Transport Phenomena I

Cour­se during the win­ter semes­ter in Ger­man language.

The pre­sent dates for the lec­tu­re and exer­cise should be visi­ble in RWTHon­line, or rather the lear­ning plat­form RWTH­mood­le.


Basic Knowledge/Basics of heat trans­fer and mass trans­fer, Base equa­ti­on of heat con­duc­tion, Con­vec­tion and ther­mal radia­ti­on, The first fun­da­men­tal theo­rem of ther­mo­dy­na­mics, Systems
Sys­tem boun­da­ry, Fourier’s law, Fourier’s dif­fe­ren­ti­al equa­ti­on, One-dimen­sio­nal sta­tio­na­ry heat con­duc­tion, Rips, Unste­ady heat con­duc­tion, Nume­ri­cal methods for heat con­duc­tion, Basics of con­vec­ti­ve heat trans­fer, Theo­ry of simi­la­ri­ty, Buckingham’s theo­rem, Ther­mal radia­ti­on, Radia­ti­on exch­an­ge, Gas radiation


The script is available as a down­load in RWTH­mood­le for all stu­dents, who regis­tered for the cour­se. In addi­ti­on to this, it is acqui­ra­ble as a prin­ted ver­si­on at the secretary’s office of the department.


The exam com­pri­ses of three tasks, which have to be sol­ved within 1,5 hours.