List of publications – Dr.-Ing. Thomas Echterhof
Publications in journals, books and conference proceedings
DiGiovanni, C.; Echterhof, T.: Progress Toward Biocarbon Utilization in Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking: Current Status and Future Prospects, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 10 (2024), 2047–2067 [open access]
Reinicke, A.; Engbrecht, T.-N.; Schüttensack, L.; Echterhof, T.: Application of an Artificial Neural Network for Efficient Computation of Chemical Activities within an EAF Process Model, Metals, 14 (2024), 736 [open access]
Nachankar, S.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Modeling the kinetic behavior of Nitrogen Pickup in an Electric Arc Furnace, 13th European Electric Steelmaking Conference – EEC 2024, 03.–07. June 2024, Essen, Germany
Echterhof, T.; Sharma, A.; Elsabagh, S.; Omri, R.; Brhel, J.; Jokinen, M.; Cirilli, F.; De Vito, A.; Chiarotti, U.; Pasini, D.; Moroli, V.; Volzone, F.; Frittella, P.; Senes, C.; di Cecca, C.: Optimizing scrap mix and melt ‑down operation in the EAF – the MultiSensEAF project, 13th European Electric Steelmaking Conference – EEC 2024, 03.–07. June 2024, Essen, Germany
Eickhoff, M.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, T.: SAF and OSBF Modeling – State of the Art and Open Research Questions, 13th European Electric Steelmaking Conference – EEC 2024, 03.–07. June 2024, Essen, Germany
Kaiser, F.; Reichel, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Impact of furnace retrofitting solutions in electric steelmaking on environmental evaluation, 13th European Electric Steelmaking Conference – EEC 2024, 03.–07. June 2024, Essen, Germany
Schüttensack, L.; Reinicke, A.; Echterhof, T.: Application of hydrogen operated burners in the electric arc furnace, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1309 (2024), 5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking, 05/06/2023 — 07/06/2023, Oulu, Finland, 012011 [open access]
Kaiser, F.; Reichel, T.; Echterhof, T.; Mier, D.; Unamuno, I.; Pfeifer, H.: Decreasing the environmental impact of the electric steel making process through implementation of furnace retrofitting solutions, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1309 (2024), 5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking, 05/06/2023 — 07/06/2023, Oulu, Finland, 012009 [open access]
Mäkelä, I.; Visuri, V.-V.; Aula, M.; Echterhof, T.: Coupled dynamic modeling of scrap melting and gas phase reactions in the electric arc furnace process, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1309 (2024), 5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking, 05/06/2023 — 07/06/2023, Oulu, Finland, 012005 [open access]
Schmitz, N., Sankowski, L., Busson, E., Echterhof, T., Pfeifer, H.: NOx Emission Limits in a Fuel-Flexible and Defossilized Industry — Quo Vadis?, Energies, 16 (2023), 5663 [open access]
Mombelli, D.; Quadrio, M.; Mapelli, C.; Echterhof, T.; Fernandez Aparicio, L.; Sorger, C.; Griessacher, T.; Mudersbach, D.; Schüler, S.: Influence of the Recirculation of Various by-products Generated through Electric Arc Furnace Route on EAF Slag Quality, ISIJ International, 62 (2022), Nr 12, 2610–2621 [open access]
Kieush, L.; Rieger, J.; Schenk, J.; Brondi, C.; Rovelli, D.; Echterhof, T.; Cirilli, F.; Thaler, C.; Jaeger, N.; Snaet, D.; Peters, K.; Colla, V.: A Comprehensive Review of Secondary Carbon Bio-Carriers for Application in Metallurgical Processes: Utilization of Torrefied Biomass in Steel Production, Metals, 12 (2022), Nr. 12, 2005 [open access]
Gondorf, C.; Gronen, L.; Willms, T.; Mild, L.; Algermissen, D.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Fibre reinforced agglomerates for the reuse of by-products and residues in iron and steelmaking, 6th European Conference on Clean Technologies in the Steel Industry (CLEAN TECH), 17.–21. October 2022, Aachen, Germany
Gondorf, C.; Gronen, L.; Willms, T.; Mild, L.; Algermissen, D.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Agglomerating self-reducing fibre reinforced stamp press bricks out of by-products and residues from metallurgical processes, 11th EUROPEAN SLAG CONFERENCE, 04.–07. October 2022, Aachen, Germany
