The goal of the thesis, which was carried out in close cooperation with the Department of Energy and Process Engineering of NTNU Trondheim, was to further develop a dynamic material flow analysis (MFA) model for the global aluminium production by integrating new CO2-free production technologies. This way, the global production capacities of aluminium alloys and the application possibilities for new CO2-free plant technologies as well as their influence on CO2 reduction over time until 2050 could be analysed and discussed.
The focus of the work was to set up a comprehensive model of dynamic material flow analysis in combination with detailed research on CO2-free manufacturing processes and plant technology for aluminium production. The focus was on plants of the primary and secondary aluminium production route, in particular electrolysis, anode production and the smelting process. In the thesis, the global aluminium material flows were successfully modelled in a first step and their development was investigated in depth using demand-based scenarios. In a second step, the existing production capacities were then replaced by CO2-free plant technology and their influence on the production flows of the different aluminium alloys was analysed. The scenario analysis shows how greenhouse gas emissions are reduced despite an increasing demand for aluminium and the significant role played by the secondary production route, as well as recycling.
Moritz spent time in Trondheim as well as in Aachen to write his Master’s thesis. The final presentation took place in Aachen with a virtual broadcast to Trondheim, so that colleagues from NTNU could also attend. After the successful presentation, the completed thesis was appropriately celebrated together with all the staff of the institute who were present. Many thanks dear Moritz for your exciting work and Professor Daniel Beat Müller and Romain Guillaume Billy for the joint supervision and excellent cooperation!
Other open topics for student theses at the IOB can be viewed here. We are also happy to discuss other thesis topics in a joint meeting to find a student project topic that suits the individual interests.