Contact person Furnace mechanics: Dominik Büschgens
Contact person Combustion and Burner Technologies: Dr.-Ing. Nico Schmitz
Contact person Renewable energy and low CO2 process heating: Dr.-Ing. Christian Schwotzer
Areas of research
The core of the activities in this research group is formed by process optimization and process development in the sector of the metal-working industry. To improve the energy and resource efficiency of thermotechnical plants like industrial furnaces, a profound understanding of flow and heat transfer phenomena is essential. The processes are investigated using physical and numerical models. To do this, a number of hot and cold test stands are available and equipped with extensive measurement instrumentation. Apart from that, empirical and analytical modeling as well as simulations based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are used. The combination of experimental and numerical investigations allows for a comprehensive representation of the physical phenomena. The research is focused on the following areas:
Industrial furnaces aerodynamics:
- Hot gas ventilators for high temperature applications
- Heat introduction into industrial furnaces, direct (gas fired) or indirect heating (gas or electrically heated radiant tubes)
- Conditions of heat and mass transfer on constructional elements of industrial furnaces
- Nozzle assemblies for furnaces with high convective heat transfer (chamber furnaces, strip flotation furnaces, etc.)
Process gas furnaces:
- Optimization of gas exchange strategies
- Control of process gas exchange
- Development of metal oxide sensors
- Construction and optimization of burners
- Direct Flame Impingement (DFI)
- Flameless combustion (FLOX)
- Combustion under oxygen deficiency conditions to reduce oxidation of copper and steel
- Combustion diagnostics using OH* visualization and laser induced fluorescence (LIF)
Modelling and simulation:
- Recrystallization and grain growth of copper and brass
- Fluid-Structur-Interaction: effects of fluid flow and thermotechnical phenomena on load and furnace housing
- Combustion in different applications
Another still emerging research topic are hybrid heating concepts. Most of the industrial furnaces are using fossile fuels, especially natural gas, oil or coal. Against the background of the so called “Energiewende” (energy transition) conventional fuels shall be substituted more and more by electrical power from renewable sources and therefore contribute to the stability of the electrical grid (power to heat). To implement these changes, systematic research and development of new innovative concepts for thermotechnical plants and industrial furnaces is needed.
Ongoing research projects
CO2-neutral process heat generation
Increasing the energy and resource efficiency of the recycling of organic-contaminated aluminium scrap – ReOrgAl (BMWi)
Development of metallic high-performance recuperators for the development of new fields of application (AiF ZIM)
Defined setting of heat transfer profiles in spray nozzle fields for optimization of heat treatment in continuous strip plants (AiF IGF)
Increasing the thermomechanical stability of cross-flow fans for use in thermoprocessing plants (AiF IGF)
Development of a novel, flexible machining process for the production of quartz glass components (AiF ZIM)
Thermal and material effects of hydrogen atmospheres during heat treatment (AiF IGF)
Possible applications of decentralized oxygen generation in industrial furnaces (AiF IGF)
Thermal characterization of surface contacts (AiF IGF)
Tailored Heating in Hot Forming (AiF IGF)
Completed research projects
- Renewable residential heating with fast pyrolysis bio-oil — Residue2Heat (EU H2020)
- New tunnel kiln concept for energy-efficient firing of bricks (AiF IGF)
- Development of innovative regeneratively heated radiant heating tubes for use in heat treatment plants with small installation space (AiF ZIM)
- Development of an interactive batch planning system for plasma nitriding plants (AiF ZIM)
- Development of an innovative hot isostatic press for the combined compaction and heat treatment of semi-finished products and components (AiF ZIM)
- Development of a recuperator for the hybrid combustion air pre-heating in industrial furnaces (AiF ZIM)
- Innovation Forum Hybrid-Heating “Potentials of Hybrid Heating Technologies for Industrial Furnaces as a Contribution to the Energiewende” (BMBF Innovationsforen Mittelstand)
- Influence of heat transfer on the process stability of continuous strip treatment plants (AiF IGF)
- Influence of thermal load changes on the service life of highly stressed furnace components made from metallic high temperature materials (AiF IGF)
- Development of energy efficient burners for heat treatment plants with reducing / protective gas atmosphere (AiF ZIM)
- Development of cross-flow fans for the use in thermoprocess plants (AiF IGF)
- Device for the measurement of high volume flows at high temperatures in industrial furnaces (AiF IGF)
- Expansion of the limitations of use of the FLOX technology for low and high burner powers (BMWi)
- Stability considerations for metallic strips under the influence of nozzle fields (AiF IGF)
- Improvement of service life of metallic recirculating radiant heating tubes for industrial furnaces by reducing thermal stresses (AiF IGF)
- Process development for non-scaling reheating of metallic semi-finished products (AiF IGF)
- Development of a multi-layer chamber furnace for the press hardening of sheet metal blanks for the automotive industry with the aim of improving economic efficiency (AiF ZIM)
- Device for volume flow measurement during high convective heat treatment (AiF IGF)
- Improvement of the service life of metallic components in industrial furnace engineering (AiF IGF)
- Development of metal oxide sensors for gas analysis for the control of gas atmospheres in industrial furnaces (AiF IGF)
- Improvement of product quality and economy of industrial furnaces with protective gas atmosphere by optimization of the change of furnace atmosphere (AiF IGF)