Gronen, L.; Gondorf, C.; Willms, T.; Mild, L.; Algermissen, D.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H. : Sustainable metal (Fe) recovery using stamp press bricks made of dusts and sludges from iron and steel making processes, GeoMinKöln 2022, 11.–13. September 2022, Köln, Germany
Pauna, H.; Aula, M.; Willms, T.; Echterhof, T.; Huttula, M.; Fabritius, T.: Optical emission spectroscopy as a method to improve the process automation of electric arc furnaces and ladle furnaces, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (2022), Nr. 2, S. 78–83 [open access]
Abdelrahim, A.; Aula, M.; Iljana, M.; Willms, T.; Echterhof, T.; Steinlechner, S.; Mombelli, D.; Mapelli, C.; Omran, M.; Preiss, S.; Fabritius, T.: Suitability of Self-Reducing and Slag-Forming Briquettes for Electric Arc Furnace Use Based on Laboratory Tests, steel research international, 93 (2022), Nr. 2, 2100472 [open access]
Reimann, A.; Hay, T.; Echterhof, T.; Kirschen, M.; Pfeifer, H.: Application and Evaluation of Mathematical Models for Prediction of the Electric Energy Demand Using Plant Data of Five Industrial-Size EAFs, Metals, 11 (2021), Nr. 8, 1348 [open access]
Schubert, C.; Büschgens, D.; Eickhoff, M.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Development of a Fast Modeling Approach for the Prediction of Scrap Preheating in Continuously Charged Metallurgical Recycling Processes, Metals, 11 (2021), Nr. 8, 1280 [open access]
Schmitz, N.; Sankowski, L.; Kaiser, F.; Schwotzer, C.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Towards CO2-neutral process heat generation for continuous reheating furnaces in steel hot rolling mills – A case study, Energy, 224 (2021), 120155
Hay, T.; Visuri, V.; Aula, M.; Echterhof, T.: A Review of Mathematical Process Models for the Electric Arc Furnace Process, steel research international, 92 (2021), Nr. 3, 2000395 [open access]
Kirschen, M.; Hay, T.; Echterhof, T.: Process Improvements for Direct Reduced Iron Melting in the Electric Arc Furnace with Emphasis on Slag Operation, Processes, 9 (2021), 402 [open access]
Echterhof, T.: Review on the use of alternative carbon sources in EAF steelmaking, Metals, 11 (2021), Nr. 2, 222 [open access]
Hay, T.; Hernandez, J.; Roberts, S.; Echterhof, T.: Calculation of View Factors in Electric Arc Furnace Process Modeling, steel research international, , 92 (2021), Nr. 2, 2000341 [open access]
Willms, T.; Echterhof, T.; Steinlechner, S.; Aula, M.; Abdelrahim, A.; Fabritius, T.; Mombelli, D.; Mapelli, C.; Preiss, S.: Investigation on the Chemical and Thermal Behavior of Recycling Agglomerates from EAF by-Products, Applied Sciences, 10 (2020), 8309 [open access]
Pauna, H., Willms, T., Aula, M., Echterhof, T.; Huttula, M.; Fabritius, T.: Electric Arc Length-Voltage and Conductivity Characteristics in a Pilot-Scale AC Electric Arc Furnace, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 51 (2020), S. 1646–1655 [open access]
Hay, T.; Echterhof, T.; Visuri, V.-V.: Development of an Electric Arc Furnace Simulator Based on a Comprehensive Dynamic Process Model, Processes, 7 (2019), Nr. 11, 852 [open access]
Echterhof, T.; Schwotzer, C.; Pfeifer, H.: Hybrid Heating – Ergebnisse des Innovationsforums und Ausblick, 2. Aachener Ofenbau- und Thermoprozess-Kolloquium, 10.–11. Oktober 2019, Aachen, pp. 203–210
Schmitz, N.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Potentiale für eine CO2-neutrale Prozesswärmeerzeugung für Wärme- und Glühöfen in Stahl-Walzwerken, 2. Aachener Ofenbau- und Thermoprozess-Kolloquium, 10.–11. Oktober 2019, Aachen, pp. 227–238
Echterhof, T.; Willms, T.; Preiß, S.; Aula, M.; Abdelrahim, A.; Fabritius, T.; Mombelli, D.; Mapelli, C.; Steinlechner, S.; Unamuno, I.: Fabrication of Agglomerates from Secondary Raw Materials Reinforced with Paper Fibres by Stamp Pressing Process, Applied Sciences, 9 (2019), Nr. 19, 3946 [open access]
Pauna, H. T.; Willms, T.; Aula, M.; Echterhof, T.; Huttula, M.; Fabritius, T.: Pilot-scale AC electric arc furnace plasma characterization, Plasma Research Express, 1 (2019), 035007 [open access]
Hay, T.; Reimann, A.; Echterhof, T.: Improving the Modeling of Slag and Steel Bath Chemistry in an Electric Arc Furnace Process Model, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 50 (2019), Nr. 5, pp. 2377–2388
