Experimental and numerical investigations of the multiphase flow in the water model of a steel casting ladle as a basis for further development of the multiphase models in the flow simulation of metallurgical reactors

DFG Pro­ject RU 2050/2–1

Incre­asing indus­tri­al demands for high-per­for­mance steels with the hig­hest degree of puri­ty and homo­ge­neous, opti­mum tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­per­ties for life-enhan­cing com­pon­ents requi­re a com­pre­hen­si­ve under­stan­ding of the pro­ces­ses invol­ved in secon­da­ry metall­ur­gy. This pro­vi­des oppor­tu­ni­ties to impro­ve plant pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and pro­duct properties.

A detail­ed know­ledge of the mul­ti­pha­se flow in the water model of a lad­le as a func­tion of various para­me­ters deepens the basic under­stan­ding of the pro­cess and its influen­cing varia­bles. Fur­ther­mo­re, the data form the vali­da­ti­on basis for the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of nume­ri­cal models for the simu­la­ti­on of the flow in the lad­le. Expe­ri­en­ces gai­ned during the inves­ti­ga­ti­ons at the AOD con­ver­ter show that CFD models vali­da­ted with water models in the field of mul­ti-pha­se flow with hete­ro­ge­neous buoyan­cy free steels are capa­ble of repro­du­cing the real pro­cess well after trans­fer to it. It could also be shown that for the water model obser­ved influen­cing varia­bles are qua­li­ta­tively trans­fera­ble to the real process.

The pre­sent rese­arch pro­ject aims at under­stan­ding the basic mecha­nisms of the for­ma­ti­on of the hete­ro­ge­neous buoyan­cy free jet as well as the resul­ting flow in the lad­le and to app­ly this know­ledge to the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of nume­ri­cal models which rea­li­sti­cal­ly descri­be the reac­tor in the field of mul­ti-pha­se flow. Espe­ci­al­ly in the field of nume­ri­cal descrip­ti­on of mul­ti­pha­se flows in metall­ur­gi­cal reac­tors the­re is a need for com­pre­hen­si­ve rese­arch. Espe­ci­al­ly nume­ri­cal models vali­da­ted with modern expe­ri­men­tal methods are not very com­mon in the literature.

Buoyancy-free jet Buoyan­cy-free jet in the water model of a con­ti­nuous cas­ting ladle

Within the frame­work of the rese­arch pro­ject, various influen­cing varia­bles on the flow in the lad­le will be inves­ti­ga­ted in detail expe­ri­men­tal­ly. Fur­ther­mo­re, nume­ri­cal models will be fur­ther deve­lo­ped, which are able to descri­be the com­plex pro­cess macro­sco­pi­cal­ly. The­se models form the basis for fur­ther pro­cess impro­ve­ments. By a cor­rect simu­la­ti­on of the bubble size dis­tri­bu­ti­on as well as the velo­ci­ty of the bubbles and the shape of the hete­ro­ge­neous buoyan­cy free jet, models for the ener­gy and mass trans­port in the inves­ti­ga­ted pro­ces­ses (e.g. model­ling of the che­mi­cal reac­tions) can be deve­lo­ped, based on the flow simu­la­ti­ons. On the basis of the models deve­lo­ped, the geo­me­try of lad­les and injec­tion sys­tems can be opti­mi­zed in order to shor­ten the pro­cess time. In this way, ener­gy and resour­ces can be saved.

Publi­ca­ti­ons within this pro­ject
Haas, T.; Rück­ert, A.; Pfei­fer, H.: Nume­ri­cal model­ling of the bubble dri­ven flow within a steel lad­le vali­da­ted by par­tic­le image velo­ci­me­try, 7th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Model­ling and Simu­la­ti­on of Metall­ur­gi­cal Pro­ces­ses in Steel­ma­king (STEELSIM2017), 16.–18. August 2017, Qing­dao, China

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The pro­ject was fun­ded by the Deut­sche For­schungs­ge­mein­schaft (DFG) under the refe­rence num­ber RU 2050/2–1.