Calculation and Design of Industrial Furnaces

Cour­se during the sum­mer semes­ter in Ger­man language.

The pre­sent dates for the lec­tu­re and exer­cise should be visi­ble in RWTHon­line, or rather the lear­ning plat­form RWTH­mood­le.


Prin­ci­ples of heat trans­fer, Con­ser­va­ti­on equa­tions (ground, impul­se, ener­gy), Tur­bu­lence model­ling, Boun­da­ry lay­ers (speed, tem­pe­ra­tu­re, con­cen­tra­ti­on), Open jets (bur­ner, coo­ling lines), Trans­port phe­no­me­na regar­ding bodies in flows (sphe­re, cylin­der, pla­te), Trans­port phe­no­me­na regar­ding bodies, whe­re a flu­id pas­ses through (for exam­p­le: pipes), Nume­ri­cal methods (CFD)


The script is available as a down­load in the RWTH­mood­le for all stu­dents, who regis­tered for the cour­se. In addi­ti­on to this, it is acqui­ra­ble as a prin­ted ver­si­on at the secretary’s office of the department.