IGF project 17988 N

Stability considerations for metallic strips under the influence of nozzle fields 

In order to con­ser­ve resour­ces, it is a con­sis­tent goal to redu­ce the mate­ri­al thic­k­nes­ses of steel, alu­mi­ni­um and cop­per strip pro­ducts in thin sheet appli­ca­ti­ons. In the case of strip mate­ri­als whe­re the hig­hest demands are pla­ced on the sur­face and mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties, con­ti­nuous heat tre­at­ment is used to adjust the mate­ri­al pro­per­ties. The aim of this pro­ject is to inves­ti­ga­te the unde­si­red belt vibra­ti­ons during the gas coo­ling of the belts, to deter­mi­ne the influen­cing varia­bles and to deve­lop pos­si­ble countermeasures.

The expe­ri­men­tal and nume­ri­cal inves­ti­ga­ti­ons show that the flow of dif­fe­rent slot nozz­le sys­tems for coo­ling the strip exci­tes the strip broad­band and the strip reacts to this by means of the first ben­ding or first tor­sio­nal vibra­ti­on. From a vibra­ti­on ampli­tu­de of > 20 mm, the strip vibra­ti­ons are signi­fi­cant­ly ampli­fied. This results from a flu­id-struc­tu­re inter­ac­tion in which the flow forms a reso­nan­ce body to the natu­ral vibra­ti­ons of the strip.

The strip vibra­ti­ons are signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ced with incre­asing strip thic­k­ness due to a hig­her strip iner­tia and a hig­her abso­lu­te ten­si­on. On the other hand, the strip sta­bi­li­ty decrea­ses dis­pro­por­tio­na­te­ly with the clam­ping length. The strip sta­bi­li­ty is anti­pro­por­tio­nal to the ope­ning area of the nozz­le sys­tems, i.e. the smal­ler the slots, the grea­ter the strip sta­bi­li­ty. By arran­ging the slots in such a way that pres­su­re pads form as a func­tion of the nozz­le to the belt gap, the belt vibra­ti­ons can be signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ced with the same nozz­le ope­ning area.

In an over­all tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis inclu­ding the heat trans­fer coef­fi­ci­ent, it can be shown that in the inves­ti­ga­ted nozz­le sys­tems the free clam­ping length and the use of hydro­gen / hydro­gen-nitro­gen mix­tures are the lar­gest actua­tors for impro­ving strip sta­bi­li­ty. Should the­se pos­si­bi­li­ties be limi­t­ed due to mate­ri­al rest­ric­tions (e.g. hydro­gen emb­ritt­le­ment), an up to 30 % hig­her heat trans­fer with the same strip sta­bi­li­ty can be achie­ved by modi­fy­ing the nozz­le system.

Publications within the project

D. Büsch­ge­ns: Nume­ri­sche Unter­su­chun­gen zum mecha­ni­schen Band­ver­hal­ten in kon­ti­nu­ier­li­chen Wär­me­be­hand­lungs­an­la­gen, Bache­lor­ar­beit, RWTH Aachen, Insti­tut für Indus­trie­ofen­bau und Wär­me­tech­nik, 07.2014

M. Strüm­pel: Simu­la­ti­on der Band­sta­bi­li­tät einer star­ren Plat­te im Schwe­be­band­ofen, Mas­ter­ar­beit, RWTH Aachen, Insti­tut für Indus­trie­ofen­bau und Wär­me­tech­nik, 12.2014

M. Crasmöl­ler: Expe­ri­men­tel­le Unter­su­chun­gen zum Band­schwing­ver­hal­ten in Kühl­stre­cken von kon­ti­nu­ier­li­chen Wär­me­be­hand­lungs­an­la­gen, Bache­lor­ar­beit, RWTH Aachen, Insti­tut für Indus­trie­ofen­bau und Wär­me­tech­nik, 08.2015


The IGF pro­ject 17988 N of the For­schungs­ver­ei­ni­gung For­schungs­ku­ra­to­ri­um Maschi­nen­bau e.V. was fun­ded by the AiF within the frame­work of the pro­gram­me for the pro­mo­ti­on of joint indus­tri­al rese­arch (IGF) of the Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mics and Ener­gy on the basis of a reso­lu­ti­on of the Ger­man Bundestag.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on and the final report can be obtai­ned from the For­schungs­ku­ra­to­ri­um Maschi­nen­bau e.V., Lyo­ner Stra­ße 18, 60528 Frank­furt, Ger­ma­ny or info@fkm-net.de