Reimann, A.; Hay, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Simulation of the Heat Transfer Within the Ladle Furnace, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM 2019), 13.–15. August 2019, Toronto, Ont., Canada
Roberts, S.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Evaluating Methods of Approximating Arcs Within CFD Models, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM 2019), 13.–15. August 2019, Toronto, Ont., Canada
Hay, T.; Reimann, A.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Keynote: Dynamic EAF Process Model — Thermochemistry and Further Development, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM 2019), 13.–15. August 2019, Toronto, Ont., Canada
Rojas Sánchez, M. T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Multivariate statistical analysis of the scrap composition in Electric Steelmaking, ESTAD 2019 – European Steel Technology and Application Days, 24.–28.06.2019, Düsseldorf
Echterhof, T.; Willms, T.; Preiß, S.; Omran, M; Fabritius, T.; Mombelli, D.; Mapelli, C.; Steinlechner, S.; Unamuno, I.; Schüler, S.; Mudersbach, D.; Griessacher, T.: Developing a new process to agglomerate secondary raw material fines for recycling in the electric arc furnace – the Fines2EAF project, La Metallurgia Italiana, 111 (2019), Nr. 5, pp. 31–40
Pfeifer, H.; Schwotzer, C.; Echterhof, T.: Hybrid beheizte Öfen als Beitrag zur Energiewende, PROZESSWÄRME, 2 (2019), Nr. 4, pp. 67–77
Marcos, M.; Bianco, L.; Cirilli, F.; Reichel, T.; Baracchini, G.; Echterhof, T.; Rekersdrees, T.; Mirabile, D.; Griessacher, T.; Sommerauer, H.: Biochar for a sustainable EAF steel production (GREENEAF2), EUR29517, Publications Office of the European Union, (2019), Luxembourg [open access]
Echterhof, T.; Willms, T.; Preiß, S.; Omran, M; Fabritius, T.; Mombelli, D.; Mapelli, C.; Steinlechner, S.; Unamuno, I.; Schüler, S.; Mudersbach, D.; Griessacher, T.: Developing a new process to agglomerate secondary raw material fines for recycling in the electric arc furnace – the Fines2EAF project, CLEAN TECH 4 — The 4th European Conference on Clean Technologies in the Steel Industry, 28.–29. November 2018, Bergamo, Italien
Willms, T.; Merouani, K.; Echterhof, T.: Electric Arc Furnace – an alternative to the Cupola furnace for mineral wool production, 4th International Glass Fiber Symposium, 29. – 31. October 2018, Aachen, S. 100–103
Echterhof, T.; Hay, T.; Pfeifer, H.: A Dynamic EAF Process Model – State of development and outlook, 22nd IAS Steel Conference and EXPO IAS 2018, 23.–25. Oktober 2018, Rosario, Argentinien
Funke, A.; Demus, T.; Willms, T.; Schenke, L.; Echterhof, T.; Niebel, A.; Pfeifer, H.; Dahmen, N.: Application of fast pyrolysis char in an electric arc furnace, Fuel Processing Technology, 174 (2018), 1 June 2018, pp. 61–68
Meier, T.; Gandt, K.; Hay, T.; Echterhof, T.: Process Modeling and Simulation of the Radiation in the Electric Arc Furnace, steel research international, (2018), 1700487 [postprint]
Meier, T.; Hassannia Kolagar, A.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Process Modelling and Simulation of an EAF and its Dedusting System, Chernye Metally, (2018), Nr. 2, pp. 18–24
Di Donato, A.; De Santis, M.; Kleimt, B.; Köchner, H.; Echterhof, T.; Gandt, K.; Pierret, J.-C.; Heintz, I.; Björkvall, J.; Sandberg, E.; Fricke-Begemann, C.: Valorisation and dissemination of EAF technology (VALEAF), EUR28580, Publications Office of the European Union, (2017), Luxembourg [open access]
Meier, T.; Gandt, K.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Modeling and Simulation of the Off-gas in an Electric Arc Furnace, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 48 (2017), Nr. 6, pp. 3329–3344 [postprint]
Meier, T.; Hay, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.; Rekersdrees, T.; Schlinge, L.; Elsabagh, S.; Schliephake, H.: Process Modeling and Simulation of Biochar Usage in an Electric Arc Furnace as a Substitute for Fossil Coal, steel research international, 88 (2017), Nr. 9, 1600458 [postprint]
Meier, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Investigating the Use of Biomass and Oxygen in Electric Steelmaking by Simulations Based on a Dynamic Process Model, 2nd ISIJ-VDEh-Jernkontoret Joint Symposium, 12.–13. Juni 2017, Stockholm, Schweden, pp. 81–93
