Thermal characterization of surface contacts
Surface contact between two solids occurs at numerous points in metallurgical process technology. Published studies on heat transfer between the solids in contact are available for microelectronic cooling (low temperatures below 100 °C, elastic contact surfaces) and for contact pressures above yield stress (temperature range up to 1250 °C, plastic deformations in forming technology). The range of high temperatures and low contact pressures in the elastic range relevant in thermal process technology is largely unexplored. In this project, a test rig is to be designed in which a heat flow that is as one-dimensional as possible can be set between exchangeable specimens at variable temperatures of up to 1000 °C and variable contact pressures below the yield stress. With this test rig the thermal resistance between material pairings relevant to practice is to be examined. With the results the description of different heat flows occurring in practice can be improved. Examples are anisotropic heat conduction in metal coils, heat transfer between components of industrial thermoprocessing plants or heat transfer to and from mechanically stored heat goods. Operators of thermal process plants (partly SME) thus receive additional information for the process control of their heat treatment and heating processes, plant constructors (partly SME) receive additional information for the design of their plants, suppliers for furnace constructors such as engineering offices for process model development and/or automation technology (usually SME) receive additional information for process models, which are frequently used to increase energy and resource efficiency in new plants and modernisations. All these companies can thus increase the quality of their products.
The IGF project 19867 N of the Forschungsvereinigung Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V. is funded by the AiF within the framework of the Programme for the Promotion of Industrial Community Research (IGF) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.
For further information please contact the Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V., Lyoner Straße 18, 60528 Frankfurt or