: EAF Pro­cess Model and Simu­la­tor, 4th Euro­pean Aca­de­mic Sym­po­si­um on EAF Steel­ma­king – EASES 2021, 16.–18. Juni 2021, Online Event

Ciril­li, F.; Mira­bi­le, D.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Reduc­tion of direct CO2 emis­si­ons in the elec­tric arc fur­nace by sub­sti­tu­ti­on of fos­sil coal with bio­ge­nic mate­ri­als, ESTEP work­shop „Green steel by EAF rou­te“, 13.–14. Novem­ber 2019, Ber­ga­mo, Italien

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Mei­er, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: A Dyna­mic EAF Pro­cess Model — sta­te of deve­lo­p­ment and out­look, Tech­ni­cal Com­mit­tee „Pro­cess Deve­lo­p­ment in Steel Plant“, Steel Insti­tu­te VDEh, 20.10.2017, Düsseldorf

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: GREENEAF: Euro­pean Pro­jects on Gree­ner Steel via EAF and Bio­mass, Bio­Cle­an­tech Forum, 01.–03. Novem­ber 2016, Otta­wa, Kanada

Kal­de, A.; Will­ms, T.; Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Deter­mi­ning the Poten­ti­al of Bio­ge­nic Cal­ci­um- and Car­bon-Rich Resi­dues as Sub­sti­tu­tes in the Elec­tric Steel­ma­king (Pos­ter), EUBCE 2016 — 24th Euro­pean Bio­mass Con­fe­rence and Exhi­bi­ti­on, 06.–09. Juni 2016, Ams­ter­dam, Niederlande

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.; Rekers­drees, T.; Schlie­pha­ke, H.: Char­ge and injec­tion tri­als at GMH, Work­shop “Biochar for a sus­tainable EAF steel pro­duc­tion — GREENEAF2”, 27.05.2016, Vene­dig, Italien

Hassan­nia, A.; Mei­er, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Eva­lua­ti­on of the heat reco­very poten­ti­al of the elec­tric arc fur­nace dedus­ting sys­tem (Pos­ter), Jah­res­tref­fen der Pro­cess­Net-Fach­grup­pe Hoch­tem­pe­ra­tur­tech­nik, 10.–11.03.2016, Nürnberg

Ech­ter­hof, T.: Sus­taina­bi­li­ty — Ener­gy and resour­ce effi­ci­en­cy, envi­ron­ment, Work­shop “Road map for future EAF tech­no­lo­gy”, RFCS VALEAF pro­ject, 13.11.2015, Düsseldorf

Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Poten­ti­als of using bio­ge­nic car­bon car­ri­ers to redu­ce cli­ma­te-rele­vant CO2 emis­si­ons and to impro­ve resour­ce effi­ci­en­cy in EAF steel­ma­king, Com­mit­tee of Ener­gy Engi­nee­ring, Stahl­in­sti­tut VDEh, 23.09.2015, Duisburg

Gan­dt, K.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: EAF Envi­ron­men­tal Impact: Air Pol­lu­ti­on, Semi­nar “Ener­gy Effi­ci­en­cy and Envi­ron­ment” RFCS VALEAF pro­ject, 09.04.2015, Mai­land, Italien

Ech­ter­hof, T.: Over­view on RFCS rese­arch on EAF ener­gy and res­sour­ce effi­ci­en­cy, Semi­nar “EAF Ener­gy and Resour­ce Effi­ci­en­cy” RFCS VALEAF pro­ject und Sit­zung des VDEh-Fach­aus­schus­ses Elek­tro­stahl­be­trieb, 23.04.2015, Aachen

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Gan­dt, K.: Alter­na­ti­ve Char­ge, Work­shop “R&D on Elec­tri­cal Arc Fur­nace: sta­te-of-the-art of RFCS-sup­port­ed pro­jects”, RFCS VALEAF pro­ject, 12.03.2015, Dal­mi­ne, Italien

Gru­ber, J. C.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Ent­wick­lung eines CFD Modells des Wär­me- und Stoff­trans­ports in einem Elek­tro­licht­bo­gen­ofen, Jah­res­tref­fen der Pro­cess­Net-Fach­grup­pe Hoch­tem­pe­ra­tur­tech­nik, 19.–20.02.2015, Rheinfelden

Demus, T.; Rei­chel, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Incre­asing the Sus­taina­bi­li­ty of Steel Pro­duc­tion in the Elec­tric Arc Fur­nace by Sub­sti­tu­ting Fos­sil Coal with Biochar-Agglo­me­ra­tes (Pos­ter), 22nd Euro­pean Bio­mass Con­fe­rence & Exhi­bi­ti­on, 23.–26.06.2014, Hamburg

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Rei­chel, T.; Demus, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Ver­wen­dung von Bio­mas­se­car­bo­ni­sa­ten im Elek­tro­stahl­ver­fah­ren (Pos­ter), Jah­res­tref­fen der Pro­cess­Net-Fach­grup­pen “Abfall­be­hand­lung und Wert­stoff­rück­ge­win­nung”, “Gas­rei­ni­gung” und “Hoch­tem­pe­ra­tur­tech­nik”, 17.–18.02.2014, Karlsruhe

Ech­ter­hof, T.: Ener­gie­ver­lus­te über das Abgas des LBO — Air­tight EAF und wei­te­re Ein­spar­po­ten­tia­le, Sit­zung des VDEh-Fach­aus­schus­ses Elek­tro­stahl­be­trieb, 04.12.2013, Freital

Rei­chel, T.; Demus, T.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Ein­satz von Bio­koh­le bei der Elek­tro­stahl­her­stel­lung (Pos­ter), Jah­res­tref­fen der Fach­ge­mein­schaft SuPER “Inte­grier­te stoff­li­che und ener­ge­ti­sche Nut­zung von Bio­mas­se”, 05.–06.11.2013, Frank­furt am Main

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Pfei­fer, H.: Model­lie­rung und Visua­li­sie­rung der Ener­gie­ver­lus­te über die Pri­mär­ent­stau­bung an einem Elek­tro­licht­bo­gen­ofen, Sit­zung des VDEh-Fach­aus­schus­ses Elek­tro­stahl­be­trieb, 15.03.2011, Kehl

Pfei­fer, H.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Unter­su­chung der Stick­oxid­emis­sio­nen an Elek­tro­licht­bo­gen­öfen, Sit­zung der VDEh-Fach­aus­schüs­se für phy­si­ka­li­sche Che­mie und metall­ur­gi­sche Ver­fah­rens­ent­wick­lung, 29.10.2010, Düsseldorf

Pfei­fer, H.; Ech­ter­hof, T.: Opti­mier­ter Sau­er­stoff­ein­satz im Elek­tro­licht­bo­gen­ofen durch den Ein­satz eines Abgas­ana­ly­se­sys­tems, Sit­zung der VDEh-Fach­aus­schüs­se für phy­si­ka­li­sche Che­mie und metall­ur­gi­sche Ver­fah­rens­ent­wick­lung, 29.10.2010, Düsseldorf

Ech­ter­hof, T.; Böl­ling, R.; Pfei­fer, H.: Metall­oxid­sen­so­ren für den Ein­satz im Indus­trie­ofen­bau, Aachen-Frei­ber­ger-Mag­de­bur­ger-Kol­lo­qui­um (Knor­zel­tref­fen), Mag­de­burg, 30.–31.08.2007