Echterhof, T.; Meier, T.; Schubert, C.; Pfeifer, H.: Prozessmodelle für Wärmebehandlungs- und Schmelzöfen, 1. Aachener Ofenbau- und Thermoprocess Kolloquium, 11.–12. Mai 2017, Aachen, pp. 331–347
Meier, T.; Hassannia Kolagar, A.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Dynamic Process Modelling and Simulation of an Electric Arc Furnace and its Dedusting System, stahl und eisen, 137 (2017), Nr. 5, pp. 53–60
Kirschen, M.; Zettl, K.-M.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer,H.: Models for EAF energy efficiency, Steel Times International, (2017), April, pp. 44–46
Aula, M.; Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Huttula, M.; Pfeifer, H.; Fabritius, T.: On-line Analysis of Cr2O3 Content of the Slag in Pilot Scale EAF by Measuring Optical Emission Spectrum of Electric Arc, ISIJ International, 57 (2017), Nr. 3, pp. 478–486 [open access]
Schulten, M.; Echterhof, T.: Metallurgie, in: Quicker, P.; Weber, K. (Hrsg.): Biokohle — Herstellung, Eigenschaften und Verwendung von Biomassekarbonisaten, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2016, pp. 254–276
Willms, T.; Echterhof, T.; Skinner, B.: Electric arc furnace mineral wool melting, 3rd International Glass Fiber Symposium, 17.–19. Oktober 2016, Aachen
Kleimt, B.; Köchner, H.; Di Donato, A.; De Santis, M.; Fricke-Begemann, C.; Echterhof, T.; Gandt, K.; Sandberg, E.; Heintz, I.; Björkvall, J.; Pierret, J.-C.: Disseminating results of RFCS supported research projects on EAF technology, La Metallurgia Italiana, 108 (2016), Nr. 9, pp. 49–57
Kolagar, A. H.; Meier, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Modeling of the Off-Gas Cooling System for an Electric Arc Furnace and Evaluation of the Heat Recovery Potential, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 88 (2016), Nr. 10, pp. 1463–1473
Demus, T.; Reichel, T.; Schulten, M.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Increasing the sustainability of steel production in the electric arc furnace by substituting fossil coal with biochar agglomerates, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 43 (2016), Nr. 8, pp. 564–570 [postprint]
Gandt, K.; Meier, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Heat recovery from EAF off-gas for steam generation: analytical exergy study of a sample EAF batch, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 43 (2016), Nr. 8, pp. 581–587 [postprint]
Echterhof, T.; Demus, T.; Schlinge, L.; Schliephake, H.; Pfeifer, H.: Use of palm kernel shells as a substitute for charge coal in a 140 t DC Electric Arc Furnace, SCANMET V — 5th International Conference on Process Development in Iron and Steelmaking, 12.–15. Juni 2016, Lulea, Sweden
Heintz, I.; Sandberg, E.; Björkvall, J.; Kleimt, B.; Köchner, H.; Di Donato, A.; De Santis, M.; Frittella, P.; Fricke-Begemann, C.; Echterhof, T.; Gandt, K.; Pierret, J.-C.: R&D on EAF after 15 years of RFCS supported projects, SCANMET V — 5th International Conference on Process Development in Iron and Steelmaking, 12.–15. Juni 2016, Lulea, Sweden
Meier, T.; Hassannia Kolagar, A.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Process modeling and simulation of an Electric Arc Furnace for comprehensive calculation of energy and mass transfers in combination with a model of the dedusting system, 11th European Electric Steelmaking Conference & Expo, 25.–27. Mai 2016, Venedig, Italien
Echterhof, T.; Demus, T.; Pfeifer, H.; Schlinge, L.; Schliephake, H.: Investigation of palm kernel shells as a substitute for fossil carbons in a 140 t DC Electric Arc Furnace, 11th European Electric Steelmaking Conference & Expo, 25.–27. Mai 2016, Venedig, Italien
Kirschen, M.; Zettl, K.-M.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Analysis of benchmark models for EAF energy efficiency with application to process improvements by EAF gas purging, 11th European Electric Steelmaking Conference & Expo, 25.–27. Mai 2016, Venedig, Italien
Kleimt, B.; Köchner, H.; Di Donato, A.; De Santis, M.; Fricke-Begemann, C.; Echterhof, T.; Gandt, K.; Sandberg, E.; Heintz, I.; Björkvall, J.; Pierret, J.-C.: Disseminating results of RFCS supported research projects on EAF technology, 11th European Electric Steelmaking Conference & Expo, 25.–27. Mai 2016, Venedig, Italien
