DFG Project PF 394/10–1

Fundamental investigation into the formation of nitrogen oxides in the electric arc furnace

With regard to NOx emis­si­ons from elec­tric arc fur­naces, the­re are almost no stu­dies in Euro­pe and very few published sci­en­ti­fic stu­dies in the USA. The NOx emis­si­on of the elec­tric arc fur­nace depends on the one hand on rapidly chan­ging ope­ra­ting para­me­ters (e.g. arc length, switch-on pro­ces­ses, com­po­si­ti­on of the atmo­sphe­re in the elec­tric arc fur­nace) and on the other hand on the mode of ope­ra­ti­on (e.g. use of fuels such as natu­ral gas). The effects of pro­cess con­di­ti­ons and arc para­me­ters such as arc length, arc cur­rent, direct cur­rent (DC) or alter­na­ting cur­rent (AC) ope­ra­ti­on of the arc fur­nace on NOx emis­si­ons have not yet been investigated.

The com­po­si­ti­on of the fur­nace atmo­sphe­re chan­ges con­stant­ly with the ope­ra­ting sta­te of the arc fur­nace and gene­ral­ly devia­tes signi­fi­cant­ly from the known exhaust gas com­po­si­ti­ons during the com­bus­ti­on of fos­sil fuels, for which the NOx for­ma­ti­on mecha­nisms have been inten­si­ve­ly inves­ti­ga­ted in recent years. Thus, the rese­arch results from this area can­not be trans­fer­red to the con­di­ti­ons in the elec­tric arc fur­nace. The high gas tem­pe­ra­tures of up to 1800 °C in the fur­nace cham­ber and the elec­tri­cal­ly con­duc­ti­ve arc with curr­ents of up to 100 kA and tem­pe­ra­tures of the gas plas­ma of 8000 to 10000 K pro­vi­de good con­di­ti­ons for the for­ma­ti­on of nitro­gen oxi­des in gas mix­tures con­tai­ning N2/O2/CO2.

In order to inves­ti­ga­te the for­ma­ti­on of nitro­gen oxi­des (NOx), a series of tests were car­ri­ed out on a gas-tight labo­ra­to­ry arc fur­nace, which had to be retro­fit­ted for the­se tests. The aim of the tests was to deter­mi­ne the NOx quan­ti­ties in the fur­nace exhaust gas as a func­tion of the pro­cess para­me­ters to be varied. The­r­e­fo­re, a num­ber of para­me­ters such as the com­po­si­ti­on of the fur­nace atmo­sphe­re, the gas volu­me flow through the fur­nace as well as the arc length and the arc flow were chan­ged during the experiments.

The tests car­ri­ed out and theo­re­ti­cal work have shown that the ope­ra­ting para­me­ters of the arc, which abo­ve all influence the arc volu­me (arc length and power) and the gas mass flow (arc flow) through the arc ran­ge, have a rela­tively small influence on the amount of nitro­gen oxi­des for­med in the ran­ge of the tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble variations.

The fur­nace cham­ber atmo­sphe­re repres­ents a signi­fi­cant­ly lar­ger influence, which is more rele­vant for pos­si­ble emis­si­on reduc­tion stra­te­gies. Their quan­ti­ty and com­po­si­ti­on depend on the tight­ness of the fur­nace and the amount of exhaust gas extra­c­ted in the indi­vi­du­al pro­cess pha­ses of the arc fur­nace, the reac­tion of car­bon from the melt and the gra­phi­te elec­tro­des with oxy­gen and the ope­ra­ting con­di­ti­ons of the auxi­lia­ry bur­ners. Important para­me­ters here are the air mass flow through the fur­nace cham­ber, which on the one hand deter­mi­nes the resi­dence time of the gas in the fur­nace cham­ber and on the other hand dilutes the nitro­gen oxi­des for­med in the plas­ma ran­ge, as well as the fur­nace cham­ber tem­pe­ra­tu­re and the oxy­gen sup­p­ly or the con­tent of NOx-redu­cing gas spe­ci­es such as CO, which occur in the fur­nace as a result of the process.

During the tests on the 200 kg pilot arc fur­nace, typi­cal ope­ra­ting con­di­ti­ons of the arc fur­nace pro­cess were simu­la­ted (e.g. arc igni­ti­on in air, sys­te­ma­tic reduc­tion of the oxy­gen con­tent and CO2 addi­ti­on in the gas atmosphere).

The ther­mo­dy­na­mic cal­cu­la­ti­ons car­ri­ed out are cal­cu­la­ti­ons of the ther­mo­dy­na­mic equi­li­bri­um by mini­mi­zing the Gibbs ener­gy (free enthal­py) ΔG for a given com­po­si­ti­on of the gas pha­se and tem­pe­ra­tu­re and model­ling the influence of the reac­tion kine­tics on NOx for­ma­ti­on in the arc fur­nace using a reac­tor net­work based on the Can­te­ra software.

In the expe­ri­ment as well as in the ther­mo­dy­na­mic cal­cu­la­ti­ons and simu­la­ti­ons, con­sis­tent results were achie­ved. In par­ti­cu­lar, the model­ling of the fur­nace in the form of a reac­tor net­work, inclu­ding the reac­tion kine­tics, has alre­a­dy yiel­ded good results despi­te various simplifications.

Sin­ce so far only few data for NOx emis­si­ons are available and the cau­se-effect rela­ti­onships for their for­ma­ti­on were litt­le known, the­se inves­ti­ga­ti­ons pro­vi­de important infor­ma­ti­on for envi­ron­men­tal legislation.

Logo DFGThe pro­ject was fun­ded by the Deut­sche For­schungs­ge­mein­schaft (DFG) under the refe­rence num­ber PF 394/10–1.