News from the IOB

“Knorzel-Treffen” 2023 in Freiberg

On 15.11.2023, more than 20 doc­to­ral stu­dents came tog­e­ther in Frei­berg to take part in the “Knor­zel-Tref­fen”. The Insti­tu­te for Indus­tri­al Fur­nace Con­s­truc­tion and Heat Engi­nee­ring and the Chair of Gas and Ther­mal Engi­nee­ring at TU Berg­aka­de­mie Frei­berg (GWA) joi­n­ed forces back in 1993 to pro­mo­te the exch­an­ge of know­ledge and net­wor­king bet­ween young aca­de­mics in what was then still a new­ly united Ger­ma­ny. This tra­di­ti­on is still main­tai­ned today and has been expan­ded to include the know­ledge of the Chair of Ther­mo­dy­na­mics and Com­bus­ti­on at Otto von Gue­ri­cke Uni­ver­si­ty Mag­de­burg and OWI Sciene4Fuels.

The “Knor­zel­Tref­fen” is named after a sculp­tu­re for­ged in the Frei­bergs­dorf ham­mer at the first mee­ting, the so-cal­led “Knor­zel”, which rota­tes annu­al­ly bet­ween the insti­tu­tes as a chall­enge cup and is pas­sed on at each mee­ting. For the tenth anni­ver­sa­ry, the “Knor­zel” was sup­ple­men­ted by a so-cal­led las­ting impres­si­on, an old wed­ding tra­di­ti­on in Frei­berg. At this year’s mee­ting, the “Knor­zel” was pas­sed on from the OWI to the GWA.

After a long break sin­ce the last mee­ting in Aachen in 2019, this year’s “Knor­zel-Tref­fen” was the 26th “Knor­zel-Tref­fen” in total. The doc­to­ral stu­dents spent a day dis­cus­sing cur­rent topics in the field of ener­gy and high tem­pe­ra­tures and gai­ned insights into the rese­arch issues at the various insti­tu­tes. In addi­ti­on to the exch­an­ge of ide­as, they were also able to expand their own net­works. Domi­nik Büsch­ge­ns, Eileen Tram­pe, Moritz Die­wald and Nico Rade­ma­cher from the IOB took part in the mee­ting in Frei­berg. Eileen Tram­pe pre­sen­ted her cur­rent rese­arch pro­ject “Impinge­ment jet CFD” in a lec­tu­re entit­led: “Deve­lo­p­ment and expe­ri­men­tal vali­da­ti­on of nume­ri­cal heat trans­fer models for impinge­ment jets”. Moritz Die­wald gave an insight into the recent­ly laun­ched EU pro­ject “But­ter­fly — Uti­liza­ti­on of rene­wa­ble dime­thyl ether in the steel industry”.

The mee­ting was roun­ded off by a gui­ded tour of Frei­berg Cathe­dral with an organ con­cert and a con­vi­vi­al evening in the GWA’s tech­ni­cal cen­ter with piz­za from the spe­ci­al­ly built piz­za oven and sau­sa­ges from the “green” gas grill. The next day, the IOB tour group also visi­ted the “Rei­che Zeche” sil­ver mine at the TU Berg­aka­de­mie Frei­berg and got a gre­at insight into the world 150 meters underground.

We would like to thank the GWA for the orga­niza­ti­on and hos­pi­ta­li­ty and look for­ward to the next mee­ting in autumn 2024.