Willms, T.; Kalde, A.; Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Industrieller Einsatz von Biomasse in der Elektrostahlerzeugung, DGMK-Fachbereichstagung: Konversion von Biomassen und Kohlen, 9.–11. Mai 2016, Rotenburg a.d. Fulda, DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2016–2, pp. 95–102
Meier, T.; Logar, V.; Echterhof, T.; Škrjanc, I.; Pfeifer, H.: Modelling and Simulation of the Melting Process in Electric Arc Furnaces — Influence of Numerical Solution Methods, steel research international, 87 (2016), Nr. 5, pp. 581–588 [postprint]
Gruber, J. C.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Investigation on the Influence of the Arc Region on Heat and Mass Transport in an EAF Freeboard using Numerical Modeling, steel research international, 87 (2016), Nr. 1, pp. 15–28 [postprint]
Abel, R.; Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Reichel, T.; Dettmer, B.; Schliephake, H.; Algermissen, D.; Drissen, P.; Mudersbach, D.: Entwicklung eines Agglomeratsteins aus Gießpfannenschlacke und Biokohle zum Einsatz in Elektrolichtbogenofen zur Einsparung von CO2 und Primärkalk, Report des FEhS-Instituts, 22 (2015), Nr. 2, pp. 10 – 16
Meier, T.; Kolagar, A.H.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Gas phase modeling and simulation in an electric arc furnace process model for detailed off-gas calculations in the dedusting system, 6th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (SteelSim), 23. — 25. September 2015, Bardolino, Italien
Gruber, J. C.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Investigation of the influence of the flow in the electric arc region and free burning arc length on the heat and mass transfer in an EAF freeboard, 6th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (SteelSim), 23. — 25. September 2015, Bardolino, Italien
Kolagar, A.H.; Meier, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Application of genetic algorithm to improve an electric arc furnace freeboard model based on practical data, Int. J. Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 7 (2015), No. 4, pp. 244–255
Kalde, A.; Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Determining the Reactivity of Biochar-Agglomerates to Replace Fossil Coal in Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking, EUBCE 2015 — 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 01. — 05. Juni 2015, Wien, Österreich
Echterhof, T.; Demus, T.; Schulten, M.; Noel, Y.; Pfeifer, H.: Substituting fossil carbon sources in the electric arc and cupola furnace with biochar, European Steel Environment & Energy Congress (ESEC) 2014, 15.–17. September 2014, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK
Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Reichel, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Verwendung von biogenen Karbonisaten im Elektrostahlverfahren, DGMK-Fachbereichstagung: Konversion von Biomasse, 12.–14. Mai 2014, Rotenburg a. d. Fulda
Meier, T.; Hassannia Kolagar, A.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.; Logar, V.; Skrjanc, I.: Modelling and Simulation of the transient Electric Arc Furnace process, 1st European Steel Technology & Application Days (ESTAD) & 31st Journées Sidérurgiques Internationales (JSI), 7.–8. April 2014, Paris, Frankreich
Demus, T.; Reichel, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Biochar Usage in EAF-Steelmaking Potential and Feasibility, 1st European Steel Technology & Application Days (ESTAD) & 31st Journées Sidérurgiques Internationales (JSI), 7.–8. April 2014, Paris, Frankreich
Reichel, T.; Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Increasing the sustainability of the steel production in the electric arc furnace by substituting fossil coal with biochar, 4. Mitteleuropäische Biomassekonferenz, 15.–18. Januar 2014, Graz, Österreich
Bianco, L.; Baracchini, G.; Cirilli, F.; Moriconi, A.; Moriconi, E.; Marcos, M.; Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.; Beiler, C.; Griessacher, T.: Sustainable EAF steel production (GREENEAF), EUR 26208, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2013 [open access]
Beiler, C.; Echterhof, T.; Demus, T.: Use of Alternative Carbon Carriers from Renewable Sources at EAF Siegen, Proceedings of the ISIJ-VDEh-Jernkontoret Joint Symposium, 15.–16. April 2013, Osaka, Japan
