BMWi Project FKZ 03ET1078B

Expansion of the limitations of use of the FLOX technology for low and high burner powers (Mikro-FLOX / Mega-FLOX) 

The aim of the pro­ject is to extend the appli­ca­ti­on limits of the FLOX tech­no­lo­gy to small bur­ner capa­ci­ties. The fla­me­l­ess oxi­da­ti­on (FLOX) is estab­lished in a power ran­ge of 30–300 kW and shall now be tes­ted at power levels < 30 kW. For this pur­po­se, a series of para­me­ter varia­ti­ons for test­ing fla­me­l­ess oxi­da­ti­on at low out­puts will be car­ri­ed out with a FLOX bur­ner from WS Wär­me­pro­zess­tech­nik GmbH on a test stand set up for the pro­ject at the Insti­tu­te for Indus­tri­al Fur­nace Con­s­truc­tion and Ther­mal Engi­nee­ring. The influen­ces of bur­ner capa­ci­ty, air num­ber, air pre­hea­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re, fuel gas com­po­si­ti­on, bur­ner geo­me­try and reac­tor tem­pe­ra­tu­re on the reac­tion zone of the spa­ti­al­ly dis­tri­bu­ted com­bus­ti­on reac­tion are inves­ti­ga­ted. Based on the CO and NOX con­cen­tra­ti­on mea­su­red in the exhaust gas, a state­ment can be made about the sta­bi­li­ty of the fla­me­l­ess sta­te of the com­bus­ti­on reac­tion. By visua­li­zing the OH*-chemiluminescence of the reac­tion, a state­ment can be made about the influence of the inves­ti­ga­ted para­me­ters on the posi­ti­on of the reac­tion zone in the reactor.

The expe­ri­men­tal inves­ti­ga­ti­ons car­ri­ed out show a sta­ble beha­viour in wide ran­ges of the inves­ti­ga­ted values for all tes­ted para­me­ters. In all cases, the NOX con­cen­tra­ti­on in the exhaust gas is well below the pre­scri­bed limit values of 50–100 ppm for com­bus­ti­on plants with an instal­led capa­ci­ty of less than 50 MW. The maxi­mum mea­su­red con­cen­tra­ti­on is 55 ppm. A com­ple­te burn­out of the fuel gases can be achie­ved. The CO emis­si­ons during the mea­su­re­ment series are less than 10 ppm which means a com­ple­te con­ver­si­on of the fuel used within the expe­ri­men­tal reac­tor. The FLOX tech­no­lo­gy can also be used in a wide varie­ty of appli­ca­ti­ons in the power ran­ge below 30 kW.

The final report can be obtai­ned from the Tech­ni­cal Infor­ma­ti­on Libra­ry Hano­ver (TIB) Wel­fen­gar­ten 1B, 30167 Hano­ver, Germany.


The rese­arch pro­ject with the fun­ding code 03ET1078B was fun­ded by the Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mics and Ener­gy on the basis of a reso­lu­ti­on of the Ger­man Bundestag.