FlexHybHeat: Process development for a hybrid heating concept for highly flexible and low-CO2 billet heating in electric steel mills

Fede­ral Minis­try for Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Action (BMWK) , 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2027

Project description

The over­all objec­ti­ve of the Flex­Hyb­Heat pro­ject is to deve­lop a fle­xi­ble hea­ting con­cept for steel bil­let rehea­ting. Despi­te indi­vi­du­al sequence requi­re­ments of the rol­ling mill, the hea­ting con­cept should be able to achie­ve hot and direct input rates of 10% and 70% while at the same time allo­wing indi­vi­du­al­ly sel­ec­ta­ble rehea­ting tem­pe­ra­tures per bil­let. The reduc­tion in pri­ma­ry ener­gy requi­re­ments due to increased direct use is accom­pa­nied by a reduc­tion in CO2, which is to be fur­ther redu­ced by the use of rene­wa­ble ener­gies in the form of elec­tri­ci­ty or hydro­gen, for exam­p­le. An increase in direct input while main­tai­ning fle­xi­bi­li­ty is only pos­si­ble through a novel mul­ti-stage hea­ting con­cept. To pre­dict the bil­let tem­pe­ra­tu­re, ther­mal models of the sub­plants will be com­bi­ned into a pro­cess chain model and trans­la­ted into a pro­cess con­trol sys­tem that will con­trol the enti­re plant. A life cycle assess­ment, which is also to be deve­lo­ped, will be inte­gra­ted into the pro­cess chain model and the pro­cess con­trol sys­tem so that the influence of, for exam­p­le, ener­gy source chan­ges, load shifts or direct use rates on the effi­ci­en­cy, the CO2 foot­print and the cos­ts can be con­ti­nuous­ly repre­sen­ted both during the design of a hea­ting sys­tem and during its ope­ra­ti­on. In this way, this pro­ject makes a con­tri­bu­ti­on to decar­bo­niza­ti­on in the steel pro­ces­sing sec­tor on the one hand, and also to the accep­tance of com­pu­ter-aided pro­cess ope­ra­ti­ons in indus­try on the other. The solu­ti­on deve­lo­ped should be sui­ta­ble not only for new fur­nace sys­tems but also, if pos­si­ble, for retro­fit instal­la­ti­ons, thus enab­ling mar­ket dif­fu­si­on in the short term.

Hot cast steel bil­lets on the way to reheating

The task are­as of the pro­ject part­ners lead to the divi­si­on of the joint rese­arch pro­ject into three subprojects:

  • Modi­fi­ca­ti­on of the indus­tri­al pro­cess con­trol sys­tem and inves­ti­ga­ti­on of the influen­ces on the ope­ra­ti­on as well as vali­da­ti­on tests (ESF)
  • Design, deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the pro­cess con­trol sys­tem for the mul­ti-stage hea­ting con­cept (GIWEP)
  • Deve­lo­p­ment of plant models and an online life cycle assess­ment for inte­gra­ti­on into a pro­cess chain model (IOB)

Within the scope of the pro­ject, ther­mal pro­cess models of poten­ti­al hea­ting plants will be built. The plant models of the ESF plants (recipro­ca­ting hearth fur­nace, induc­tor, etc.) are vali­da­ted by mea­su­re­ment cam­paigns. The indi­vi­du­al plant models will be cou­pled in a pro­cess chain model in order to be able to repre­sent mul­ti-stage hea­ting pro­ces­ses.
In par­al­lel, the cur­rent fur­nace con­trol sys­tem will be ana­ly­zed and a pro­cess con­trol sys­tem will be deve­lo­ped that can hand­le mul­ti-stage hea­ting pro­ces­ses. A life cycle assess­ment will also be deve­lo­ped and inte­gra­ted into the pro­cess con­trol sys­tem. The pro­cess chain model offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to test dif­fe­rent hea­ting sce­na­ri­os against each other in order to deve­lop the opti­mal con­cept for ESF.
Vali­da­ti­on tests of pro­cess chains, which can be repro­du­ced by indi­vi­du­al tests on the exis­ting plants, ser­ve to vali­da­te the pro­cess chain simu­la­ti­on as well as the pro­cess con­trol system.

ESF pro­vi­des the data basis and the know-how for bil­let hea­ting, which are neces­sa­ry for the deve­lo­p­ment of a fle­xi­ble hea­ting con­cept. In the fur­ther cour­se of the pro­ject, the vali­da­ti­on mea­su­re­ments for the plant models, the retro­fit­ting of the pro­cess con­trol sys­tem and the vali­da­ti­on tests for a design of the fle­xi­ble hea­ting con­cept will be car­ri­ed out at ESF’s Rie­sa plant.

GIWEP will take over the ana­ly­sis of the cur­rent fur­nace con­trol at ESF and will deve­lop a new pro­cess con­trol sys­tem based on it. The pro­cess con­trol sys­tem will map the mul­ti-stage hea­ting pro­cess on the basis of the pro­cess chain model and inte­gra­te the life cycle assess­ment. During the cour­se of the pro­ject, GIWEP will con­duct drag tests on the exis­ting plants to vali­da­te the models.

The IOB starts with the deve­lo­p­ment of plant models for hea­ting plants, which will be lin­ked to a pro­cess chain model in the cour­se of the pro­ject, so that hea­ting sce­na­ri­os can be eva­lua­ted. In par­al­lel, a life cycle assess­ment is being deve­lo­ped, which tog­e­ther with the pro­cess chain model will then be trans­fer­red to the GIWEP pro­cess con­trol sys­tem.
Vali­da­ti­on mea­su­re­ments are car­ri­ed out joint­ly by all part­ners at ESF. For this pur­po­se, the IOB will car­ry out exhaust gas mea­su­re­ments and tem­pe­ra­tu­re mea­su­re­ments of the fur­nace structure.

Project goals

 The over­all pro­ject objec­ti­ve is alre­a­dy given by the pro­ject title “Pro­cess deve­lo­p­ment for a hybrid hea­ting con­cept for high­ly fle­xi­ble and low-CO2 bil­let hea­ting in elec­tric steel mills”. The fol­lo­wing sub-goals are to be achieved:

  • Pro­cess models to descri­be the hea­ting cha­rac­te­ristics and the ener­gy con­ver­si­on of indi­vi­du­al systems
  • Digi­tal over­all model for opti­mal operation
  • Maxi­miza­ti­on of direct use to redu­ce pri­ma­ry ener­gy demand and CO2 emissions
  • Basic deve­lo­p­ment of a level 2 pro­cess con­trol sys­tem for a new type of hea­ting process 

Project participants


Felix Kai­ser, M.Sc.

+49 241 80–25943


Dr.-Ing. Moritz Eickhoff

+49 241 80–26065



This pro­ject is fun­ded by the Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mics and Cli­ma­te Action (BMWK) under the fun­ding code 03EN2112A.

Fun­ding is pro­vi­ded within the frame­work of the 8th Ener­gy Rese­arch Pro­gram­me of the Fede­ral Government.