Schulten, M.; Pena Chipatecua, G.; Quicker, P.; Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Biochar as a substitute for fossil carbon sources in the cupola and electric arc furnace, 2nd Nordic Biochar Seminar, 14.–15. Februar 2013, Helsinki, Finnland
Bianco, L.; Baracchini, G.; Cirilli, F.; di Sante, L.; Moriconi, A.; Moriconi, E.; Agorio, M. M.; Pfeifer, H.; Echterhof, T.; Demus, T.; Jung, H. P.; Beiler, C.; Krassnig, H.-J.: Sustainable Electric Arc Furnace Steel Production: GreenEAF, BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 158 (2013), Nr. 1, pp. 17–23 [postprint]
Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.; Schulten, M.; Noel, Y.; Quicker, P.: Investigations on the use of biogenic residues as a substitute for fossil coal in the EAF steelmaking process, 10th European Electric Steelmaking Conference, 25.–28. September 2012, Graz, Österreich
Bianco, L.; Baracchini, G.; Cirilli, F.; di Sante, L.; Moriconi, A.; Moriconi, E.; Agorio, M. M.; Pfeifer, H.; Echterhof, T.; Demus, T.; Jung, H. P.; Beiler, C.; Krassnig, H.-J.: Sustainable Electric Arc Furnace Steel Production: GreenEAF, 10th European Electric Steelmaking Conference, 25.–28. September 2012, Graz, Österreich
Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Replacement of fossil carbon with biogenic residues in the electric steelmaking Process, International Workshop EAF Perspectives on Automation, Materials, Energy & Environment, 29.–30. März 2012, Mailand, Italien
Pfeifer, H.; Echterhof, T.; Voj, L.; Gruber, J.; Jung, H.-P.; Lenz, S.; Beiler, C.; Cirilli, F.; De Miranda, U.; Veneri, N.; Bressan, E.: Control of nitrogen oxide emission at the electric arc furnace — CONOX, EUR 25078, Research Fund for Coal and Steel series, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2012 [open access]
Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Nitrogen Oxide Formation in the Electric Arc Furnace — Measurement and Modeling, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 43 (2012), Nr. 1, pp. 163–172 [postprint]
Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Measurement and Control of NOx Emissions at Two AC Electric Arc Furnaces, ISIJ International 51 (2011), Nr. 10, pp. 1631–1636 [open access]
Echterhof, T.; Gruber, J.; Pfeifer, H.: Measurements and Simulation of NOx Formation in the Electric Arc Furnace, 2nd International Conference Clean Technologies in the Steel Industry, 26.–28. September 2011, Budapest, Ungarn
Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Study on biochar usage in the electric arc furnace, 2nd International Conference Clean Technologies in the Steel Industry, 26.–28. September 2011, Budapest, Ungarn
Pfeifer, H.; Echterhof, T.; Risonarta, V.Y.; Voj, L.; Jung, H.-P.; Lenz, S.; Beiler, C.; Ballewski, H.-H.; Mees, H.; Kleimt, B.; Pierre, R.; Krassnig, H.-J.; Cirilli, F.; De Miranda, U.; Pustorino, M.; Nyssen, P.; Borenstein, D.; Ojeda, C.; Abreu, E.; Simon, P.; Vanderheyden, B.: Improved EAF process control using online offgas analysis — OFFGAS, EUR 25048, Research Fund for Coal and Steel series, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2011 [open access]
Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Potential of biomass usage in electric steelmaking, EECRsteel 2011, 1st International Conference on Energy Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in the Steel Industry, 27. Juni — 1. Juli 2011, Düsseldorf
Risonarta, V. Y.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.; Jung, H. P.; Beiler, C.; Lenz, S.; Kirschen, M.: Higher cost and resource efficiencies through a development of the empirical model of chromium concentrations, SteelSim 2011, 4th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking, 27. Juni — 1. Juli 2011, Düsseldorf
Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.; Risonarta, V. Y.; Beiler, C.; Lenz, S.; Jung, H. P.: Decarburization control during stainless steel making in an EAF, SteelSim 2011, 4th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking, 27. Juni — 1. Juli 2011, Düsseldorf
Risonarta, V. Y.; Kirschen, M.; Echterhof, T.; Jung, H. P.; Lenz, S.; Beiler, C.; Pfeifer, H.: Higher cost and resource efficiencies during stainless steelmaking in an EAF, Stahl & Eisen 131 (2011), Nr. 6–7, pp. S63-S72
