Query of interest for participation in the SAF/OSBF symposium

In the con­text of decar­bo­niza­ti­on and the asso­cia­ted con­ver­si­on of the pri­ma­ry pro­duc­tion rou­te for steel, we are see­ing a strong increase in demand for mode­ling of Sub­mer­ged Arc Fur­naces (SAF) and Open Slag Bath Fur­naces (OSBF). The sub­ject area is arbi­tra­ri­ly com­plex and will keep many rese­ar­chers busy in the coming deca­des. While col­le­agues in the fer­ro-alloys fields have alre­a­dy estab­lished a good foun­da­ti­on, other rese­arch groups are just ente­ring the field.

Sub­mer­ged Arc Fur­nace by Vik­tor Mácha / viktormacha.com

The Depart­ment for Indus­tri­al Fur­naces and Heat Engi­nee­ring has alre­a­dy been able to build up some exper­ti­se, but sees a need for coope­ra­ti­on in many are­as and for this reason would like to initia­te a sci­en­ti­fic SAF sym­po­si­um to get to know each other and exch­an­ge expertise.

If the­re is inte­rest in a first online mee­ting plea­se fill in the fol­lo­wing points briefly:

Plea­se enable Java­Script in your brow­ser to com­ple­te this form.
Rese­arch Topics

Dr.-Ing. Moritz Eickhoff

Group Mana­ger High tem­pe­ra­tu­re flows

+49 241 80–26065
