Smelting Symposium

September 29 / 30, 2026 in Aachen

The Smel­ting Sym­po­si­um was first orga­ni­zed in 2023 as an online event under the name SAF/OSBF Sym­po­si­um by the Depart­ment for Indus­tri­al Fur­naces and Heat Engi­nee­ring (IOB) at RWTH Aachen Uni­ver­si­ty. After the ren­aming to Smel­ting Sym­po­si­um and ano­ther online event in 2024, the 3rd Smel­ting Sym­po­si­um will take place as a face-to-face event on Sep­tem­ber 29 and 30, 2026 in Aachen. You are wel­co­me to regis­ter for the mai­ling list below.

The sym­po­si­um will be used to pre­sent the cur­rent sta­tus of rese­arch & deve­lo­p­ment and plant tech­no­lo­gy for elec­tric smel­ting fur­naces (ESF, inclu­ding SAF and OSBF) and to dis­cuss the future tasks and chal­lenges of the indus­tries (fer­ro­al­loys, steel­ma­king, recy­cling, etc.). To this end, spe­cia­list lec­tures from sci­ence and indus­try will be pre­sen­ted and dis­cus­sions held.

Sub­mer­ged Arc Fur­nace by Vik­tor Mácha /

Previous Smelting Symposia

SAF/OSBF Sym­po­si­um 2023 — online — Decem­ber 15th, 2023

Smel­ting Sym­po­si­um 2024 — online — Octo­ber 11th, 2024

Registration for the mailing list

Plea­se enable Java­Script in your brow­ser to com­ple­te this form.

Scientific Committee

Moritz Eick­hoff (RWTH Aachen University)

Ville-Valt­te­ri Visu­ri (Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu)

Geoffrey Brooks (Swin­b­ur­ne Uni­ver­si­ty of Technology)


Dr.-Ing. Moritz Eickhoff

Group Mana­ger High Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Flows

+49 241 80–26065