Brandenburger, J.; Schlautmann, M.; Plüm, H.-D.; Jung, H.-P.; Beiler, C.; Echterhof, T.; Risonarta, V. Y.: Erhöhung der Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz bei der Elektrostahl-Erzeugung durch ganzheitliche, qualitätsgeführte Produktionssteuerung, Bericht Nr. 2.31.003, BFI VDEh Betriebsforschungsinstitut, Düsseldorf, 2010 [open access]
Risonarta, V. Y.; Echterhof, T.; Jung, H. P.; Beiler, C.; Lenz, S.; Kirschen, M.; Pfeifer, H.: Application of an Off-Gas Analysing System to Control Oxidation during Stainless Steelmaking in an EAF, steel research international 81 (2010), Nr. 9, pp. 778–783 [postprint]
Echterhof, T.: Gasfeuchtemessung in der Thermoprozesstechnik — Entwicklung eines Spurenfeuchtesensors für den Hochtemperatureinsatz, Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, Fakultät für Georessourcen und Materialtechnik, 2010
Risonarta, V. Y.; Echterhof, T.; Voj, L.; Pfeifer, H.; Jung, H.-P.; Lenz, S.: Optimization of the electric arc furnace process at Deutsche Edelstahlwerke, Stahl & Eisen 129 (2009), Nr. 11, pp. S55-S64
Neumeier, S.; Echterhof, T.; Bölling, R.; Pfeifer, H.; Simon, U.: Zeolite based trace humidity sensor for high temperature applications in hydrogen atmosphere, Sensors and Actuators B 134 (2008), pp. 171–174
Echterhof, T.; Neumeier, S.; Bölling, R.; Simon, U.; Pfeifer, H.: Entwicklung von Metalloxid-Sensoren für die Überwachung von Gasatmosphären in Industrieöfen, Gaswärme International 57 (2008), pp. 461–465
Presentations and poster
Echterhof, T.: Biocarbon for EAF: lessons learnt from RFCS GreenEAF projects, Biocarbon for the steel and metal industry – status and perspectives, 29. May 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
Kaiser, F.; Reichel, T.; Echterhof, T.; Mier, D.; Unamuno, I.; Pfeifer, H.: Decreasing the environmental impact of the electric steel making process through implementation of furnace retrofitting solutions, 5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland
Schüttensack, L.; Reinicke, A.; Echterhof, T.: Application of hydrogen operated burners in the electric arc furnace, 5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland
Mäkelä, I.; Visuri, V.-V.; Aula, M.; Echterhof, T.: Coupled dynamic modelling of scrap melting and gas phase reactions in the EAF process, 5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland
Sharma, A.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Determination of the Hot Heel in an Electric Arc Furnace Us-ing Computer Vision, 5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland
Nachankar, S.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: A Review of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Models for the be-havior of Nitrogen in an Electric Arc Furnace, 5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking — EASES 2023, 05.–07. Juni 2023, Oulu, Finland
Schüttensack, L.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Influence of hydrogen burners in the electric arc furnace, Aachen Hydrogen Colloquium 2023, 18.–19. April 2023, Aachen
Echterhof, T.; Schmitz, N.; Schwotzer, C.; Pfeifer, H.: Hydrogen use in EAF steelmaking and downstream processes, 2nd ESTEP H2 for Green Steel international conference: Hydrogen route for a green steelmaking process and applications, 30.11./01.12.2022, Jouy en Josas, Frankreich
Echterhof, T.: Recycling of EAF steelmaking and foundry residues by fibre reinforced agglomeration, Swedish Recycling Day 2022, 29. September 2022, online
Echterhof, T.: Options to increase the sustainability of EAF steelmaking, Sustainable Steel Strategies Summit 2022, 20.–21. September 2022, online
Hay, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: EAF Process Model and Simulator, 4th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking – EASES 2021, 16.–18. Juni 2021, Online Event
Cirilli, F.; Mirabile, D.; Echterhof, T.: Reduction of direct CO2 emissions in the electric arc furnace by substitution of fossil coal with biogenic materials, ESTEP workshop „Green steel by EAF route“, 13.–14. November 2019, Bergamo, Italien
Echterhof, T.; Meier, T.; Pfeifer, H.: A Dynamic EAF Process Model — state of development and outlook, Technical Committee „Process Development in Steel Plant“, Steel Institute VDEh, 20.10.2017, Düsseldorf
Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: GREENEAF: European Projects on Greener Steel via EAF and Biomass, BioCleantech Forum, 01.–03. November 2016, Ottawa, Kanada
Kalde, A.; Willms, T.; Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Determining the Potential of Biogenic Calcium- and Carbon-Rich Residues as Substitutes in the Electric Steelmaking (Poster), EUBCE 2016 — 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 06.–09. Juni 2016, Amsterdam, Niederlande
Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.; Rekersdrees, T.; Schliephake, H.: Charge and injection trials at GMH, Workshop “Biochar for a sustainable EAF steel production — GREENEAF2”, 27.05.2016, Venedig, Italien
Hassannia, A.; Meier, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Evaluation of the heat recovery potential of the electric arc furnace dedusting system (Poster), Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik, 10.–11.03.2016, Nürnberg
Echterhof, T.: Sustainability — Energy and resource efficiency, environment, Workshop “Road map for future EAF technology”, RFCS VALEAF project, 13.11.2015, Düsseldorf
Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Potentials of using biogenic carbon carriers to reduce climate-relevant CO2 emissions and to improve resource efficiency in EAF steelmaking, Committee of Energy Engineering, Stahlinstitut VDEh, 23.09.2015, Duisburg
Gandt, K.; Echterhof, T.: EAF Environmental Impact: Air Pollution, Seminar “Energy Efficiency and Environment” RFCS VALEAF project, 09.04.2015, Mailand, Italien
Echterhof, T.: Overview on RFCS research on EAF energy and ressource efficiency, Seminar “EAF Energy and Resource Efficiency” RFCS VALEAF project und Sitzung des VDEh-Fachausschusses Elektrostahlbetrieb, 23.04.2015, Aachen
Echterhof, T.; Gandt, K.: Alternative Charge, Workshop “R&D on Electrical Arc Furnace: state-of-the-art of RFCS-supported projects”, RFCS VALEAF project, 12.03.2015, Dalmine, Italien
Gruber, J. C.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Entwicklung eines CFD Modells des Wärme- und Stofftransports in einem Elektrolichtbogenofen, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik, 19.–20.02.2015, Rheinfelden
Demus, T.; Reichel, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Increasing the Sustainability of Steel Production in the Electric Arc Furnace by Substituting Fossil Coal with Biochar-Agglomerates (Poster), 22nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 23.–26.06.2014, Hamburg
Echterhof, T.; Reichel, T.; Demus, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Verwendung von Biomassecarbonisaten im Elektrostahlverfahren (Poster), Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen “Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung”, “Gasreinigung” und “Hochtemperaturtechnik”, 17.–18.02.2014, Karlsruhe
Echterhof, T.: Energieverluste über das Abgas des LBO — Airtight EAF und weitere Einsparpotentiale, Sitzung des VDEh-Fachausschusses Elektrostahlbetrieb, 04.12.2013, Freital
Reichel, T.; Demus, T.; Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Einsatz von Biokohle bei der Elektrostahlherstellung (Poster), Jahrestreffen der Fachgemeinschaft SuPER “Integrierte stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse”, 05.–06.11.2013, Frankfurt am Main
Echterhof, T.; Pfeifer, H.: Modellierung und Visualisierung der Energieverluste über die Primärentstaubung an einem Elektrolichtbogenofen, Sitzung des VDEh-Fachausschusses Elektrostahlbetrieb, 15.03.2011, Kehl
Pfeifer, H.; Echterhof, T.: Untersuchung der Stickoxidemissionen an Elektrolichtbogenöfen, Sitzung der VDEh-Fachausschüsse für physikalische Chemie und metallurgische Verfahrensentwicklung, 29.10.2010, Düsseldorf
Pfeifer, H.; Echterhof, T.: Optimierter Sauerstoffeinsatz im Elektrolichtbogenofen durch den Einsatz eines Abgasanalysesystems, Sitzung der VDEh-Fachausschüsse für physikalische Chemie und metallurgische Verfahrensentwicklung, 29.10.2010, Düsseldorf
Echterhof, T.; Bölling, R.; Pfeifer, H.: Metalloxidsensoren für den Einsatz im Industrieofenbau, Aachen-Freiberger-Magdeburger-Kolloquium (Knorzeltreffen), Magdeburg, 30.–31.08.2007